(a) The state board shall initiate a regulatory process, consistent with Section 38562, to evaluate potential updates to the market-based compliance mechanism, and regulatory changes shall take effect no later than January 1, 2025. The evaluation shall focus on all of the following:(1) Whether the supply of emission allowances and carbon offsets are consistent with a linear trajectory toward the statewide greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal as established in the most recent scoping plan adopted pursuant to Section 38561.
(2) Methods to automatically adjust emission allowance supply to reflect allowance auction clearance price.
(3) The use of carbon offsets.
(4) Emissions levels of locally harmful nongreenhouse gas air pollution from facilities subject to the program and methods to address this air pollution.
(5) Rules for banking allowances to use for future compliance.
(6) The cost-effectiveness and incentive for innovation relative to other greenhouse gas emission abatement strategies.
(7) Recommendations made by the Independent Emissions Market Advisory Committee established pursuant to Section 38591.2, the environmental justice advisory committee appointed pursuant to Section 38591, and other recommendations as considered relevant by the state board.
(b) The state board shall, beginning January 1, 2028, and subsequently on a triennial basis aligned with compliance periods, and in consultation with the Independent Emissions Market Advisory Committee and the environmental justice advisory committee, conduct an evaluation of the market-based compliance mechanism. The evaluation shall focus on the items listed in paragraphs (1) to (7), inclusive, of subdivision (a). Following an evaluation, the state board may initiate a regulatory process to update the market-based compliance mechanism, consistent with Section 38562.
(c) Following an evaluation conducted pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b), both of the following shall occur:
(1) In appearing before the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 9147.10 of the Government Code, the chairperson of the state board shall
present the results of an evaluation conducted pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) and any revisions to the regulations implementing the market-based compliance mechanism the state board proposes to make pursuant to subdivision (d).
(2) The state board shall provide the evaluation and any proposed regulatory revisions described in paragraph (1) to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature.
(d) Following the appearance of the chairperson of the state board before the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies pursuant to subdivision (c), the state board may, consistent with Section 38562, revise the regulations implementing the market-based compliance mechanism so that a mechanism can more effectively meet the goals of this division and the objectives specified in the most recent scoping plan.