The Public Utility District Act authorizes the formation of public utility districts and authorizes a district to acquire, construct, own, operate, or control works for supplying its inhabitants with light, water, power, heat, transportation, telephone service, or other means of communication, or means for the disposition of garbage, sewage, or refuse matter. The act provides for the manner of electing members of the board of directors of a district and generally specifies that, where a district formed and operated pursuant to the act is situated entirely in one county, the directors of the district are elected at large. The act permits directors of any district that is wholly or partially within the County of Placer to be elected at large, by wards, or from wards, as defined.
This bill would permit directors of any district that is wholly or
partially within the County of San Diego to be elected at large or by subdistricts, as defined. The bill would make legislative findings and declarations regarding the need for special legislation with regard to the County of San Diego.
This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as an urgency statute.