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SB-614 Teacher credentialing: reading instruction.(2019-2020)

Current Version: 08/10/20 - Amended Assembly

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Amended  IN  Assembly  August 10, 2020
Amended  IN  Assembly  July 27, 2020
Amended  IN  Assembly  July 01, 2019
Amended  IN  Assembly  June 18, 2019
Amended  IN  Senate  May 17, 2019
Amended  IN  Senate  April 11, 2019
Amended  IN  Senate  April 01, 2019


Senate Bill
No. 614

Introduced by Senator Rubio
(Coauthors: Assembly Members Gipson, Quirk-Silva, and Blanca Rubio)

February 22, 2019

An act to amend Sections 44252.6, 44259, 44283, and 44468 of, and to amend and repeal Section 44283 of, to add Section 44320.3 to, to repeal Sections Section 44268.5 and 44283.2 of, and to repeal and add Section 44283.2 to, the Education Code, relating to teacher credentialing.


SB 614, as amended, Rubio. Teacher credentialing: reading instruction.
Existing law requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to, among other duties, establish standards for the issuance and renewal of credentials, certificates, and permits. Existing law requires the commission to develop, adopt, and administer a reading instruction competence assessment consisting of one or more instruments to measure an individual’s knowledge, skill, and ability relative to effective reading instruction, as provided. Existing law requires the requirements for the issuance of the preliminary multiple subject teaching credential to include successful passage of one of specified components of the reading instruction competence assessment.

This bill would repeal those requirements, and other requirements relating to the reading instruction competence assessment, and would provide that the reading instruction competence assessment is not required for the issuance of a teaching credential, as specified.

This bill would require the commission, by July 1, 2022, to ensure that all approved preparation programs instruct and reliably assess candidates to ensure individual competence to deliver and facilitate comprehensive and research-based reading instruction and to adopt, modify, and administer reading instruction assessments aligned with the state’s current adopted curriculum frameworks for specified teacher candidates. The bill, commencing July 1, 2022, for preliminary multiple subject and specialist teaching credentials, and July 1, 2023, for preliminary single subject teaching credentials, would require the requirements for the issuance of those teaching credentials to include either the approved preparation program requirements or the specified reading instruction assessments.

This bill would revise certain provisions relating to internship programs where interns can choose an early program completion option, as provided.

This bill would additionally authorize the passage of a combination of those specified components, as approved by the commission, or the completion of specified coursework that meets the commission’s standards, to meet that requirement, and would extend these requirements to the issuance of a preliminary education specialist credential. The bill would make the requirements relating to the reading instruction competence assessment, as revised by this bill, inoperative on July 1, 2024.
The bill would authorize a holder of a preliminary multiple subject credential or a preliminary education specialist credential who was unable to take the reading instruction competence assessment due to the closure of assessment centers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and who must complete this requirement in order to earn a professional clear credential, if the reading instruction competence assessment is no longer being administered because of the inoperation of the requirements relating to that assessment on July 1, 2024, to complete this requirement through successful completion of coursework in reading instruction that meets the commission’s standards.
Existing law requires, as a minimum requirement for a preliminary multiple or single subject teaching credential, the satisfactory completion of a program of professional preparation that includes a teaching performance assessment that meets specified requirements and has been approved by the commission.
Existing law requires an internship program to provide interns who meet entrance criteria and are accepted to a multiple subject teaching credential program, a single subject teaching credential program, or a level 1 education specialist credential program that provides instruction to individuals with mild to moderate disabilities, the opportunity to choose an early program completion option, culminating in a 5-year preliminary teaching credential. Existing law requires that this early program completion option be made available to interns who meet specified requirements, including, among others, that the intern pass the teaching performance assessment.
This bill would require the commission, by July 1, 2024, to ensure that an approved teaching performance assessment assess candidates for preliminary multiple subject and preliminary education specialist credentials for competence in instruction in literacy, including, but not limited to, foundational reading skills, as provided. The bill would make other revisions relating to those internship programs, as provided.
Existing law includes as a minimum requirement for the preliminary multiple or single subject teaching credential the study of alternative methods of developing English language skills, including the study of reading, among all pupils, including those for whom English is a second language, in accordance with the commission’s standards of program quality and effectiveness. Existing law provides that the study of reading includes the satisfactory completion of comprehensive reading instruction that is research based and that includes certain components.

This bill would revise those provisions to require that the study of alternative methods of developing English language skills to also be in accordance with current expectations and requirements for credential candidates. The bill would repeal the provisions requiring the study of reading to include certain components.

This bill would instead require as a minimum requirement for the preliminary multiple or single subject teaching credential the study of effective means of teaching literacy, as provided, and fluency to all pupils, including English learners and pupils with exceptional needs, in accordance with the commission’s standards of program quality and effectiveness, current teaching performance expectations, and the current English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework adopted by the State Board of Education.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) All teachers, including teachers with multiple subject, single subject, subject and education specialist teaching credentials, should be prepared to teach foundational reading.

(b)Standardized tests in foundational reading have not been found to improve the teaching of reading or pupils’ reading performance over the past 25 years.


(b) Performance-based assessments promote equity and are a more accurate demonstration of a teacher candidate’s ability to teach reading than standardized tests.


(c) The State Department of Education has adopted an English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework that includes foundational reading.


(d) The Commission on Teacher Credentialing has recently updated the teaching performance expectations for literacy and reading to align with the ELA/ELD Framework, specifically citing foundational reading, and to include guidelines for the identification of, and strategies to meet the needs of, pupils with dyslexia.


(e) The Commission on Teacher Credentialing has developed a robust, data-driven accreditation system that monitors teacher preparation providers and requires teacher credential candidates to perform a minimum of 600 hours of clinical practice and student teaching.


(f) The vast majority, at least 80 percent, of school districts are impacted by the teacher shortage, especially in math, science, bilingual education, and special education.

(h)Passage rates indicate that standardized tests required for licensure exclude otherwise qualified candidates from the teaching profession, with a disproportionate impact on male candidates and candidates of color.

(g) Assessments of candidates for the purpose of state licensure must meet accepted standards of validity and reliability to ensure that candidates are assessed in an unbiased and consistent manner.


(h) The issuance of substandard permits and intern credentials has skyrocketed in recent years because of the teacher shortage, and these underprepared teachers are disproportionately serving pupils of color, low-income pupils, and English learners.


(i) Recent research makes clear that fully credentialed teachers of color improve the school climate and pupil achievement, particularly for pupils of color.


(j) Current and recent administrations have invested or proposed to invest over $1 billion to address the teacher shortage and support the entrance of qualified, diverse teacher candidates into the teaching profession.

SEC. 2.

 Section 44252.6 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) The commission, no later than July 1, 2007, shall ensure that the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET): Multiple Subjects be modified to add an assessment of basic writing skills at least as comprehensively and to the level of rigor that basic writing skills are assessed by the state basic skills proficiency test.
(b) Any individual who passes the CSET: Multiple Subjects, after it has been adjusted pursuant to subdivision (a), with the necessary score determined by the commission, shall be considered proficient in the skills of reading, writing, and mathematics, and shall not be required to pass the state basic skills proficiency requirements of Sections 44227, 44252, and 44830.
(c) The commission shall ensure that the consolidation and modification of assessments pursuant to this section does not result in an increase in the total fees paid by teacher credential candidates.

SEC. 3.

 Section 44259 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) Except as provided in clauses (i) and (iii) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b), a program of professional preparation for multiple or single subject teaching credentials shall not include more than two years of full-time study of professional preparation.
(b) The minimum requirements for the preliminary multiple or single subject teaching credential are all of the following:
(1) A baccalaureate degree or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of postsecondary higher education. Except as provided in subdivision (c) of Section 44227, for single subject teaching credentials, the baccalaureate degree shall not be in professional education. The commission shall encourage regionally accredited institutions of higher education to offer undergraduate minors in education and special education to students who intend to become single subject credentialed teachers.
(2) Passage of the state basic skills proficiency test that is developed and administered by the commission pursuant to Section 44252.5.
(3) (A) Satisfactory completion of a program of professional preparation that has been accredited by the Committee on Accreditation on the basis of standards of program quality and effectiveness that have been adopted by the commission. In accordance with the commission’s assessment and performance standards, a program shall include a teaching performance assessment as set forth in Section 44320.2 that is aligned with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. The commission shall ensure that a candidate recommended for a credential or certificate has demonstrated satisfactory ability to assist pupils to meet or exceed academic content and performance standards for pupils adopted by the state board. Programs that meet this requirement for professional preparation shall include any of the following:
(i) Integrated programs of subject matter preparation and professional preparation pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 44259.1.
(ii) Postbaccalaureate programs of professional preparation, pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 44259.1.
(iii) Internship programs of professional preparation, pursuant to Section 44321, Article 7.5 (commencing with Section 44325), Article 11 (commencing with Section 44380), and Article 3 (commencing with Section 44450) of Chapter 3.
(iv) Degree programs offered pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 78060) of Chapter 1 of Part 48 of Division 7 of Title 3.
(B) A program of professional preparation pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall provide experience that addresses all of the following:
(i) Health education, including study of nutrition, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the physiological and sociological effects of the abuse of alcohol, narcotics, and drugs and the use of tobacco. Training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation shall also meet the standards established by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.
(ii) Field experience in methods of delivering appropriate educational services to pupils with exceptional needs in regular education programs.
(iii) Advanced computer-based technology, including the uses of technology in educational settings.
(4) Study of alternative methods of developing English language skills, including the study of reading, among all pupils, including pupils for whom English is a second language, effective means of teaching literacy, including, but not limited to, evidence-based means of teaching foundational reading skills in print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, and word recognition, and teaching fluency to all pupils, including English learners and pupils with exceptional needs, in accordance with the commission’s standards of program quality and effectiveness, and effectiveness, current expectations and requirements for credential candidates. teaching performance expectations, and the current English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework adopted by the state board.
(5) Completion of a subject matter program that has been approved by the commission on the basis of standards of program quality and effectiveness pursuant to Article 6 (commencing with Section 44310) or passage of a subject matter examination pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 44280), or a combination of the two as approved by the commission. The commission shall ensure that subject matter standards and examinations are aligned with the academic content and performance standards for pupils adopted by the state board.
(6) Demonstration of a knowledge of the principles and provisions of the Constitution of the United States pursuant to Section 44335.
(7) Demonstration in accordance with the commission’s standards of program quality and effectiveness, of basic competency in the use of computers in the classroom as determined by one of the following:
(A) Successful completion of a commission-approved program or course.
(B) Successful passage of an assessment that is developed, approved, and administered by the commission.
(c) The minimum requirements for the clear multiple or single subject teaching credential shall include all of the following requirements:
(1) Possession of a valid preliminary teaching credential, as prescribed in subdivision (b), possession of a valid equivalent credential or certificate, or completion of equivalent requirements as determined by the commission.
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), completion of a program of beginning teacher induction, including one of the following:
(A) A program of beginning teacher support and assessment approved by the commission and the Superintendent pursuant to Section 44279.1.
(B) An alternative program of beginning teacher induction that is provided by one or more local educational agencies and has been approved by the commission and the Superintendent on the basis of initial review and periodic evaluations of the program in relation to appropriate standards of credential program quality and effectiveness that have been adopted by the commission, the Superintendent, and the state board pursuant to this subdivision. The standards for alternative programs shall encourage innovation and experimentation in the continuous preparation and induction of beginning teachers. An alternative program of beginning teacher induction that has met state standards pursuant to this subdivision may apply for state funding pursuant to Sections 44279.1 and 44279.2.
(C) An alternative program of beginning teacher induction that is sponsored by a regionally accredited college or university, in cooperation with one or more local school districts, that addresses the individual professional needs of beginning teachers and meets the commission’s standards of induction. The commission shall ensure that preparation and induction programs that qualify candidates for professional credentials extend and refine a beginning teacher’s professional skills in relation to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and the academic content and performance standards for pupils adopted by the state board.
(3) (A) If a candidate satisfies the requirements of subdivision (b) through completion of an accredited internship program of professional preparation, and if that internship program fulfills induction standards and is approved as set forth in this subdivision, the commission shall determine that the candidate has fulfilled the requirements of paragraph (2).
(B) If an approved induction program is verified as unavailable to a beginning teacher, the commission shall accept completion of an approved clear credential program after completion of a baccalaureate degree at a regionally accredited institution as fulfilling the requirements of paragraph (2). The commission shall adopt regulations to implement this subparagraph.
(d) The commission shall develop and implement standards of program quality and effectiveness that provide for the areas of application listed in clauses (i) to (iii), inclusive, of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b), starting in professional preparation and continuing through induction.
(e) A credential that was issued before January 1, 1993, shall remain in force as long as it is valid under the laws and regulations that were in effect on the date it was issued. The commission shall not, by regulation, invalidate an otherwise valid credential, unless it issues to the holder of the credential, in substitution, a new credential authorized by another provision in this chapter that is no more restrictive than the credential for which it was substituted with respect to the kind of service authorized and the grades, classes, or types of schools in which it authorizes service.
(f) A credential program that is approved by the commission shall not deny an individual access to that program solely on the grounds that the individual obtained a teaching credential through completion of an internship program when that internship program has been accredited by the commission.
(g) Notwithstanding this section, persons who were performing teaching services as of January 1, 1999, pursuant to the language of this section that was in effect before that date, may continue to perform those services without complying with any requirements that may be added by the amendments adding this subdivision.
(h) Paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) does not apply to any person who, as of January 1, 1997, holds a multiple or single subject teaching credential, or to any person enrolled in a program of professional preparation for a multiple or single subject teaching credential as of January 1, 1997, who subsequently completes that program. It is the intent of the Legislature that the requirements of paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) apply only to persons who enter a program of professional preparation on or after January 1, 1997.

SEC. 4.

 Section 44268.5 of the Education Code is repealed.
SEC. 5.Section 44283 of the Education Code is amended to read:

(a)The Legislature hereby recognizes that teacher competence in reading instruction and literacy is essential to the progress and achievement of pupils learning to read in elementary and secondary schools. It is the intent of the Legislature that the commission ensure that all applicants for multiple subject, single subject, and specialist instruction teaching credentials are prepared to teach reading and literacy within the scope of their certification.

(b)By July 1, 2022, the commission shall do both of the following:

(1)(A)Ensure, through the accreditation process, that all approved preparation programs instruct and reliably assess candidates, using a program-embedded performance-based measure, to ensure individual competence to deliver and facilitate comprehensive and research-based reading instruction.

(B)The commission shall develop assessment standards, templates, and general guidance for performance-based assessment tools, instruments, and processes that shall be made available to preparation program sponsors to assess candidates as described in subparagraph (A).

(2)Adopt, modify, as necessary, and administer reading instruction assessments aligned with the state’s current adopted curriculum frameworks for teacher candidates who have not been instructed and assessed to ensure their competence to deliver and facilitate comprehensive and research-based reading instruction, as described in paragraph (1).

(c)(1)Beginning July 1, 2022, the requirements for the issuance of the preliminary multiple subject or education specialist teaching credential shall include either paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (b).

(2)Beginning July 1, 2023, the requirements for the issuance of the preliminary single subject teaching credential shall include either paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (b).

(d)This section shall not apply to an applicant for an Early Childhood Special Education Certificate or Early Childhood Special Education Credential, which authorizes the holder to provide educational services to children from birth to kindergarten, inclusive, who are eligible for early intervention special education and related services.

(e)Notwithstanding any other law, the passage of the reading instruction competence assessment developed by the commission pursuant to this section, as it read on January 1, 2020, shall not be required for the issuance of a teaching credential.

SEC. 5.

 Section 44283 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) The Legislature hereby recognizes that teacher competence in reading instruction is essential to the progress and achievement of pupils learning to read in elementary and secondary schools. It is the intent of the Legislature that the commission develop a reading instruction competence assessment to measure the knowledge, skill, and ability of first-time credential applicants who are not credentialed in any state who will be responsible for reading instruction.
(b) The commission shall develop, adopt, and administer a reading instruction competence assessment consisting of one or more instruments to measure an individual’s knowledge, skill, and ability relative to effective reading instruction. The reading instruction competence assessment shall measure the knowledge, skill, and ability of first-time credential applicants who are not credentialed in any state that the commission determines to be essential to reading instruction and shall be consistent with the state’s reading curriculum framework adopted after July 1, 1996, and the Reading Program Advisory published by the State Department of Education department in 1996. The commission shall perform the following duties with respect to the reading instruction competence assessment:
(1) Develop, adopt, and administer the assessment.
(2) Initially and periodically analyze the validity and reliability of the content of the assessment.
(3) Establish and implement appropriate passing scores on the assessment.
(4) Analyze possible sources of bias on the assessment.
(5) Collect and analyze background information provided by first-time credential applicants who are not credentialed in any state who participate in the assessment.
(6) Report and interpret individual and aggregated assessment results.
(7) Convene a task force to advise the commission on the design, content, and administration of the assessment. Not less than one-third of the members of the task force shall be classroom teachers with recent experience in teaching reading in the early elementary grades.
(8) Prior to Before requiring successful passage of the assessment for the preliminary multiple subject teaching credential, certify that all of the teacher education programs approved by the commission pursuant to Section 44227 offer instruction in the knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the assessment.
(c) Commencing on the earliest feasible date, as determined by the commission, Until July 1, 2024, the requirements for issuance of the preliminary multiple subject teaching credential, as set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 44259, or a preliminary education specialist credential shall include successful passage of one of the following components of the reading instruction competence assessment:
(1) A comprehensive examination of the knowledge and skill pertaining to effective reading instruction of the credential applicant.
(2) An authentic assessment of teaching skills and classroom abilities of the credential applicant pertaining to the provision of effective reading instruction.
(3) A combination of paragraphs (1) and (2), as approved by the commission.
(4) Completion of coursework under the conditions specified in subdivision (d).
(d) A candidate for a preliminary multiple subject teaching credential or a preliminary education specialist credential who, before or after January 1, 2021, takes and fails to pass the reading instruction competence assessment may meet the requirements of subdivision (c) by successfully completing coursework that addresses the content of the subtest of the assessment that the candidate did not successfully complete and that meets the commission’s standards.


(e) The reading instruction competence assessment is subject to the provisions of Sections 44235.1 and 44298.
(f) This section shall become inoperative on July 1, 2024, and, as of January 1, 2025, is repealed.

SEC. 6.

 Section 44283.2 of the Education Code is repealed.

SEC. 7.

 Section 44283.2 is added to the Education Code, to read:

 A holder of a preliminary multiple subject credential or a preliminary education specialist credential who was unable to take the reading instruction competence assessment pursuant to Section 44283 as it read on January 1, 2020, due to the closure of assessment centers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and who must complete this requirement in order to earn a professional clear credential, may, if the reading instruction competence assessment is no longer being administered because Section 44283 is inoperative or has been repealed, complete this requirement through successful completion of coursework in reading instruction that meets the commission’s standards.

SEC. 8.

 Section 44320.3 is added to the Education Code, to read:

 By July 1, 2024, the commission shall ensure that an approved teaching performance assessment for a preliminary multiple subject credential, as described in Section 44320.2, and for a preliminary education specialist credential, assess candidates for competence in instruction in literacy, including, but not limited to, foundational reading skills, as described in paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) of Section 44259, in a manner aligned to the commission’s current teaching performance expectations and to the current English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework adopted by the state board.

SEC. 7.SEC. 9.

 Section 44468 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) An internship program, established pursuant to Article 7.5 (commencing with Section 44325) of Chapter 2 or this article, that is accredited by the commission shall provide interns who meet entrance criteria and are accepted to a multiple subject teaching credential program, a single subject teaching credential program, or an education specialist credential program that provides instruction to individuals with mild to moderate disabilities, the opportunity to choose an early program completion option, culminating in a five-year preliminary teaching credential. The early program completion option shall be made available to interns who meet the following requirements:
(1) Pass a written assessment that assesses knowledge of teaching foundations, is adopted for this purpose by the commission, and includes all of the following:
(A) Human development as it relates to teaching and learning aligned with the state content and performance standards for pupils adopted by the state board.
(B) Techniques to address learning differences including working with pupils with special needs.
(C) Techniques to address working with English learners to provide access to the curriculum.
(D) Reading instruction.
(E) The assessment of pupil progress based upon the state content and performance standards for pupils adopted by the state board and planning intervention based on the assessment.
(F) Classroom management techniques.
(G) Methods of teaching the subject fields.
(2) (A) Pass the teaching performance assessment as set forth in Section 44320.2.
(B) An intern participating in the early completion option may take the teaching performance assessment only one time as part of the early completion option. An intern who takes the teaching performance assessment but is not successful may complete the internship program. Scores on this assessment shall be used by the internship program in providing the individualized professional development plan for interns that emphasizes preparation in areas where additional growth is warranted and waiving preparation in areas where the candidate has demonstrated competence. The intern shall retake and pass the teaching performance assessment at the end of the internship in order to be considered for recommendation by the internship program to the commission.
(3) Until July 1, 2024, successfully pass a reading instruction competence assessment required by Section 44283, if required for the intern’s credential.


(4) Meet the requirements for teacher fitness as set forth in Sections 44339, 44340, and 44341.
(b) An intern who elects to use the early completion option must first pass the assessment required pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) in order to qualify to take the teaching performance assessment required pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a).
(c) An intern who passes the assessments described in subdivision (a) and is recommended by the internship program to the commission is eligible for a five-year preliminary multiple subject teaching credential, single subject teaching credential, or education specialist credential that authorizes instruction to individuals with mild to moderate disabilities.
(d) The commission shall issue a clear multiple or single subject teaching credential to an applicant whose employing school district documents, in a manner prescribed by the commission, that the applicant has fulfilled both of the following requirements:
(1) Holds a preliminary five-year teaching credential issued by the commission.
(2) Completes a commission-approved teacher induction program.