Industrial Hemp Growth Limitations; Prohibitions; Imports; Laboratory Testing.(a) (1) Except when grown by an established agricultural research institution or a seed breeder, industrial hemp shall be grown in acreages of not less than one-tenth of an acre at the same time.
(2) Seed breeders, for purposes of seed production, shall only grow industrial hemp in acreages of not less than one-tenth of an acre at the same time.
(3) Seed breeders, for purposes of developing a new California seed cultivar, shall grow industrial hemp in dedicated acreage of not less than one-tenth of an acre and in accordance with the seed development plan. The
entire area of the dedicated acreage is not required to be used for the cultivation of the particular seed cultivar.
(b) Clandestine cultivation of industrial hemp is prohibited. All plots shall have adequate signage indicating they are industrial hemp.
(c) Industrial hemp shall include products imported under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2013) of the United States International Trade Commission, including, but not limited to, hemp seed, per subheading 1207.99.03, hemp oil, per subheading 1515.90.80, oilcake, per subheading 2306.90.01, true hemp, per heading 5302, true hemp yarn, per subheading 5308.20.00, and woven fabrics of true hemp fibers, per subheading 5311.00.40.
(d) (1) Except when industrial hemp is grown by an established agricultural research institution, a
registrant that grows industrial hemp under this section shall, before the harvest of each crop and as provided below, obtain a laboratory test report indicating the THC levels of a random sampling of the dried flowering tops of the industrial hemp grown.
(2) Sampling shall occur no more than 30 days before harvest.
(3) The sample collected for THC testing shall be taken with the grower or seed breeder present. The department shall establish, by regulation, the sampling procedures, including all of the following:
(A) The number of plants to be sampled per field, and any composting of samples.
(B) The portions of the plant to be sampled.
(C) The plant parts to be included in a sample.
(D) Additional procedures as necessary to ensure accuracy and the sanitation of samples and fields.
(4) The sample collected for THC testing shall be accompanied by the following documentation:
(A) The registrant’s proof of registration.
(B) Seed certification documentation for the seed cultivar used.
(C) The THC testing report for each certified seed cultivar used.
(5) The laboratory test report shall be issued by a laboratory approved by the department, using a department-approved testing method, and indicate the percentage content of THC on a dry-weight basis, indicate the date and location of samples taken, and state the
Global Positioning System coordinates and total acreage of the crop. If the laboratory test report indicates a percentage content of THC that is equal to or less than three-tenths of 1 percent, the words “PASSED AS CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIAL HEMP” shall appear at or near the top of the laboratory test report. If the laboratory test report indicates a percentage content of THC that is greater than three-tenths of 1 percent, the words “FAILED AS CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIAL HEMP” shall appear at or near the top of the laboratory test report.
(6) If the laboratory test report indicates a percentage content of THC that is equal to or less than three-tenths of 1 percent, the laboratory shall provide the person who requested the testing not less than 10 original copies signed by an employee authorized by the laboratory and shall retain one or more original copies of the laboratory test report for a minimum of two years from its date of sampling.
(7) If the laboratory test report indicates a percentage content of THC that is greater than three-tenths of 1 percent and does not exceed 1 percent, the registrant that grows industrial hemp shall submit additional samples for testing of the industrial hemp grown.
(8) A registrant that grows industrial hemp shall destroy the industrial hemp grown upon receipt of a first laboratory test report indicating a percentage content of THC that exceeds 1 percent or a second laboratory test report pursuant to paragraph (7) indicating a percentage content of THC that exceeds three-tenths of 1 percent but is less than 1 percent. If the percentage content of THC exceeds 1 percent, the destruction shall begin within 48 hours, and be completed within 7 days, after receipt of the laboratory test report. If the percentage content of THC in the second laboratory test report exceeds three-tenths of 1
percent but is less than 1 percent, the destruction shall take place as soon as practicable, but no later than 45 days after receipt of the second test report.
(9) A registrant that intends to grow industrial hemp and who complies with this section shall not be prosecuted for the cultivation or possession of marijuana as a result of a laboratory test report that indicates a percentage content of THC that is greater than three-tenths of 1 percent but does not exceed 1 percent.
(10) Established agricultural research institutions shall be permitted to cultivate or possess industrial hemp with a laboratory test report that indicates a percentage content of THC that is greater than three-tenths of 1 percent if that cultivation or possession contributes to the development of types of industrial hemp that will comply with the three-tenths of 1 percent THC limit established in this
(11) Except for an established agricultural research institution, a registrant that grows industrial hemp shall retain an original signed copy of the laboratory test report for two years from its date of sampling, make an original signed copy of the laboratory test report available to the department, the commissioner, or law enforcement officials or their designees upon request, and shall provide an original copy of the laboratory test report to each person purchasing, transporting, or otherwise obtaining from the registrant that grows industrial hemp the fiber, oil, cake, or seed, or any component of the seed, of the plant.
(e) If, in the Attorney General’s opinion issued pursuant to Section 8 of the act that added this division, it is determined that the provisions of this section are not sufficient to comply with federal law, the department, in consultation with the
board, shall establish procedures for this section that meet the requirements of federal law.