A cottage food operation that is registered or has a permit issued pursuant to Section 114365 shall be considered a restricted food service facility for purposes of, and subject to, Sections 113953.3, 114259.5, 114285, and 114286. A cottage food operation that is registered or has a permit also shall be subject to Sections 113967, 113973, 113980, 114259.5, 114405, 114407, 114409, 114411, and 114413, and to all of the following requirements:(a) A person with a contagious illness shall refrain from work in the registered or permitted area of the cottage food operation.
(b) A person involved in the preparation or packaging of cottage food
products shall keep their hands and exposed portions of their arms clean and shall wash their hands before any food preparation or packaging activity in a cottage food operation.
(c) Water used during the preparation of cottage food products shall meet the potable drinking water standards described in Section 113869, or in accordance with the local regulatory authority. A cottage food operation shall not be required to have an indirect sewer connection. Water used during the preparation of cottage food products includes all of the following:
(1) The washing, sanitizing, and drying of any equipment used in the preparation of a cottage food product.
(2) The washing, sanitizing, and drying of hands and arms.
(3) Water used as an ingredient.
(d) A person who prepares or packages cottage food products shall complete a food processor course approved by the department and posted on the department’s internet website to protect the public health within three months of becoming registered and every three years during operation. The course shall not exceed four hours in length. The department shall work with the local enforcement agency to ensure that cottage food operators are properly notified of the location, date, and time of the classes offered.
(e) A cottage food operation shall properly label all cottage food products in compliance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 343 et seq.).
Additionally, to the extent permitted by federal law, the label shall include, but is not limited to, all of the following:
(1) The words “Made in a Home Kitchen” or “Repackaged in a Home Kitchen,” as applicable, with a description of any purchased whole ready-to-eat product not used as an ingredient in 12-point type on the cottage food product’s primary display panel.
(2) The name commonly used for the food product or an adequately descriptive name.
(3) The name of the cottage food operation which produced the cottage food product.
(4) The registration or permit number of the “Class A” or “Class B” cottage food operation, respectively, which produced the cottage food
product and the name of the county of the local enforcement agency that issued the permit or registration number.
(5) The ingredients of the cottage food product, in descending order of predominance by weight, if the product contains two or more ingredients.
(f) A cottage food operation that advertises to the public, including through an internet website, social media platform, newspaper, newsletter, or other public announcement, shall indicate the following on the advertisement:
(1) The county of approval.
(2) The permit or registration number.
(3) A statement that the food prepared is “Made in a Home Kitchen”
or “Repackaged in a Home Kitchen,” as applicable.