Existing law establishes within state government a Military Department headed by an Adjutant General. Existing law includes within the Military Department the office of the Adjutant General, the California National Guard, the State Military Reserve, the California Cadet Corps, and the Naval Militia. Existing law prescribes the circumstances under which the commission of an officer under these provisions is vacated, including, but not limited to, when he or she has a permanent change of residence to a place outside of this state.
This bill would delete that circumstance, thereby authorizing the continuation of the commission of an officer when he or she has a permanent change of residence outside of this state. The bill would permit an officer residing outside of the state to transfer to the National Guard of
any other state or territory or to a federal military reserve component, as specified. The bill would prohibit the state from granting a transfer if certain provisions apply, including, but not limited to, when the officer is under investigation or mobilized for deployment.