Existing law requires all contracts entered into by any state agency for, among other things, the acquisition of goods or for services to be approved by the Department of General Services. Existing law, except as specified, requires all contracts for the acquisition or lease of goods in an amount of $25,000, or a higher amount as established by the Director of General Services, to be made or entered into with the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications. Existing law, except as specified, also requires, whenever the department contracts for goods in excess of $25,000, or a higher amount as established by the director, the department to advertise in the California State Contracts Register the availability of its solicitation, and to furnish interested suppliers, on request, with copies of the solicitation, as specified. Existing law requires the department to adopt, publish, and
apply uniform standards of rating bidders, on the basis of questionnaires and required statements, with respect to contracts upon which each bidder is qualified to bid.
Existing law also requires all contracts entered into by any state agency for services to be rendered to the state to be approved by the department. Existing law, except as specified, also requires state agencies to secure at least 3 competitive bids for proposals for each contract, as specified. Existing law also authorizes contracts to be awarded under a procedure that makes use of a request for proposal that includes, among other things, the standards the agency will use in evaluating proposals, as specified.
This bill would require a state agency’s procedures for evaluating agency, in
soliciting bids submitted under the provisions described above to address a need arising from a state of emergency declared by the Governor Governor, to include provide a preference mechanism for bidders to self-identify as a bidder whose headquarters are in California, whose principal place of business is in
California, or whose headquarters are in the United States and who primarily manufacture their goods or provide their services in California.