0840-001-0001—For support of the Controller
54,566,000 |
(1) |
100000-Personal Services
123,684,000 |
(2) |
300000-Operating Expenses and Equipment
67,316,000 |
(3) |
−63,880,000 |
(3.5) |
Amount payable from various special and
nongovernmental cost funds (Section 25.25)
−1,637,000 |
(4) |
Amount payable from the Motor Vehicle Fuel Account, Transportation Tax Fund (Item 0840-001-0061)
−4,320,000 |
(5) |
Amount payable from the Highway Users Tax Account, Transportation Tax Fund (Item 0840-001-0062)
−1,232,000 |
(6) |
Amount payable from the Local Revenue Fund (Item 0840-001-0330)
−625,000 |
(7) |
Amount payable from the Federal Trust Fund (Item 0840-001-0890)
−1,127,000 |
(8) |
Amount payable from the State Penalty Fund (Item 0840-001-0903)
−1,385,000 |
(9) |
Amount payable from the Unclaimed Property Fund (Item 0840-001-0970)
−35,380,000 |
(10) |
Amount payable from various other unallocated
nongovernmental cost funds (Retail Sales Tax Fund) (Item 0840-001-0988)
−252,000 |
(11) |
Amount payable from the 2002 State School Facilities Fund (Item 0840-001-6036)
−11,000 |
(12) |
Amount payable from the 2004 State School Facilities Fund (Item 0840-001-6044)
−284,000 |
(13) |
Amount payable from the 2006 State School Facilities Fund (Item 0840-001-6057)
−723,000 |
(14) |
Amount payable from the Central Service Cost Recovery Fund (Item 0840-001-9740)
−23,845,000 |
(15) |
Amount payable from other unallocated special funds (Item 0840-011-0494)
−98,000 |
(16) |
Amount payable from unallocated bond funds (Item 0840-011-0797)
−656,000 |
(17) |
Amount payable from various other unallocated
nongovernmental cost funds (Item 0840-011-0988)
−94,000 |
(18) |
Amount payable from the Public Transportation Account, State Transportation Fund (Section 25.50)
−19,000 |
(19) |
Amount payable from the Highway Users Tax Account, Transportation Tax Fund (Section 25.50)
−305,000 |
(20) |
Amount payable from the Motor Vehicle License Fee Account, Transportation Tax Fund (Section 25.50)
−17,000 |
(21) |
Amount payable from the DMV Local Agency Collection Fund (Section 25.50)
−2,000 |
(22) |
Amount payable from the Trial Court Trust Fund (Section 25.50)
−174,000 |
(23) |
Amount payable from the Public Safety Account, Local Public Safety Fund (Section 25.50)
−268,000 |
(24) |
Amount payable from the
Local Revenue Fund (Section 25.50)
−100,000 |
1. |
The funding provided in Item 0840-001-0970 shall be in lieu of the appropriation in Section 1564 of the Code of Civil Procedure
for all costs, expenses, or obligations connected with the administration of the Unclaimed Property Law, with the exception
of payment of owners’ or holders’ claims pursuant to Section 1540, 1542, 1560, or 1561 of the Code of Civil Procedure, or
of payment of the costs of compensating contractors for locating and recovering unclaimed property due the state.
2. |
The Controller may, with the concurrence of the Director of Finance and the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee,
bill affected state departments for activities required by Section 20050 of the State Administrative Manual, relating to the
administration of federal pass-through funds.
No billing may be sent to affected departments sooner than 30 days after the chairperson of the joint committee has been notified
by the director that he or she concurs with the amounts specified in the billings.
3. |
(a) |
Notwithstanding subdivision (b) of Section 1531 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the Controller may publish notice in any manner
that the Controller determines reasonable, provided that (1) none of the moneys used for this purpose is redirected from funding
for the Controller’s audit activities, (2) no photograph is used in the publication of notice, and (3) no elected official’s
name is used in the publication of notice.
(b) |
No funds appropriated in this act may be expended by the Controller to provide general information to the public, other than
holders (as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 1501 of the Code of Civil Procedure) of unclaimed property, concerning the
unclaimed property program or possible existence of
unclaimed property held by the Controller’s office, except for informational announcements to the news media, through
the exchange of information on electronic bulletin boards, or no more than $50,000 per year to inform the public about this
program in activities already organized by the Controller for other purposes. This restriction does not apply to sending individual
notices to property owners (as required by the Code of Civil Procedure).
4. |
Of the moneys appropriated to the Controller in this act, the Controller shall not expend more than $500,000 to conduct posteligibility
fraud audits of the Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment Program.
5. |
The Commission on State Mandates shall provide, in applicable parameters and guidelines, as follows:
(a) |
If a local agency or school district contracts with an independent contractor for the preparation and submission of reimbursement
claims, the costs reimbursable by the state for that purpose shall not exceed the lesser of (1) 10 percent of the amount of
the claims prepared and submitted by the independent contractor or (2) the actual costs that would necessarily have been incurred
for that purpose if performed by employees of the local agency or school district.
(b) |
maximum amount of reimbursement provided in subdivision (a) may be exceeded only if the local agency or school district
establishes, by appropriate documentation, that the preparation and submission of these claims could not have been accomplished
without incurring the additional costs claimed by the local agency or school district.
6. |
The funds appropriated to the Controller in this item may not be expended for any performance review or performance audit
except pursuant to specific statutory authority. It is the intent of the Legislature that audits conducted by the Controller,
or under the direction of the Controller, shall be fiscal audits that focus on claims and disbursements, as provided for in
Section 12410 of the Government Code. Any report, audit, analysis, or evaluation issued by the Controller for the current
fiscal year
shall cite the specific statutory or constitutional provision authorizing the preparation and release of the report, audit,
analysis, or evaluation.
7. |
The Controller shall deliver his or her monthly report on General Fund cash receipts and disbursements within 10 days after
the close of each month to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the fiscal committees of each house of the Legislature,
the Department of Finance, the Treasurer’s office, and the Legislative Analyst’s Office.
8. |
The Controller shall provide to the Department of Finance, the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, and
the chairpersons of the fiscal committees of each house
of the Legislature a report that provides the following details by mandate: the level of claims requested, the amount
reduced by the initial desk audit, the amount paid, the amount recouped, and the results of a final audit and subsequent funding
adjustments. The report is due on June 30 of the current fiscal year, and will cover the fourth quarter of the past fiscal
year and the first three quarters of the current fiscal year.
9. |
The Controller’s estimate of the state’s liability for other postemployment benefits prepared to comply with Governmental
Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 45 shall include, in addition to all other items required under the accounting
statement: (a) an identification and explanation of any significant differences in actuarial assumptions or methodology from
any relevant similar types of assumptions
or methodology used by the Public Employees’ Retirement System to estimate state pension obligations and (b) alternative
calculations of the state’s liability for other postemployment benefits using different long-term rates of investment return
consistent with a hypothetical assumption that the state will begin to deposit 100 percent or a lesser percent, respectively,
of its annual required contribution under GASB Statement 45 to a retiree health and dental benefits trust fund. This provision
shall not obligate the state to change the practice of funding health and dental benefits for annuitants currently required
under state law.
10. |
The funds appropriated to the Controller in this item may not be expended on additional actuarial valuations, beyond the annual
actuarial valuation, for other postemployment benefits, prior to obtaining
concurrence in writing from the Department of Finance. The additional actuarial valuations shall only be performed to
the extent resources exist, or if funds are provided by the requesting agency.
11. |
The Controller shall provide the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairpersons of the fiscal
committees in each house of the Legislature a report on the Human Resources Management System specifying the dollars expended
on the program in the previous fiscal year and over the life of the program and any known savings that have occurred in the
prior fiscal year, to be submitted annually but no later than August 30 of each year. The report should compare the known
savings with the most recent estimate of projected savings and explain the methodology by which the savings were calculated.
12. |
The Controller shall deliver yearend financial data as specified by the Department of Finance, for the immediately preceding
fiscal year, in hard copy and electronic format, by October 15 of each year and periodically as requested by the Department
of Finance. This information is necessary for the Department of Finance to determine the proper beginning balance of the current
fiscal year for budgetary purposes.
13. |
In the event new postage rates are adopted by the United States Postal Service, but not in time for inclusion in the 2013–14
May Revision, and the Controller’s office notifies the Department of Finance with its estimates of the increased postage costs
15 calendar days of the adoption of new rates, the Director of Finance may authorize expenditures in excess of the amount
appropriated in this item by an amount necessary to fund the postage increase. This authorization shall occur not less than
15 days after the Department of Finance notifies the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
14. |
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule 2-Operating Expenses and Equipment, $326,000 shall be used to reimburse the Department
of Justice for legal services. In addition to the amount in Schedule 2, upon order of the Director of Finance, any non-General
Fund Budget Act item for support of the Controller’s office may be augmented to reimburse the Department of Justice for legal
services. No augmentation shall be made sooner than 30 days after the Joint Legislative Budget Committee has
been notified in writing.
15. |
The Controller shall report to the Department of Finance, not later than September 15 of each year, commencing in September
2013, on the level of activity and workload associated with the Controller’s responsibilities relating to redevelopment agency
asset transfers, recognized obligation payment schedules, and oversight of auditor-controller actions, pursuant to Chapter
5 of the 2011–12 First Extraordinary Session, including all necessary justification to continue positions and funding for
the 2014–15 fiscal year and following fiscal years. Based on the information, the Department of Finance may reduce reimbursement
expenditure authority and related positions to reflect a lower level of activity and workload starting in the 2014–15 fiscal
year. No adjustments shall be made pursuant to this provision
prior to a 30-day notification in writing to the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairpersons
of the committees of each house of the Legislature that consider appropriations.
16. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Finance may augment this item and Section 25.25 by an amount
not to exceed $2,266,000 from all fund sources of payment of data center costs to the Office of Technology Services (OTech)
during the 2013–14 fiscal year related to the suspension of the 21st Century Project. The Controller shall include a full
and detailed justification to support a request for additional spending authority, including estimates from OTech for data
center costs and assumptions included in such estimates that are related to the suspension of the 21st Century Project. Any
augmentation made pursuant to this provision
shall be made no sooner than 30 days after written notification has been provided to the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative
Budget Committee and the chairpersons of the committees of each house of the Legislature that consider appropriations, or
not sooner than whatever lesser time the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, or his or her designee, may
17. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $11,919,000 shall be for support of the 21st Century Project. Of that amount, $1,986,500
shall be available for expenditure until August 31, 2013. The remaining balance of $9,932,500 shall be available for expenditure
not sooner than September 1, 2013, after a legislative oversight hearing has taken place to discuss the update from the Controller
on the status of the 21st Century Project. Additionally, any expenditure of the
remaining balance of $9,932,500 shall be made no sooner than 30 days after written notification has been provided to the
Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairpersons of the committees of each house of the Legislature
that consider appropriations, or not sooner than whatever lesser time the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee,
or his or her designee, may determine.
2660-001-0042—For support of Department of Transportation, payable from the State Highway Account, State Transportation Fund
2,360,980,000 |
(1) |
4,147,000 |
(2) |
20.10-Highway Transportation— Capital Outlay Support
1,627,453,000 |
(3) |
20.30-Highway Transportation— Local Assistance
52,027,000 |
(4) |
20.40-Highway Transportation— Program Development
75,449,000 |
(5) |
20.65-Highway Transportation— Legal
124,506,000 |
(6) |
20.70-Highway Transportation— Operations
254,970,000 |
(7) |
20.80-Highway Transportation—Maintenance
1,422,111,000 |
(8) |
30-Mass Transportation
161,162,000 |
(9) |
40-Transportation Planning
134,280,000 |
(10) |
50.10-Administration Program Costs
463,661,000 |
(11) |
50.20-Distributed Administration Program Costs
−463,661,000 |
(12) |
60.10-Equipment Service Program Costs
185,488,000 |
(13) |
60.20-Distributed Equipment Service Program Costs
−185,488,000 |
(14) |
−354,680,000 |
(15) |
Amount payable from the Aeronautics Account, State Transportation Fund (Item 2660-001-0041)
−3,663,000 |
(15.5) |
Amount payable from the Bicycle Transportation Account, State Transportation Fund (Item 2660-001-0045)
−10,000 |
(16) |
Amount payable from the Public Transportation Account, State Transportation Fund (Item 2660-001-0046)
−176,596,000 |
(17) |
Amount payable from the Historic Property Maintenance Fund (Item 2660-001-0365)
−1,647,000 |
(18) |
Amount payable from the Federal Trust Fund (Item 2660-001-0890)
−777,762,000 |
(19) |
Amount payable from the State Route 99 Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of
2006 (Item 2660-004-6072)
−36,991,000 |
(20) |
Amount payable from the Corridor Mobility Improvement Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security
Fund of 2006 (Item 2660-004-6055)
−107,576,000 |
(21) |
Amount payable from the Trade Corridors Improvement Fund (Item 2660-004-6056)
−8,734,000 |
(22) |
Amount payable from the Transportation Facilities Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security
Fund of 2006 (Item 2660-004-6058)
−19,030,000 |
(23) |
Amount payable from the Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account, Highway Safety,
Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 (Item 2660-004-6059)
−1,015,000 |
(24) |
Amount payable from the State-Local Partnership Program Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port
Security Fund of 2006 (Item 2660-004-6060)
−659,000 |
(25) |
Amount payable from the Local Bridge Seismic Retrofit Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security
Fund of 2006 (Item 2660-004-6062)
−1,579,000 |
(26) |
Amount payable from the Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port
Security Fund of 2006 (Item 2660-004-6063)
−444,000 |
(27) |
Amount payable from the Highway Safety, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality,
and Port Security Fund of 2006 (Item 2660-004-6064)
−4,739,000 |
1. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated in this item from the State Highway Account may be reduced
and replaced by an equivalent amount of federal funds determined by the Department of Transportation to be available and necessary
to comply with Section 8.50 and the most effective management of state transportation resources. Not more than 30 days after
replacing the state funds with federal funds, the Director of Finance shall notify in writing the chairpersons of the committees
in each house of the Legislature that consider appropriations and the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee
of this action.
2. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funding appropriated in this item may be transferred to Item 2660-005-0042 to
pay for any necessary insurance, debt service, and other financing-related expenditures for Department of Transportation-occupied
office buildings. Any transfer will require the prior approval of the Department of Finance.
3. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated in this item may be supplemented with federal funding appropriation
authority and with prior fiscal year State Highway Account appropriation balances at a level determined by the Department
of Transportation as required to process claims utilizing federal advance construction
through the plan of financial adjustment process pursuant to Sections 11251 and 16365 of the Government Code.
4. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated in Item 2660-001-0042, 50.00-Administration from the State
Highway Account, may be reduced and replaced by an equivalent amount of reimbursements determined by the Department of Transportation
to be available and necessary to comply with Section 28.50 and the most effective management of state transportation resources.
The reimbursements may also be reduced and replaced by an equivalent amount of funds from the State Highway Account. Not more
than 30 days after replacing the State Highway Account funds with reimbursements and vice versa, the Director of Finance shall
notify in writing the chairpersons of the committees in each house of the Legislature that
consider appropriations and the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee of this action.
5. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (7), $231,666,000 is for major maintenance contracts for the preservation of highway
pavement, and shall not be used to supplant any other funding that would have been used for major pavement maintenance.
6. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (5), $68,556,000 is for the payment of tort lawsuit claims and awards. Any funds for
that purpose that are unencumbered as of April 1, 2014, may be transferred to Item 2660-302-0042. Any transfer shall require
the prior approval of the Department of Finance.
7. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (2), transfers of expenditure authority may be made between Items 2660-001-0042, 2660-001-0890,
2660-002-3007, 2660-004-6055, 2660-004-6056, 2660-004-6058, 2660-004-6059, 2660-004-6060, 2660-004-6062, 2660-004-6063, 2660-004-6064,
and 2660-004-6072 to accommodate changes in capital outlay and local assistance program-related workload by funding source
or changes in availability of funds. The Department of Finance shall authorize the transfers not sooner than 30 days after
notification of the necessity therefor in writing to the chairpersons of the committees in each house of the Legislature that
consider appropriations and the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
8. |
The Department of Finance may augment the amount appropriated in Schedule (6) by up to $2,000,000 for the federal Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990 consultant contracts if the number of access requests and grievances exceeds the Department
of Transportation’s projections. The Department of Finance shall authorize the augmentation not sooner than 30 days after
notification of the necessity therefor in writing to the chairpersons of the committees in each house of the Legislature that
consider appropriations and the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
9. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (2), $1,129,712,000 is for state staff and state staff cash overtime, $228,725,000 is
for external consultant and professional services related to project delivery, and $124,375,000 is
for operating expenses. The funds appropriated in Schedule (2) for external consultant and professional services related
to project delivery that are unencumbered or encumbered but unexpended related to work that will not be performed during the
2013–14 fiscal year shall revert to the fund from which they were appropriated.
10. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $329,000 is for the Safe Routes to School Program. These funds are not available for
expenditure until the Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency convenes a working group by August 31,
2013, regarding active transportation and until legislation is enacted that creates a new program to promote active transportation.
For the purposes of this provision, “active transportation” means human-powered transportation, such as biking and walking,
that achieves mobility and
safety goals, promotes better health, and helps meet the greenhouse gas reduction targets established by the State Air
Resources Board pursuant to Section 65080 of the Government Code. The new program shall promote these goals, as well as improve
safety, achieve efficiencies, accelerate and streamline project delivery, and improve project outcomes by consolidating the
program funded by this item and several other transportation programs that currently include funding for active transportation.
2660-495—Reversion, Department of Transportation. As of June 30, 2013, the unallocated balances of the appropriations provided in
the following citations shall revert to the funds from which the appropriations were made:
6055—Corridor Mobility Improvement Account
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6055, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(2) |
Item 2660-304-6055, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6055, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(4) |
Item 2660-304-6055, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(5) |
Item 2660-104-6055, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex.
(6) |
Item 2660-304-6055, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(7) |
Item 2660-104-6055, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010) as reappropriated by Item 2660-494, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs.
21 and 29, Stats. 2012)
(8) |
Item 2660-304-6055, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010) as reappropriated by Item 2660-494, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs.
21 and 29, Stats. 2012)
(9) |
Item 2660-104-6055, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
(10) |
Item 2660-304-6055, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
6056—Trade Corridors Improvement Fund
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6056, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(2) |
Item 2660-304-6056, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6056, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(4) |
Item 2660-304-6056, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(5) |
Item 2660-104-6056, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(6) |
Item 2660-304-6056, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(7) |
Item 2660-104-6056, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
(8) |
Item 2660-304-6056, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
6058—Transportation Financing Account
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6058, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(2) |
Item 2660-304-6058, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6058, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(4) |
Item 2660-304-6058, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(5) |
Item 2660-104-6058, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(6) |
Item 2660-304-6058, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
6059—Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6059, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(2) |
Item 2660-304-6059,
Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6059, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(4) |
Item 2660-304-6059, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(5) |
Item 2660-104-6059, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(6) |
Item 2660-304-6059, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(7) |
Item 2660-104-6059, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(8) |
Item 2660-304-6059, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(9) |
Item 2660-304-6059, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
6060—State-Local Partnership Program Account
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6060, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(2) |
Item 2660-304-6060, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6060, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(4) |
Item 2660-304-6060, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(5) |
Item 2660-104-6060, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(6) |
Item 2660-304-6060, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(7) |
Item 2660-104-6060, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
(8) |
Item 2660-304-6060, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
6062—Local Bridge Seismic Retrofit Account
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6062, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(2) |
Item 2660-104-6062, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6062, Budget Act of
2009 (Ch. l, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(4) |
Item 2660-104-6062, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(5) |
Item 2660-104-6062, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
6063—Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Account
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6063, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(2) |
Item 2660-304-6063, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6063, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(4) |
Item 2660-304-6063, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(5) |
Item 2660-104-6063, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
6064—Highway Safety, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Account (Traffic Light Synchronization Program)
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6064, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(2) |
Item 2660-104-6064, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6064, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
6064—Highway Safety, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Account (non-State Transportation Improvement Program)
(1) |
Item 2660-304-6064, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(2) |
Item 2660-304-6064, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(3) |
Item 2660-304-6064, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th
Ex. Sess.)
(4) |
Item 2660-304-6064, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(5) |
Item 2660-304-6064, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
6072—State Route 99 Account
(1) |
Item 2660-104-6072, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(2) |
Item 2660-304-6072, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007)
(3) |
Item 2660-104-6072, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(4) |
Item 2660-304-6072, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008)
(5) |
Item 2660-104-6072, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(6) |
Item 2660-304-6072, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.)
(7) |
Item 2660-104-6072, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(8) |
Item 2660-304-6072, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010)
(9) |
Item 2660-104-6072, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
(10) |
Item 2660-304-6072, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011)
3540-490—Reappropriation, Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The balances of the appropriations provided in the following
citations are reappropriated for the purposes provided for in these appropriations and shall be available for encumbrance
or expenditure until June 30, 2016:
0660—Public Buildings Construction Fund |
(1) |
Item 3540-301-0660, Budget Act of 2006
(Chs. 47 and 48, Stats. 2006), as partially reappropriated by Item 3540-491, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats.
2007) and Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), Item 3540-493, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch.1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess.,
as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), Items 3540-492 and 3540-493, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010) and Budget
Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), and Item 3540-490, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012)
(2) |
30.20.135-Intermountain Conservation Camp: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(4) |
30.30.195-Miramonte Conservation Camp:
Replace Facility—Working drawings and construction
(5) |
30.40.030-Academy: Construct Dormitory Building and Expand Messhall—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(6) |
30.40.170-Badger Forest Fire Station: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(2) |
Item 3540-301-0660, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007), as partially reappropriated by Item 3540-491, Budget
Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), Item 3540-493,
Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), Items 3540-492 and 3540-493,
Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010) and Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), and Item 3540-490, Budget Act of 2012
(Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012)
(1) |
30.10.195-Las Posadas Forest Fire Station: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(2) |
30.20.001-Fawn Lodge Forest Fire Station: Replace Facility and Install New Well—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and
(4) |
30.20.008-Westwood Forest Fire Station: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(5) |
30.30.200-Paso Robles Forest Fire Station: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(6) |
30.20.230-Bieber Forest Fire Station/Helitack Base: Relocate Facility—Acquisition, preliminary plans, working drawings, and
(7) |
30.20.245-Ishi Conservation Camp: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(8) |
30.40.007-Growlersburg Conservation Camp: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(3) |
Item 3540-301-0660, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), as partially reappropriated by Item 3540-493, Budget
Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), Item 3540-492, Budget Act of 2010
(Ch. 712, Stats. 2010) and Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), and Item 3540-490, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29,
Stats. 2012)
(1) |
30.10.170-Santa Clara Unit Headquarters: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(2) |
30.10.210-San Mateo/Santa Cruz Unit Headquarters: Relocate Automotive Shop—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(3) |
30.20.007-Vina Helitack Base: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(4) |
30.20.015-Garden Valley Forest Fire Station: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(5) |
30.20.205-Higgins Corner Forest Fire Station: Replace Facility—Acquisition, preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(6) |
30.20.240-Siskiyou Unit Headquarters: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(8) |
Operations Area Headquarters: Relocate Facility—Acquisition, working drawings, and construction
(9) |
30.30.195-Miramonte Conservation Camp: Replace Facility—Construction |
(10) |
30.40.185-Madera-Mariposa-Merced Unit Headquarters: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(11) |
30.40.225-Altaville Forest Fire Station: Replace Automotive Shop—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(4) |
Item 3540-301-0660, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), as partially
reappropriated by Item 3540-492, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010) and Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), and
Item 3540-490, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012)
(1) |
30.10.215-Parlin Fork Conservation Camp: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(3) |
30.10.250-Felton Fire Station/Unit Headquarters:
Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction
(4) |
30.20.050-El Dorado Fire Station, Service Warehouse: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(5) |
30.20.120-Butte Unit Fire Station/Unit Headquarters: Replace Facility—Preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction |
(7) |
30.30.090-Cuesta Conservation Camp/San Luis Obispo Unit Auto Shop: Relocate Facilities—Preliminary plans, working
drawings, and construction
(9) |
30.40.165-Tuolumne-Calaveras Service Center, Administrative, Emergency Command Center: Relocate Facility—Preliminary plans,
working drawings, and construction
(11) |
30.40.240-Gabilan Conservation Camp: Replace Base Officers’ Quarters, Relocate Auto Shop, Service Center—Preliminary plans,
working drawings, and construction
3860-491—Reappropriation, Department of Water Resources. The balances of the appropriations provided in the following citations, unless
otherwise indicated, are reappropriated for the purposes provided in those appropriations and shall be available for encumbrance
or expenditure until June 30, 2015:
0544—Sacramento Valley Water Management and Habitat Protection Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-0544, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010), for the Sacramento Valley Water Management Program |
6007—Urban Stream Restoration Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-6007, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), as reappropriated
by Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), as partially reverted by Item 3860-495, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch.
712, Stats. 2010) for the Urban Stream Restoration Program
6010—Yuba Feather Flood Protection Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-6010, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), for the Yuba Feather Flood Protection Program |
6023—Water Conservation Account |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-6023, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), for the Urban and Agricultural Water Conservation Program |
6026—Bay-Delta Multipurpose Water Management Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-001-6026, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of
2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1,
2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010) and Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch.
33, Stats. 2011), for the Fish Facility Improvements Project
6031—Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Fund of 2002 |
(1) |
Item 3860-001-6031, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010), as reappropriated by Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch.
33, Stats. 2011), for:
Water Use Efficiency Technical Assistance and Science Program
2,000,000 |
Water Use Efficiency, Water Supply Reliability Program
1,300,000 |
(2) |
Item 3860-001-6031, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012),
for Water Use Efficiency Grants
(3) |
Item 3860-101-6031, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), Contaminant and Salt Removal Technologies, for Local
Assistance Desalination Program
6051—Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Fund of 2006 |
(1) |
Section 31 of Chapter 718 of the Statutes of 2010, for the Integrated Regional Water Management Grant Program, Delta Levees
Maintenance and Subventions, Delta Levees Special Projects Program and Flood Control, and Integrated Regional Water Management
(2) |
Item 3860-101-6051, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010), as partially reappropriated by Item 3860-490, Budget Act of
2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), as partially reverted by Item 3860-495, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012) for the
Urban Streams Local Assistance Program
6052—Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond Fund of 2006 |
(1) |
Item 3860-001-6052, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007), as partially reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget
Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex.
Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), and Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), for the
Flood Management Sediment Removal Program
3,000,000 |
(2) |
Item 3860-001-6052, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010), as reappropriated by Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch.
33, Stats. 2011), for the Conservation Strategy Program
(3) |
Section 31 of Chapter 718 of the Statutes of 2010, for Delta Levees Maintenance Subventions and Special Projects, and the
Storm Water Flood Management Grant Programs
(4) |
Item 3860-101-6052, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010), as reappropriated by Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch.
33, Stats. 2011), for the Dutch Slough Tidal Marsh Habitat Restoration Project
(5) |
Item 3860-101-6052, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), for the Long Term Management of Delta Levee Habitats
Sites, North Delta Flood Control and Ecosystem Restoration, Small Community Flood Risk Reduction Program, the Rural Flood
Risk Management Program, High Risk Urban Flood Risk Reduction Program, the local assistance Systemwide Flood Risk Reduction
Program, and the local assistance for State Accelerated Feasibility Studies
(6) |
Item 3860-001-6052, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), for the administration of the Delta Knowledge Improvement
Program, Flood Emergency Response Program, Small Community Flood Risk Reduction Program, Rural Flood Risk Management, High
Risk Urban Flood Risk Reduction, Systemwide Flood Risk Reduction, State/Federal Control System Modification (Early Implementation
Program), Flood System Maintenance, Flood System Repair and Rehabilitation, the State Plan of Flood Control, and the Central
Valley Flood Management Program
3860-493—Reappropriation, Department of Water Resources. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the periods to liquidate encumbrances
of the following citations are extended to June 30, 2015:
0001—General Fund |
(1) |
Item 3860-001-0001, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010), for the North Delta Conveyance Program, the Delta Levees System
Integrity Projects, and flood
plain management
6005—Flood Protection Corridor Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-6005, Budget Act of 2000 (Ch. 52, Stats. 2000), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2005 (Chs.
38 and 39, Stats. 2005), Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007), Item 3860-493, Budget Act of 2009
(Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), and Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33,
Stats. 2011), for Flood Protection Corridor Projects
6010—Yuba Feather Flood Protection Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-6010, Budget Act of 2004 (Ch. 208, Stats. 2004), as reappropriated by Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2005 (Chs.
38 and 39, Stats. 2005), Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th
Ex. Sess.) for the Yuba Feather Flood Protection Program
6015—River Protection Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-6015, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), as reappropriated by Item 3860-491, Budget Act of
2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), for the River Protection Program
6025—Conjunctive Use Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-6025, Budget Act of 2004 (Ch. 208, Stats. 2004), as reappropriated by Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs.
171 and 172, Stats. 2007), Item 3860-493, Budget Act of 2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th
Ex. Sess.), and Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), for Groundwater Storage Grants
(2) |
Item 3860-101-6025, Budget Act of 2006 (Chs. 47 and 48, Stats. 2006), as reappropriated by Item 3860-493, Budget Act of 2009
(Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), and Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33,
Stats. 2011), for Groundwater
Storage Grants
6026—Bay-Delta Multipurpose Water Management Subaccount |
(1) |
Item 3860-001-6026, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of
2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), for Ecosystem Water Quality—Dissolved Oxygen
and Mercury Programs
6027—Interim Water Supply and Water Quality Infrastructure and Management Subaccount |
(1) |
3860-101-6027, Budget Act of 2000 (Ch. 52, Stats. 2000), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2001 (Ch. 106,
Stats. 2001), Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2002 (Ch. 379, Stats. 2002), Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2003 (Ch. 157, Stats.
2003), Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2005 (Chs. 38 and 39, Stats. 2005), Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172,
Stats. 2007), Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712,
Stats. 2010), and Item 3860-493, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), and partially reverted by Item 3860-496,
Budget Act of 2005 (Chs. 38 and 39, Stats. 2005), for the Interim Reliable Water Supply Program
(2) |
Item 3860-101-6027, Budget Act of 2001 (Ch. 106, Stats. 2001), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2004 (Ch.
208, Stats. 2004),
as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2006 (Chs. 47 and 48, Stats. 2006), as reappropriated by Item 3860-491,
Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats.
2010), for the Interim Reliable Water Supply Program
(3) |
Item 3860-101-6027, Budget Act of 2002 (Ch. 379, Stats. 2002), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of 2005 (Chs.
38 and 39, Stats. 2005), Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007), Item 3860-493, Budget Act of 2009
(Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), and Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33,
Stats. 2011), for the Interim Reliable Water Supply Program
(4) |
Item 3860-101-6027, Budget Act of 2006 (Chs. 47 and 48, Stats. 2006), as reappropriated by Item 3860-493, Budget Act of 2009
(Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), as reappropriated by Item 3860-491, Budget Act
of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), for the Interim Reliable Water Supply Program
6031—Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Fund of 2002 |
(1) |
Item 3860-101-6031, Budget Act of 2005 (Chs. 38 and 39, Stats. 2005), as reappropriated by Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2006
(Chs. 47 and 48, Stats. 2006), Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008) and Item 3860-492, Budget
Act of 2009
(Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), and partially reverted by Items 3860-495 and
3860-496, Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), for the Water Desalination Grant Program and for Integrated Regional
Water Management
(2) |
Item 3860-101-6031, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of
2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), for Integrated Regional Water Management
6051—Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Fund of 2006 |
(1) |
Item 3860-001-6051, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of
2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), and Item 3860-491, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch.
33, Stats. 2011), as partially reverted by Item 3860-495, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010) and Item 3860-496, Budget
Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012), for Integrated Regional Water Management CALFED Grants
(2) |
Item 3860-101-6051, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of
2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), as reappropriated by Item 3860-490, Budget
Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011), for Delta Levees Special Projects
6052—Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond Fund of 2006 |
(1) |
Item 3860-001-6052, Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010), as reappropriated by Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch.
33, Stats. 2011), for State-Federal Control Systems Modifications and Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation
(2) |
Item 3860-101-6052, Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008), as reappropriated by Item 3860-492, Budget Act of
2009 (Ch. 1, 2009–10 3rd Ex. Sess., as revised by Ch. 1, 2009–10 4th Ex. Sess.), and Item 3860-490, Budget Act of 2011 (Ch.
33, Stats. 2011), for State-Federal Flood Control System Modifications
6110-001-0890—For support of Department of Education, for payment to Item 6110-001-0001, payable from the Federal Trust Fund
165,830,000 |
1. |
The funds appropriated in this item include federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education
Improvement Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-270) funds for the current fiscal year to be transferred to community colleges by means
of interagency agreements. These funds shall be used by community colleges for the administration of career technical education
2. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $96,000 is available to the Advisory Commission on Special Education for the in-state
travel and operational expenses of the commissioners and the secretary to the commission.
3. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $426,000 is available for programs for homeless youth and adults pursuant to the federal
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec.
11431 et seq.). The State Department of Education shall consult with the Department of Community Services and Development,
the State Department of State Hospitals, the Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Commission for Economic
Development in operating this program.
4. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $318,000 shall be used to provide training in culturally nonbiased assessment and
specialized language skills to special education teachers.
5. |
(a) |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $11,765,000 is from the federal Child Care and Development Fund and is available for
support of child care services.
Of the federal funds in this item, $1,533,000 is for 13.0 positions to address compliance monitoring and overpayments,
which may contribute to early detection of fraud. All federally subsidized child care agencies shall be audited pursuant to
federal regulations per Part 98 of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The State Department of Education (SDE) shall
provide information to the Legislature and Department of Finance each year that quantifies by program provider-by-provider
level data, including instances and amounts of overpayments and fraud, as documented by the SDE’s compliance monitoring efforts
for the prior fiscal year. Additionally, the SDE shall provide a copy of any federal reports submitted regarding improper
payments and fraud to the Legislature and the Department of Finance.
(b) |
a condition of receiving the resources specified in subdivision (a), every alternative payment agency and subsidized general
child care agency shall be audited each year using sufficient sampling of provider records of the following: (1) family fee
determinations, (2) income eligibility, (3) rate limits, and (4) basis for hours of care, to determine compliance rates, any
instances of misallocation of resources, and the amount of funds expected to be recovered from instances of both potential
fraud and overpayment when no intent to defraud is suspected. This information shall be contained in a separate report for
each provider, with a single statewide summary report annually submitted to the Governor and the Legislature no later than
April 15.
6. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $9,206,000 is for dispute resolution services,
including mediation and fair hearing services, provided through contract for the special education programs. The State
Department of Education shall ensure the quarterly reports that the contractor submits on the results of its dispute resolution
services include the same information as required by Provision 9 of Item 6110-001-0890 of the Budget Act of 2006 (Chs. 47
and 48, Stats. 2006) and Section 56504.5 of the Education Code and reflect year-to-date data and final yearend data.
7. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $443,000 is for 3.0 positions within the State Department of Education for increased
monitoring associated with educationally related mental health services, including out-of-home residential services for emotionally
disturbed pupils, required by an individualized education program pursuant to the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 et seq.).
8. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $2,506,000 shall be used for the administration of 21st Century Community Learning
Centers programs.
9. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $195,000 in federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act
of 2006 (P.L. 109-270) funding and 2.0 positions shall be available to support the California Career Resource Network Program.
10. |
Of the amount appropriated in this item, $100,000 is available for the California Career Resource Network Program to develop
career resource materials and information.
11. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $378,000 and 4.0 positions are provided to support workload for the federal School
Improvement Grants (SIG) program.
12. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $308,000 is available from federal Title II funds for an interagency agreement with
the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to support teacher misassignment monitoring activities.
13. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $109,000 is provided in federal Title III funds for 1.0 position to support the English
language learner component of the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program.
14. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $945,000 is available from federal Title II funds for the Compliance Monitoring, Intervention
and Sanctions (CMIS) program. This program is designed to help school districts meet the highly qualified teacher requirements
specified in the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (P.L. 107-110). By April 1 of each year, the State Department of
Education shall submit a report on the CMIS program to the appropriate budget and policy committees of the Legislature, the
Analyst’s Office, and the Department of Finance. The report shall identify (a) the number of school districts that received
CMIS support in the prior fiscal year and (b) the major components of the plans that those districts developed to respond
to the federal highly qualified teacher requirements. For each participating district, the report shall provide longitudinal
data on the number and percent of teachers who are and are not highly qualified. At a minimum, the annual report shall include
finalized data for the prior fiscal year and initial data for the current fiscal year. The report shall provide data separately
for high- and low-poverty schools. For comparison, the report shall provide the same longitudinal data for the statewide average
of all school districts as well as the average for school districts not receiving CMIS support.
15. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $150,000 is available for the California Teleaudiology Program.
16. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $2,000,000 is provided to support Safe and Supportive Schools grants.
17. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, up to $108,000 is for the administration of the Commodity Supplemental Food Program,
contingent on approval from the United States Department of Agriculture.
18. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item,
$1,235,000 is provided for the following special child nutrition grants, contingent on receipt of grant awards from the
United States Department of Agriculture: $535,000 for the Administrative Review and Training (ART) grant, $300,000 for the
Team Nutrition grant, $250,000 for the Direct Certification grant, and $150,000 for the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
(FFVP) grant.
19. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $200,000 is available to fund 2.0 existing positions on a limited-term basis until
June 30, 2014, and other costs to support increased technical assistance activities associated with new federal child nutrition
requirements under the federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-296).
20. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $1,000,000 is provided for increased costs associated with new federal requirements
to increase the frequency of compliance reviews for child nutrition programs. To the extent that additional staff resources
are needed, positions shall be redirected from existing vacancies within the State Department of Education.
21. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $447,000 shall be for program support for the Improving Teacher Quality Higher Education
grants program and 2.0 permanent positions.
22. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $6,636,000 is for the
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), which is to meet the requirements of the federal No Child
Left Behind Act of 2001 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 6301 et seq.) and Chapter 1002 of the Statutes of 2002. These funds are payable from
the Federal Trust Fund to the State Department of Education (SDE). Of this amount, $5,641,000 is federal Title VI funds and
$995,000 is federal Title II funds. These funds are provided for the following purposes: $3,254,000 for systems housing and
maintenance provided by the Office of Technology Services (OTECH); $908,000 for costs associated with necessary system activities;
$790,000 for SDE staff, and $710,000 for various other costs, including hardware and software costs, indirect charges, Department
of General Services charges, and operating expenses and equipment. As a condition of receiving these funds, SDE shall ensure
the following work has been completed prior to making final vendor payments: a Systems Operations Manual, as specified in
the most current
contract, has been delivered to SDE and all needed documentation and knowledge transfer of the system has occurred; all
known software defects have been corrected; the system is able to receive and transfer data reliably between the state and
local educational agencies within timeframes specified in the most current contract; system audits assessing data quality,
validity, and reliability are operational for all data elements in the system; and SDE is able to operate and maintain CALPADS
over time. As a further condition of receiving these funds, the SDE shall not add additional data elements to CALPADS, require
local educational agencies to use the data collected through the CALPADS for any purpose, or otherwise expand or enhance the
system beyond the data elements and functionalities that are identified in the most current approved Feasibility Study and
Special Project Reports and the CALPADS Data Guide v4.1. In addition, $974,000 is for SDE data management staff responsible
for fulfilling certain federal
requirements not directly associated with CALPADS.
23. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $556,000 is provided to support the workload associated with the federally required
oversight of contracts between food service management companies and school food authorities.
24. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $4,800,000 is provided on a one-time basis through the 2013–14 fiscal year to support
statewide training of school food authorities regarding changes to the meal and nutritional standards contained in the federal
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-296), as allowed by federal guidelines on the allocation of administrative
funds for state
costs of implementation of new meal patterns for the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.
25. |
(a) |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $5,083,000 shall be available to support local quality improvement activities under
the Race to the Top—Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) grant, consistent with the plan approved by the Department of Finance.
(b) |
The SDE may use RTT-ELC funds appropriated in this item to reimburse state operations costs incurred during the 2011–12 fiscal
26. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $1,226,000 of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec.
1400 et seq.) funds is available for the State Department of Education to provide oversight and technical assistance for local
educational agencies as the responsibility for overseeing educationally related mental health services transitions from county
mental health agencies to special education local plan areas. Of these funds, $426,000 shall be used to fund 3.0 three-year
limited-term positions through the 2014–15 fiscal year for monitoring residential placements in out-of-state facilities associated
with educationally related mental health services.
27. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $144,000 is provided in one-time federal Title I
carryover funds for the State Department of Education to complete its review of supplemental instructional materials for
28. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $825,000 is available on a one-time basis for the State Department of Education to
contract for the independent evaluation of the Public Charter Schools Grant Program and for the development of charter school
technical assistance contracts.
30. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (2), $225,000 in one-time federal Title III funding is provided to the State Department
of Education for the translation of parent notifications and templates.
31. |
The State Department of Education shall report to the chairpersons and vice chairpersons of the budget committees of both
houses of the Legislature, the Department of Finance, and the Legislative Analyst’s Office by October 1, 2013, on the department’s
assessment of staffing needs for child nutrition compliance activities and the outcome of its planned review of cafeteria
funds for 30 school districts.
32. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, up to $825,000 in federal Title I carryover and $275,000 in federal Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 et seq.) carryover is available to fund Standardized Account Code Structure
system replacement project costs, subject to the approval of a Special Project Report by the California
Technology Agency and the Department of Finance.
33. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, up to $1,400,000 is provided in one-time federal Child Nutrition - State Administrative
Expense funds for transfer to the State Audit Fund for the purpose of the California State Auditor’s Office (CSA) to conduct
an independent audit of the use of cafeteria funds by local educational agencies (LEAs). The audit shall provide independently
developed and verified information related to the use of cafeteria funds expended at a sample of LEAs, and the oversight of
those funds by the State Department of Education (SDE). The SDE shall enter into an interagency agreement with the CSA to
perform an audit, in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, of a sample of LEAs. The audit report shall be submitted
to the appropriate fiscal and policy committees of each
house of the Legislature, to the Department of Finance, and to the SDE no later than March 1, 2014.
(a) |
The audit report shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following: |
(1) |
A detailed audit of expenditures and fiscal practices in a sample of LEAs that receive cafeteria funds to determine whether
the LEAs are in compliance with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and administrative policies with respect to
all of the following: (i) payroll records for employee salaries and benefits; (ii) utility and interest costs; (iii) inter-fund
transfers between the cafeteria fund and other
funds; (iv) unpaid obligations due to the General Fund; (v) facility repairs, maintenance, remodeling, and construction
costs charged to the cafeteria fund; (vi) equipment purchases and repairs charged to the cafeteria fund; (vii) excessive fund
balances; and (viii) indirect and direct charges.
(2) |
An assessment of state level oversight by the SDE, which, at a minimum, shall evaluate department processes, claims review,
staffing, and training.
(b) |
The districts selected for the sample shall not be less than 15 of the LEAs participating in the National School Lunch Program
and shall be sufficient in number
to reflect the diversity of local regions and program structures.
34. |
Of the funds appropriated in this item, $230,000 in federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) carryover funds
is for the State Department of Education to provide oversight of, and technical assistance and monitoring to, local educational
agencies regarding changes to the requirements related to the identification and provision of behavior intervention services
included in this act. In providing technical assistance to local educational agencies, the State Department of Education shall
incorporate the policy guidance disseminated by the Office of Special Education Programs of the United States Department of
Education on functional behavioral assessments and positive behavioral interventions and plans. As part of this effort, the
State Department of Education shall
convene a stakeholder group comprised of all of the following: legislative staff; representatives from the Department
of Finance; representatives from the Legislative Analyst’s Office; public and private program administrators; parents, including
parents of youth with disabilities; advocates, including the protection and advocacy agency identified in subdivision (i)
of Section 4900 of the Welfare and Institutions Code; persons with expertise in functional behavioral assessment and developing
and implementing positive behavioral interventions; institutions of higher education; and professional organizations. The
stakeholder group shall discuss the impact of changes to law and regulations, develop and disseminate technical assistance
advisories, identify and recommend practices based on peer-reviewed research, and identify model programs and adjust data
collection and monitoring activities.
6110-161-0001—For local assistance, Department of Education (Proposition 98), Program 10.60-Special Education Programs for Exceptional
3,201,317,000 |
(1) | Education Instruction
3,128,351,000 |
(2) | Education Program for Individuals with Exceptional Needs
87,361,000 |
(3) |
Reimbursements for Early Education Program, Part C
−14,395,000 |
1. |
Funds appropriated in this item are for transfer by the Controller to Section A of the State School Fund, in lieu of the amount
that otherwise would be appropriated for transfer from the General Fund in the State Treasury to Section A of the State School
Fund for the 2013–14 fiscal year pursuant to Sections 14002 and 41301 of the Education Code, for apportionment pursuant to
Part 30 (commencing with Section 56000) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Education Code, superseding all prior law.
2. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), up to $17,226,000 shall be available to provide special education and related services
to students with low-incidence disabilities pursuant to their individualized education program. Special education local plan
areas (SELPAs) shall use up to $2,100,000 of these funds for career technical education or services for students with low-incidence
disabilities. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall allocate these funds to special education local plan areas on
an equal per-pupil rate using the methodology specified in Section 56836.22 of the Education Code.
3. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), up to $39,735,000 shall be available for the purposes of vocational training and
job placement for special education pupils through Project Workability I pursuant to
Article 3 (commencing with Section 56470) of Chapter 4.5 of Part 30 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Education Code. As
a condition of receiving these funds, each local educational agency shall certify that the amount of nonfederal resources,
exclusive of funds received pursuant to this provision, devoted to the provision of vocational education for special education
pupils shall be maintained at or above the level provided in the 1984–85 fiscal year. The Superintendent of Public Instruction
may waive this requirement for local educational agencies that demonstrate that the requirement would impose a severe hardship.
6. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), up to $157,826,000 is available to fund the costs of children placed in licensed
children’s institutions who attend nonpublic schools based on the funding formula authorized in
Chapter 914 of the Statutes of 2004.
7. |
Funds available for infant units shall be allocated with the following average number of pupils per unit:
(a) |
For special classes and centers—16.
(b) |
For resource specialist programs—24.
(c) |
For designated instructional services—16.
8. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, early education programs for infants and toddlers shall be offered for 200 days.
Funds appropriated in Schedule (2) shall be allocated by the State Department of Education for the 2013–14 fiscal year to
those programs receiving allocations for instructional units pursuant to Section 56432 of the Education Code for the Early
Education Program for Individuals with Exceptional Needs operated pursuant to Chapter 4.4 (commencing with Section 56425)
of Part 30 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Education Code, based on computing 200-day entitlements.
9. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, state funds appropriated in Schedule (2) in excess of the amount necessary to
fund the deficited entitlements pursuant to Section 56432 of the Education Code shall be available for allocation by the State
Department of Education to local educational agencies for the operation of programs serving solely low-incidence infants and
toddlers pursuant to Title 14 (commencing with Section 95000) of the Government Code. These funds shall be allocated to each
local educational agency for each solely low-incidence child through age two in excess of the number of solely low-incidence
children through age two served by the local educational agency during the 1992–93 fiscal year and reported on the April 1993
pupil count. These funds shall only be allocated if the amount of reimbursement received from the State Department of Developmental
Services is insufficient to fully fund the costs of operating the Early Intervention Program, as authorized by Title
14 (commencing with Section 95000) of the Government Code.
10. |
Funds appropriated in this item, unless otherwise specified, are available for the sole purpose of funding 2013–14 fiscal
year special education program costs and shall not be used to fund any prior year adjustments, claims, or costs.
11. |
Of the amount provided in Schedule (1), up to $192,000 shall be available to fully fund the declining enrollment of necessary
small special education local plan areas pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Statutes of 2001.
12. |
Pursuant to Section 56427 of the Education Code, of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), up to $2,324,000 may be used to
provide funding for infant programs, and may be used for those programs that do not qualify for funding pursuant to Section
56432 of the Education Code.
13. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), up to $1,317,000 shall be used for a personnel development program. This program
shall include state-sponsored staff development for special education personnel to have the necessary content knowledge and
skills to serve children with disabilities. This funding may include training and services targeting special education teachers
and related service personnel that teach core academic or multiple subjects to meet the applicable special education requirements
of the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 et seq.).
14. |
Of the amount appropriated in this item, up to $1,480,000 is available for the state’s share of costs in the settlement of
Emma C. v. Delaine Eastin, et al. (N.D. Cal. No. C96-4179TEH). The State Department of Education shall report by January 1,
2014, to the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature, the Department of Finance, and the Legislative Analyst’s
Office on the planned use of the additional special education funds provided to the Ravenswood Elementary School District
pursuant to this settlement. The report shall also provide the State Department of Education’s best estimate of when this
supplemental funding will no longer be required by the court. The State Department of Education shall comply with the requirements
of Section 948 of the
Government Code in any further request for funds to satisfy this settlement.
15. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, state funds appropriated in Schedule (1) in excess of the amount necessary to
fund the defined entitlement shall be to fulfill other shortages in entitlements budgeted in this schedule by the State Department
of Education, upon Department of Finance approval, to any program funded under Schedule (1).
16. |
Of the amount specified in Schedule (1), $354,340,000 shall be available only to provide educationally related mental health
services, including out-of-home residential services for emotionally disturbed pupils, required by an
individualized education program pursuant to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400
et seq.) and as described in Section 56363 of the Education Code. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall allocate
these funds to special education local plan areas in the 2013–14 fiscal year based upon an equal rate per pupil using the
methodology specified in Section 56836.07 of the Education Code.
18. |
The funds appropriated in this item reflect an adjustment to the base funding of 0.203 percent for the annual adjustment in
statewide average daily attendance.
19. |
Of the amount provided in Schedule (1), $55,971,000 is to reflect a
cost-of-living adjustment.
20. |
Of the amount provided in Schedule (2), $1,342,000 is to reflect a cost-of-living adjustment.
21. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), up to $6,000,000 is available for extraordinary costs associated with single placements.
Special education local plan areas are eligible to submit claims for costs exceeding the threshold calculated pursuant to
subdivision (b) of Section 56836.21 of the Education Code, on forms developed by the State Department of Education pursuant
to subdivision (c) of Section 56836.21 of the Education Code.
(a) |
Up to $3,000,000 shall first be allocated in reimbursements for extraordinary costs associated with educationally related
mental health services, including out-of-home residential services for necessary small special education local plan areas,
as defined in Section 56212 of the Education Code.
(b) |
Any funds not used for extraordinary costs pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be available for extraordinary costs associated
with placements in nonpublic, nonsectarian schools, pursuant to Section 56836.21 of the Education Code. These funds shall
also provide reimbursement for costs associated with pupils residing in licensed children’s institutions.
22. |
Of the amount specified in Schedule (1), the amount equal to that which was received by each SELPA in fiscal year 2012–13
for program specialists and regionalized services, excluding the supplemental amount provided to small SELPAs containing fewer
than 15,000 average daily attendance, and the personnel development grant in the amount of $2,500,000 shall be added to each
SELPA’s base funding in the 2013–14 fiscal year, as determined pursuant to Section 56836.10 of the Education Code.
23. |
Of the amount specified in Schedule (1), up to $2,749,000, shall be available for small SELPAs to conduct regionalized services,
pursuant to Section 56836.31 of the Education Code.
24. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), $2,066,000 or an amount otherwise determined by the Department of Finance dependent
on the federal grant amount received by the State Department of Education, shall be allocated in the 2013–14 fiscal year based
on the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act allocation formula pursuant to Section 56838 of the Education Code
to backfill the sequester reduction for preschool grants pursuant to Section 1419 of Title 20 of the United States Code.
25. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), a total of $30,000,000 is available for equalization funding pursuant to Section
56836.145 of the Education Code.
6110-194-0001—For local assistance, Department of Education, for allocation by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to school districts,
county offices of education, and other agencies for child care and development programs included in this item, in lieu of
the amount that otherwise would be appropriated pursuant to any other statute
746,896,000 |
(1.5) |
30.10.020-Child Care Services
1,313,255,000 |
(a) | Program, Child Development, General Child Development Programs
476,938,000 |
(c) | Program, Child Development, Migrant Day Care
26,742,000 |
(d) | Program, Child Development, Alternative Payment Program
178,501,000 |
(e) | Program, Child Development Alternative Payment Program—Stage 2
357,797,000 |
(f) | Program, Child Development Alternative Payment Program—Stage 3
197,526,000 |
(g) | Program, Child Development, Resource and Referral
18,687,000 |
(j) | Program, Child Development, Allowance for Handicapped
1,457,000 |
(k) | Program, Child
Development, California Child Care Initiative
225,000 |
(l) | Program, Child Development, Quality Improvement
48,063,000 |
(n) | Program, Child Development, Local Planning Councils
3,319,000 |
(o) | Program, Child Development, Accounts Payable
4,000,000 |
(3) |
Amount payable from the Federal Trust Fund (Item 6110-194-0890)
−566,359,000 |
1. |
Funds in Schedules (1.5)(g), Resource and Referral, (1.5)(k), California Child Care Initiative, (1.5)(l), Quality Improvement, and (1.5)(n), Local Planning Councils, shall be allocated to meet federal requirements to improve
the quality of child care and shall be used in accordance with the approved California state plan for the federal Child Care
and Development Fund. Upon approval of the state plan by the Director of Finance and no sooner than 30 days after notification
in writing to the committees of each house of the Legislature that consider the State Budget, the State Department of Education
may expend
these funds for these purposes.
2. |
Nonfederal funds appropriated in this item which have been budgeted to meet the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
maintenance-of-effort requirement established pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation
Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) may not be expended in any way that would cause their disqualification as a federally allowable
maintenance-of-effort expenditure.
3. |
Notwithstanding Section 8278.3 of the Education Code or any other provision of law, up to $5,000,000 of the Child Care Facilities
Revolving Fund balance may be allocated for use on a one-time basis for renovations
and repairs to meet health and safety standards, to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42
U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.), and to perform emergency repairs that were the result of an unforeseen event and are necessary
to maintain continued normal operation of the child care and development program. These funds shall be made available to school
districts and contracting agencies that provide subsidized center-based services pursuant to the Child Care and Development
Services Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 8200) of Part 6 of Division 1 of Title 1 of the Education Code).
4. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds in Schedule (1.5)(o) are available for accounts payable for alternative
payment programs for actual and allowable costs incurred for additional services, pursuant to Section 8222.1 of
the Education Code. The State Department of Education shall give priority for the allocation of these funds for accounts
5. |
The amounts provided in Schedules (1.5)(a), (1.5)(c), (1.5)(d), and (1.5)(j) of this item reflect an adjustment to the base
funding of 0.20 percent for an increase in the population of 0–4 year-olds.
6. |
The maximum standard reimbursement rate shall not exceed $34.38 per day for general child care programs. Furthermore, the
migrant child care program shall adhere to the maximum standard reimbursement rates as prescribed for the general child care
programs. All other rates and adjustment factors shall conform.
7. |
(a) |
Alternative payment child care programs shall be subject to the rate ceilings established in the Regional Market Rate Survey
of California child care and development providers for provider payments. When approved pursuant to Section 8447 of the Education
Code, any changes to the market rate limits, adjustment factors, or regions shall be utilized by the State Department of Education,
the California Community Colleges, and the State Department of Social Services in various programs under the jurisdiction
of these departments.
(b) |
The funds appropriated in this item for the cost of licensed child care
services provided through alternative payment or voucher programs, including those provided under Article 3 (commencing
with Section 8220) and Article 15.5 (commencing with Section 8350) of Chapter 2 of Part 6 of Division 1 of Title 1 of the
Education Code, shall be used only to reimburse child care costs up to the 85th percentile of the rates charged by providers
offering the same type of child care for the same age child in that region, based on the 2005 Regional Market Rate Survey
(c) |
The funds appropriated in this item for the cost of license-exempt child care services provided through alternative payment
or voucher programs, including those provided under Article 3 (commencing with Section 8220) and Article 15.5 (commencing
with Section 8350) of Chapter 2 of Part 6 of Division 1 of Title 1 of
the Education Code, shall be used only to reimburse license-exempt child care costs up to 60 percent of the regional reimbursement
rate limits established for family child care homes.
8. |
(a) |
The State Department of Education (SDE) shall conduct monthly analyses of CalWORKs Stage 2 and Stage 3 caseloads and expenditures
and adjust agency contract maximum reimbursement amounts and allocations as necessary to ensure funds are distributed proportionally
to need. The SDE shall share monthly caseload analyses with the State Department of Social Services (DSS).
(b) |
The SDE shall provide quarterly information
regarding the sufficiency of funding for Stage 2 and Stage 3 to DSS. The SDE shall provide caseloads, expenditures, allocations,
unit costs, family fees, and other key variables and assumptions used in determining the sufficiency of state allocations.
Detailed backup by month and on a county-by-county basis shall be provided to the DSS at least on a quarterly basis for comparisons
with Stage 1 trends.
(c) |
By September 30 and March 30 of each year, the SDE shall ensure that detailed caseload and expenditure data, through the most
recent period for Stage 2 and Stage 3 along with all relevant assumptions, is provided to DSS to facilitate budget development.
The detailed data provided shall include actual and projected monthly caseload from Stage 2 scheduled to time off of their
transitional child care benefit
from the last actual month reported by agencies through the next two fiscal years as well as local attrition experience.
DSS shall utilize data provided by the SDE, including key variables from the prior fiscal year and the first two months of
the current fiscal year, to provide coordinated estimates in November of each year for each of the three stages of care for
preparation of the Governor’s Budget, and shall utilize data from at least the first two quarters of the current fiscal year,
and any additional monthly data as they become available for preparation of the May Revision. The DSS shall share its assumptions
and methodology with the SDE in the preparation of the Governor’s Budget.
(d) |
The SDE shall coordinate with the DSS to identify annual general subsidized child care program expenditures for
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families-eligible children. The SDE shall modify existing reporting forms as necessary
to capture this data.
(e) |
The SDE shall provide to the DSS, upon request, access to the information and data elements necessary to comply with federal
reporting requirements and any other information deemed necessary to improve estimation of child care budgeting needs.
(f) |
On or before January 30, 2014, following consultation with the DSS, the SDE shall determine the adequacy of funding appropriated
by the Legislature for CalWORKs Stage 2 and Stage 3. If the SDE determines that the Stage 2 appropriation exceeds
the current year caseload needs and the Stage 3 appropriation is not sufficient to fully fund its caseload need, then
the SDE shall submit a request to the Department of Finance to transfer the excess funds from Schedule (1.5)(e), CalWORKs
Stage 2 child care to Schedule (1.5)(f), CalWORKs Stage 3 child care. Notwithstanding Section 26.00 or any other provision
of law, the Department of Finance may, at its discretion, approve such a transfer.
(g) |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law or any other sections of this act, the Department of Finance may augment the appropriation
for CalWORKs Stage 3 if the estimate of expenditures, as determined by the SDE, following consultation with the DSS, will
exceed the expenditures authorized in Schedule (1.5)(f). The Department of Finance shall report any augmentation pursuant
this paragraph to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee. At the time the report is made, the amount of the appropriation
made in Schedule (1.5)(f) shall be increased by the amount of the augmentation.
(h) |
The Director of Finance may, pursuant to Provisions 8(f) and 8(g), authorize the augmentation of the amount available for
expenditure in Schedule (1.5)(f) by making a transfer from Schedule (1.5)(e). An augmentation may be authorized not sooner
than 30 days after notification in writing of the necessity to exceed the limitations is provided to the Joint Legislative
Budget Committee, or whatever lesser time the chairperson of the joint committee may determine. Any request made by the SDE
to augment the CalWORKs Stage 3 appropriation shall be approved only in order to cover increases in costs that are consistent
assumptions of this act. This provision shall not be construed to treat Stage 3 as an entitlement.
9. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the funds in Schedule (1.5)(f) are reserved exclusively for continuing child care
for the following: (a) former CalWORKs families who are working, have left cash aid, and have exhausted their two-year eligibility
for transitional services in either Stage 1 or 2 pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 8351 or Section 8353 of the Education
Code, respectively, but still meet eligibility requirements for receipt of subsidized child care services, and (b) families
who received lump-sum diversion payments or diversion services under Section 11266.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
and have spent two years in Stage 2 off of cash aid, but still meet eligibility requirements for receipt
of subsidized child care services.
10. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each local planning council receiving funds appropriated in Schedule (1.5)(n)
shall meet the requirements of Section 8499.5 of the Education Code to the extent feasible and to the extent data is readily
11. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the implementation of Provision 13 is not subject to the appeal and resolution
procedures for agencies that contract with the State Department of Education for the provision of child care services or the
due process requirements afforded to families that are denied services specified in Chapter 19 (commencing with Section
18000) of Division 1 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
12. |
Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340)
of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the State Department of Education may implement Provision 13 through
management bulletins or similar instructions.
13. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, families shall be disenrolled from subsidized child care services consistent with
the priorities for services specified in subdivision (b) of Section 8263 of the Education Code. Families shall be disenrolled
in the following order: (a) families
with the highest income below 70 percent of the State Median Income (SMI) adjusted for family size, (b) of families with
the same income level, those that have been receiving child care services for the longest period of time, (c) of families
with the same income level, those that have a child with exceptional needs, and (d) families with children who are receiving
child protective services or are at risk of being neglected or abused, regardless of family income.
6110-295-0001—For local assistance, Department of Education (Proposition 98), for reimbursement, in accordance with the provisions of Section
6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution or Section 17561 of the Government Code, of the cost of any new program
or increased level of service of an existing program mandated by statute or executive order, for disbursement by the Controller
for claims for costs incurred during the 2011–12 fiscal year
41,000 |
(1) | of Annual Parent Notification/Schoolsite Discipline Rules/Alternative Schools (Ch. 36, Stats.
1977, et al.) (CSM 4445, 4453, 4461, 4462, 4474, 4488, 97-TC-24, 99-TC-09, 00-TC-12)
1,000 |
(2) | Performance Index (Ch. 3, Stats. 1999, 1st Ex. Sess.) (01-TC-22)
1,000 |
(3) | Affidavits to Establish Residence for School Attendance (Ch. 98, Stats. 1994) (CSM 4497)
1,000 |
(4) | Reimbursement Process I and II (Ch. 486, Stats. 1975) (CSM 4485)
1,000 |
(5) | of Truancy (Ch. 498, Stats. 1983) (CSM 4133)
1,000 |
(6) | Suspensions, Expulsions, and Expulsion Appeals (Ch. 498, Stats. 1983, et al.) (CSM 4455, 4456, and 4463)
1,000 |
(7) | Schools I, II, and III (Ch. 781, Stats. 1992) (CSM 4437 et al., 99-TC-03/99-TC-14)
1,000 |
(8) | Instruction and AIDS Prevention Instruction (Ch. 818, Stats. 1991; Ch. 403, Stats. 1998) (CSM 4422; 99-TC-07,
1,000 |
(9) | Bargaining and Collective Bargaining Agreement Disclosure (Ch. 961, Stats. 1975) (CSM 4425, 97-TC-08)
1,000 |
(10) | Health Screenings (Ch. 1208, Stats. 1976) (CSM 4440)
1,000 |
(11) | Performance Tests (Ch. 975, Stats. 1995) (96-365-01)
1,000 |
(12) | Court Notices II (Ch. 1011, Stats. 1984; Ch. 1423, Stats. 1984) (CSM 4475)
1,000 |
(13) | of Law Enforcement Agency Notifications (LEAN) and Missing Children Reports (MCR) (Ch. 1117, Stats.
1989) (CSM 4505, 4505-2)
1,000 |
(14) | Records (Ch. 1176, Stats. 1977) (SB 90-120)
1,000 |
(15) | Truant (Ch. 1184, Stats. 1975) (CSM 4487, 4487-A)
1,000 |
(16) | of Notification to Teachers: Pupils Subject to Suspension or Expulsion I and II, and Pupil Discipline
Records (Ch. 1306, Stats. 1989) (CSM 4452)
1,000 |
(17) | Background Checks I (Ch. 558, Stats. 1997) (97-TC-16)
1,000 |
(18) | Meetings/Brown Act Reform (Ch. 641, Stats. 1986) (CSM 4257)
1,000 |
(19) |
98.01.361.977-Financial and Compliance Audits (Ch. 36, Stats. 1977) (CSM 4498, 4498-A)
1,000 |
(20) | Office of Education Fiscal Accountability Reporting (Ch. 917, Stats.
1987, et al.) (97-TC-20)
1,000 |
(21) | District Fiscal Accountability Reporting and Employee Benefits Disclosure (Consolidation) (Ch. 100, Stats.
1981) (97-TC-19)
1,000 |
(22) | School Safety Plans I and II (Ch. 736, Stats. 1997) (98-TC-01, 99-TC-10)
1,000 |
(23) | Records—Hepatitis B (Ch. 325, Stats. 1978; Ch. 435, Stats. 1979) (98-TC-05)
1,000 |
(24) | District Reorganization (Ch. 1192, Stats. 1980; Ch. 1186, Stats. 1994) (98-TC-24)
1,000 |
(25) | Background Checks II (Ch. 594, Stats. 1998, Ch. 840, Stats. 1998, Ch. 78, Stats. 1999) (00-TC-05)
1,000 |
(26) | Promotion and Retention (Ch. 100, Stats. 1981, et al.) (98-TC-19)
1,000 |
(27) | Pay and Reemployment (Ch. 30, Stats. 1998) (99-TC-02)
1,000 |
(28) | Ballots (Ch. 77, Stats. 1978; Ch. 1032, Stats. 2002) (02-PGA-02)
1,000 |
(29) | Fee Arrangements (Ch. 893,
Stats. 2000; Ch. 805, Stats. 2001) (00-TC-17 and 01-TC-14)
1,000 |
(30) |
98.01.498.083-The Stull Act (Ch. 498, Stats. 1983; Ch. 4, Stats. 1999) (98-TC-25)
1,000 |
(31) | Against Peace Officers (Ch. 1249, Stats. 1992 et al.)
1,000 |
(32) | State Teachers’ Retirement System Service Credit (Ch. 603, Stats. 1994 et al.) (02-TC-19)
1,000 |
(33) |
98.01.498.830-Pupil Safety Notices (Ch. 498, Stats. 1983 et al.) (02-TC-13)
1,000 |
(34) | Accountability Report Cards (Ch. 912, Stats. 1997 et al.) (00-TC-09/00-TC-13; 02-TC-32)
1,000 |
(35) | Wage Rate (Ch. 1249, Stats. 1978) (01-TC-28)
1,000 |
(36) | Attendance (Ch. 161, Stats. 1993) (CSM 4454)
1,000 |
(37) | School Exit Examination (Ch. 135, Stats. 1999) (00-TC-06)
1,000 |
(38) | Abuse and Neglect Reporting (Ch. 64, Stats. 1987) (01-TC-21)
1,000 |
(39) | of Pupils: Transcript Cost for Appeals (Ch. 1253, Stats. 1975)
1,000 |
(40) | Attendance Permits
1,000 |
(41) | Expulsions II, Pupil Suspensions II, and Educational Services Plan for Expelled Pupils
1,000 |
1. |
If the amount appropriated in this item is less than the amount required to fund eligible claims, the Controller shall prorate
the payments accordingly.
6110-488—Reappropriation, Department of Education. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the balances from the following items
are available for reappropriation for the purposes specified in Provisions 1 to 5, inclusive:
0001—General Fund
(1) |
$20,865,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Preschool
Education and Child Care Services in Schedules (1) and (1.5) of Item 6110-196-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712,
Stats. 2010).
(2) |
$931,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Home to School Transportation
in Item 6110-111-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(3) |
$7,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Educational Services
for Foster Youth in Item 6110-119-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(4) |
$8,472,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Special Education
Programs for Exceptional Children in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-161-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(5) |
$35,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Agricultural Career
Technical Education Incentive Program in Item 6110-167-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(6) |
$1,050,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount
appropriated for child nutrition programs in Item 6110-203-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(7) |
$357,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount reappropriated for categorical funding
for charter schools commencing operations during or after the 2008–09 fiscal year, pursuant to Section 42606 of the Education
Code, in Item 6110-488, Provision (2) of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(8) |
$1,134,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Quality Education
Investment Act of 2006 in the 2010–11 fiscal year pursuant to Section 52055.770
of the Education Code.
(9) |
$14,133,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the After School
Education and Safety Program in the 2010–11 fiscal year pursuant to Section 8483.5 of the Education Code.
(10) |
$18,373,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Special Education
Programs for Exceptional Children in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-161-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
(11) |
$4,700,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for child nutrition programs
in Item 6110-203-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
(12) |
$552,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Categorical Programs
for New Schools, pursuant to Section 42606 of the Education Code, in Item 6110-212-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33,
Stats. 2011).
(13) |
$86,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Child Nutrition School
Breakfast and Summer Food Service Program
grants in Item 6110-201-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
(14) |
$1,231,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Quality Education
Investment Act of 2006 in the 2011–12 fiscal year pursuant to Section 52055.770 of the Education Code.
(15) |
$2,411,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the After School
Education and Safety Program in the 2011–12 fiscal year pursuant to Section 8483.5 of the Education Code.
(16) |
$3,000,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount reappropriated for the English language
development test in Item 6110-488, Provision (7) of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012).
(17) |
$7,731,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for home-to-school transportation
in Item 6110-650-0001, pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 5 of Chapter 3 of the 2009–10 Fourth Extraordinary Session,
as amended by Chapter 31 of the 2009–10 Third Extraordinary Session.
(18) |
$7,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the
amount appropriated for special education instruction in Item 6100-161-0001, pursuant to Section 5 of Chapter 3 of the
2009–10 Fourth Extraordinary Session, as amended by Chapter 31 of the 2009–10 Third Extraordinary Session.
(19) |
$1,814,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for California Partnership
Academies in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-166-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(20) |
$335,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for supplemental school
counseling in Item 6110-108-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Ch. 21, Stats. 2012).
(21) |
$800,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Special Education
Programs for Exceptional Children in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-161-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats.
(22) |
$13,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Staff Development:
Teacher Improvement, Teacher Incentives National Board Certification in Item 6110-195-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Ch.
21, Stats. 2012).
(23) |
$13,000 or whatever greater
or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Preschool Education and Child Care Services
in Schedules (1) and (1.5) of Item 6110-196-0001 of the Budget Act of 2008 (Chs. 268 and 269, Stats. 2008).
(24) |
$386,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the California High
School Exit Examination assistance program in Item 6110-204-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Ch. 21, Stats. 2012).
(25) |
$32,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for English language tutoring
in Item 6110-227-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Ch. 21, Stats. 2012).
(26) |
$147,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Physical Education
Teacher Incentive Grants in Item 6110-260-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Ch. 21, Stats. 2012).
(27) |
$517,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Arts and Music
Block Grant in Item 6110-265-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Ch. 21, Stats. 2012).
(28) |
$24,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Certificated
Staff Mentoring Program in Item 6110-267-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Ch. 21, Stats. 2012).
(29) |
$798,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Home to School Transportation
in Item 6110-111-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
(30) |
$37,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for California Partnership
Academies in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-166-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
(31) |
$36,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for child nutrition programs
in Item 6110-201-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(32) |
$448,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for class size reduction
in Item 6110-672-0001, pursuant to Section 40 of Chapter 724 of the Statutes of 2010.
(33) |
$33,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Home to School Transportation
small school district bus replacement in Schedule (2) of Item 6110-111-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(34) |
$829,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Adults in Correctional
Facilities Program in Item 6110-158-0001 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010).
(35) |
$65,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount reappropriated for special education
mental health services in Item 6110-488, Provision (3) of the Budget Act of 2010 (Ch. 712, Stats. 2010), as amended by Section
46 of Chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2011.
(36) |
$2,000,000 or whatever
greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Adults in Correctional Facilities
Program in Item 6110-158-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
(37) |
$800,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the Early Education
Program for Individuals with Exceptional Needs in Schedule (2) of Item 6110-161-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
(38) |
$5,303,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount reappropriated for the Class Size
Reduction Program in Item 6110-488, Provision (2) of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats. 2011).
(39) |
$260,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Home to School Transportation
in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-111-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs. 21 and 29, Stats. 2012).
(40) |
$2,095,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for Preschool Education
and Child Care Services in Schedule (1) of Item 6110-196-0001 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Ch. 33, Stats.
(41) |
$3,480,000 or whatever greater or lesser amount of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for the After School
Education and Safety Program in the 2012–13 fiscal year pursuant to Section 8483.5 of the Education Code.
1. |
The sum of $84,000,000 is hereby reappropriated to the State Department of Education for transfer by the Controller to Section
A of the State School Fund for allocation by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for apportionment
for special education programs pursuant to Part 30 (commencing with Section 56000) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Education
3. |
The sum of $5,546,000 is hereby reappropriated to the State Department of Education for transfer by the Controller to Section
A of the State School Fund for allocation by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to support California School Information
Services activities authorized pursuant to Schedule (2) of Item 6110-140-0001.
4. |
The sum of $827,000 is hereby reappropriated to the State Department of Education for transfer by the Controller to Section
A of the State School Fund for allocation by the Superintendent of Public
Instruction to local educational agencies for activities authorized pursuant to Schedule (3) of Item 6110-140-0001.
5. |
The sum of $14,967,000 is hereby reappropriated to the State Department of Education for transfer by the Controller to Section
A of the State School Fund for allocation by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for apportionment to reimburse the 2012-13
Adults in Correctional Facilities Program activities authorized pursuant to Item 6110-158-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chs.
21 and 29, Stats. 2012).
6870-101-0001—For local assistance, Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges (Proposition 98)
2,234,639,000 |
(1) |
1,560,973,000 |
(2) |
20-Special Services
0 |
(3) |
7,174,000 |
(3.5) |
10.10.021-Apprenticeship Training and Instruction
15,694,000 |
(4) |
10.10.030-Growth for Apportionments
89,421,000 |
(5) |
20.10.004-Student Success for Basic Skills Students
20,037,000 |
(6) |
20.10.005-Student Financial Aid Administration
67,537,000 |
(7) |
20.10.020-Disabled Students
84,223,000 |
(8) |
20.10.045-Special Services for CalWORKs Recipients
34,545,000 |
(9) |
20.10.060-Foster Care Education Program
5,254,000 |
(10) |
99,183,000 |
(11) |
20.20.020-Academic Senate for the Community Colleges
468,000 |
(12) |
20.20.041-Equal Employment Opportunity pursuant to Ch. 1169, Stats. 2002
767,000 |
(13) |
20.20.050-Part-time Faculty Health Insurance
490,000 |
(14) |
20.20.051-Part-time Faculty Compensation
24,907,000 |
(15) |
20.20.055-Part-time Faculty Office Hours
3,514,000 |
(16) |
20.30.011-Telecommunications and Technology Services
15,790,000 |
(17) |
20.30.050-Economic Development
22,929,000 |
(18) |
20.30.070-Transfer Education and Articulation
698,000 |
(19) |
20.40.026-Physical Plant and Instructional Support
30,000,000 |
(20) |
20.10.010-Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Special Services
88,605,000 |
(21) |
20.30.045-Fund for Student Success
3,792,000 |
(22) |
20.70.010-Career Technical Education
0 |
(23) |
20.80.010-Campus Child Care Tax Bailout
3,350,000 |
(24) |
20.95.010-Nursing Program Support
13,378,000 |
(25) |
10.10.025-Adult Education
25,000,000 |
(26) |
10.10.050-Expanding the Delivery of Courses through Technology
16,910,000 |
1. |
The funds appropriated in this item are for transfer by the Controller during the 2013–14 fiscal year to Section B of the
State School Fund.
3. |
The funds appropriated in Schedule (1) for apportionments include $31,409,000 to encourage district-level accountability efforts
pursuant to Section 84754.5 of the Education Code. It is intended that the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community
Colleges submit an annual report on district-specific accountability measures by March 31 of each year. This report shall
reflect the outcomes from the most recently completed fiscal year for which data is available pursuant to Section 84754.5
of the Education Code.
13. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, apportionment funding for community college districts shall be based on the greater
of the current year or prior year level of full-time equivalent students (FTES), consistent with K–12 declining enrollment
practices pursuant to Section 42238.5 of
the Education Code. Decreases in FTES shall result in a revenue reduction at the district’s average level of apportionment
funding per FTES and shall be made in the year following the initial year of decrease in FTES.
14. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), Apportionments:
(a) |
Up to $100,000 is for a maintenance allowance, pursuant to Section 54200 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
(b) |
Up to $500,000 is to
reimburse colleges for the costs of federal aid repayments related to assessed fees for fee waiver recipients. This reimbursement
only applies to students who completely withdraw from college before the census date pursuant to Section 58508 of Title 5
of the California Code of Regulations.
15. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall not reduce district
workload obligations for a lack of a funded cost-of-living adjustment.
16. |
(a) |
The amount appropriated in Schedule (3) for the Apprenticeship Program shall be available as necessary upon certification
by the Chancellor
of the California Community Colleges for the purpose of funding community college-related and supplemental instruction
pursuant to Section 3074 of the Labor Code, as provided in Section 8152 of the Education Code. No community college district
shall use funds available under this provision to offer any new apprenticeship training program or the expansion of any existing
program unless the new program or expansion has been approved by the chancellor.
(b) |
Notwithstanding Section 8152 of the Education Code, each 60-minute hour of teaching time devoted to each indentured apprentice
enrolled in and attending classes of related and supplemental instruction as provided under Section 3074 of the Labor Code
shall be reimbursed at the rate of $5.04 per hour. For purposes of this provision, each hour of teaching time
may include up to 10 minutes for passing time and breaks.
17. |
Funds appropriated in Schedule (4), Growth for Apportionments, shall be available first to any districts bringing online newly
accredited colleges or educational centers. It is the intent of the Legislature that increases in basic foundation allocations
to each college be funded prior to additional growth in full-time equivalent students. The Chancellor of the California Community
Colleges shall provide a report by November 1 of each year, to the Department of Finance and the Legislative Analyst, on the
number of new centers and colleges added for the current fiscal year and those anticipated to be added for the prospective
budget year. This report shall also detail the specific funding adjustments provided for basic foundation allocations to each
college and center for the
current fiscal year.
18. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated in Schedule (4), Growth for Apportionments, shall only be allocated
for growth in full-time equivalent students (FTES), on a district-by-district basis, as determined by the Chancellor of the
California Community Colleges. The chancellor shall not include any FTES from concurrent enrollment in physical education,
dance, recreation, study skills, and personal development courses and other courses in conflict with existing law for the
purpose of calculating a district’s three-year overcap adjustment. The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges
shall implement the criteria required by subdivision (a) of Provision 5 of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003 (Ch.
157, Stats. 2003) for the allocation of funds appropriated in
Schedules (1) and (3) of this item, so as to ensure that courses related to student needs for transfer, basic skills,
and vocational/workforce training are accorded the highest priority and are provided to the maximum extent possible within
budgeted funds.
19. |
The funds appropriated in Schedule (5), Student Success for Basic Skills Students, shall be allocated as follows:
(a) |
$969,000 for faculty and staff development to improve curriculum, instruction, student services, and program practices in
the areas of basic skills and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs. The Office of the Chancellor of the California
Colleges shall select a district, utilizing a competitive process, to carry out these faculty and staff development activities.
All colleges receiving funds pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be provided with the opportunity to participate in the faculty
and staff development programs specified in this subdivision. The chancellor shall report on the use of these funds by the
selected district to the Legislative Analyst and the Department of Finance not later than September 1 of each year.
(b) |
$19,068,000 for allocation by the chancellor to community college districts for improving outcomes of students who enter college
needing at least one course in ESL or basic skills, with particular emphasis on students transitioning from high school.
(c) |
Funding specified in subdivisions (a) and (b) shall be distributed to eligible applicants pursuant to Chapter 489 of the Statutes
of 2007.
(d) |
The Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall work jointly with the Department of Finance and the
Legislative Analyst to evaluate and refine, as necessary, the annual accountability measures for this program. It is the intent
of the Legislature that annual performance accountability measures for this program utilize, to the extent possible, data
available as part of the accountability system developed pursuant to Section 84754.5 of the Education Code. By September 1,
2010, the chancellor shall
submit a report to the Governor and the Legislature on basic skills accountability using system- and college-level data
and an annual report each year thereafter by September 1.
20. |
(a) |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (6) for Student Financial Aid Administration, not less than $15,185,000 is available
to provide $0.91 per unit reimbursement to community college districts for the provision of board of governors (BOG) fee waiver
awards pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (m) of Section 76300 of the Education Code.
(b) |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (6), not less than $15,351,000 is
available to provide reimbursement of 2 percent of total waiver value to community college districts for the provision
of BOG fee waiver awards pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (m) of Section 76300 of the Education Code.
(c) |
Funding provided to community college districts in subdivisions (a) and (b) is provided to directly offset any mandated costs
claimed by community college districts pursuant to Commission on State Mandates Test Claims 99-TC-13 (Enrollment Fee Collection)
and 00-TC-15 (Enrollment Fee Waivers).
(d) |
(1) |
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (6),
$2,800,000 shall be for a contract with a community college district to conduct a statewide media campaign to promote
the general message to prospective students as follows: (A) the California Community Colleges (CCC) remain affordable, (B)
financial aid tax credits are available to cover enrollment fees and help with books and other costs, and (C) the active encouragement
of contact between pupils and local CCC financial aid offices. Any funds used from this source to produce radio, television,
or mail campaigns must emphasize the availability of financial aid, the easiest and most reliable method of accessing the
aid, a contact telephone number, an Internet Web site address, where applicable, and the physical location of a financial
aid office. Any mail campaign must give priority to existing pupils, recent high school graduates, and 12th graders. The outreach
and information campaign should target its efforts in high schools, welfare offices, unemployment offices, churches, community
centers, and any
other location that will most effectively reach low-income and disadvantaged students who must overcome barriers in accessing
postsecondary education. The community college district awarded the contract shall consult with the Chancellor of the California
Community Colleges and the Student Aid Commission prior to performing any activities to ensure appropriate coordination with
any other state efforts in this area and ensure compliance with this provision.
(2) |
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (6), not more than $34,200,000 shall be for direct contact with potential and current
financial aid applicants. Each CCC campus shall receive a minimum allocation of $50,000. The remainder of the funding shall
be allocated to campuses based upon a formula reflecting full-time
equivalent students (FTES) weighted by a measure of low-income populations demonstrated by BOG fee waiver program participation
within a district. It is the intent of the Legislature, to the extent that funds are provided in this item, that all campuses
provide additional staff resources to increase both financial aid participation and student access to low-income and disadvantaged
students who must overcome barriers in accessing postsecondary education. Funds may be used for screening current students
for possible financial aid eligibility and offering personal assistance to these students in accessing financial aid, providing
individual help in multiple languages for families and students in filling out the necessary paperwork to apply for financial
aid, and increasing financial aid staff to process additional financial aid forms.
(3) |
Funding provided to community college districts in paragraph (2) is provided to offset any mandated costs claimed by community
college districts pursuant to the Commission on State Mandates Test Claims 02-TC-28 (Cal Grants) and 02-TC-21 (Tuition Fee
(4) |
Funds allocated to a community college district for financial aid personnel, outreach determination of financial need, and
delivery of student financial aid services shall supplement, and shall not supplant, the level of funds allocated for the
administration of student financial aid programs during the 2001–02 or 2006–07 fiscal year, whichever is greater.
(5) |
It is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges provide the Legislature
with a report not later than April 1 of each year on the use of the funds allocated pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), including
the distribution of the funds, specific uses of the funds, strategies employed to reach low-income and disadvantaged students
potentially eligible for financial aid, and the extent to which districts were successful in increasing the number of students
accessing financial aid, particularly the maximum Pell Grant award.
(6) |
It is the intent of the Legislature that the chancellor
report by May 15 of each year, in the manner and using the factors set forth in paragraph (5) of subdivision (c) of Provision
11 of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2007 (Chs. 171 and 172, Stats. 2007), on the impact of outreach efforts on student
headcount and FTES enrollment for the 2009–10 and 2010–11 academic years.
(e) |
Notwithstanding subdivision (m) of Section 76300 of the Education Code or any other provision of law, the amount of funds
appropriated for the purpose of administering fee waivers for the 2013–14 fiscal year shall be determined in this act.
21. |
(a) |
The funds appropriated in
Schedule (7) for the Disabled Students Program are for assisting districts in funding the excess direct instructional
cost of providing special support services or instruction, or both, to disabled students enrolled at community colleges, and
for state hospital programs, as mandated by federal law.
(b) |
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (7), no less than $3,166,000 shall be used to address deficiencies identified by the
federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR), as determined by the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges.
(c) |
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (7), at least
$757,000 shall be used for support of the High Tech Centers for activities including, but not limited to, training of
district employees, staff, and students in the use of specialized computer equipment for the disabled. All High Tech Centers
shall meet standards developed by the Office of the Chancellor. Colleges that receive these augmentations shall not supplant
existing resources provided to the centers.
(d) |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of the funds appropriated in Schedule (7), $1,000,000 shall be for state hospital
adult education programs at the hospitals served by the Coast and Kern Community College Districts since the 1986–87 fiscal
year. If adult education services at any of the two hospitals are not supported by the community colleges in any portion of
the 2013–14 fiscal year,
remaining funds shall, upon order of the Department of Finance, after 30 days’ notice to the Chairperson of the Joint
Legislative Budget Committee, be transferred to the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS). For any transfer of
funds to DDS during the 2013–14 fiscal year, the Proposition 98 base funding levels for community colleges and DDS shall be
adjusted accordingly.
(e) |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (7) for the Disabled Student Services, no less than $7,704,000 shall be allocated to
support high-cost sign language interpreter services and real-time captioning equipment or other communication accommodations
for hearing-impaired students based on a 4-to-1 state-to-local district match.
22. |
The funds appropriated in Schedule (8), Special Services for CalWORKs Recipients, are for the purpose of assisting welfare
recipient students and those in transition off of welfare to achieve long-term self-sufficiency through coordinated student
services offered at community colleges, including workstudy, other educational related work experience, job placement services,
child care services, and coordination with county welfare offices to determine eligibility and availability of services. All
services funded in Schedule (8) shall be for current CalWORKs recipients or prior CalWORKs recipients who are in transition
off of cash assistance for no more than two years. Current cash-assistance recipients may utilize these services until their
initial educational objectives are met. Former recipients in transition off of cash assistance may utilize these services
for a period of up to two years after leaving cash assistance
subject to the conditions of this provision. These funds shall be used to supplement and not supplant existing funds and
services provided for CalWORKs recipients attending community colleges. The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges
shall develop an equitable method for allocating funds to all districts and colleges based on the relative numbers of CalWORKs
recipients in attendance and shall allocate funds for the following purposes:
(a) |
Job placement.
(b) |
Coordination with county welfare offices and other local agencies, including local workforce investment boards.
(c) |
Curriculum development and redesign.
(d) |
Child care and workstudy.
(e) |
(f) |
Postemployment skills training and related skills.
(g) |
Campus-based case management, limited to on-campus assistance and services not provided by county case workers that do not
supplant other counseling and academic support services funded through existing California Community Colleges categorical
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (8), $9,188,000 is for child care and does not require a district match. For the remaining
funds, districts shall, as a condition of receipt of these funds, provide a $1 match for every $1 provided by the state.
Funds utilized for subsidized child care shall be for children of CalWORKs recipients through campus-based centers or parental
choice vouchers at rates and with rules consistent with those applied to related programs operated by the State Department
of Education in the 2013–14 fiscal year, including eligibility, reimbursement rates, and parental contribution schedules.
Subsidized campus child care for CalWORKs recipients may be provided during the period they are engaged in qualifying state
and federal work activities through attainment of their initial education and training plan and for up to three months thereafter
or until the end of the academic year, whichever period of time is greater.
Funds utilized for workstudy shall be used solely for payments to employers
that currently participate in campus-based workstudy programs or are providing work experiences that are directly related
to and in furtherance of student educational programs and work participation requirements, provided that those payments may
not exceed 75 percent of the wage for the workstudy positions, and the employers shall pay at least 25 percent of the wage
for the workstudy positions. These funds may be expended only if the total hours of education, employment, and workstudy for
the student are sufficient to meet both state and federal minimum requirements for qualifying work-related activities.
Funds may be used to provide credit or noncredit classes for CalWORKs students if a district has committed all of its funded
full-time equivalent students (FTES) and is unable to offer the additional instructional
services to meet the demand for CalWORKs students. This determination shall be based on fall enrollment information. Districts
shall submit applications to the office of the chancellor by December 1 of each year. If the chancellor approves the use of
funds for direct instructional workload, the Office of the Chancellor shall submit a report to the Department of Finance and
the Joint Legislative Budget Committee by February 15 of each year that (a) identifies the enrollment of new CalWORKs students,
(b) states whether and why additional classes were needed to accommodate the needs of CalWORKs students, and (c) sets forth
an expenditure plan for the balance of funds.
As a condition of receipt of the funds appropriated in Schedule (8), by the fourth week following the end of the semester
or quarter term commencing in
January 2014, participating community districts and colleges shall submit to the office of the chancellor a report, in
the format specified by the chancellor in consultation with the State Department of Social Services, that includes, but is
not limited to, the funded components, the number of hours of child care provided, the average monthly enrollment of CalWORKs
dependents served in child care, the number of workstudy hours provided, the hourly salaries and type of jobs, the number
of students being case managed, the short-term programs available, the student participation rates, and other outcome data.
It is intended that, to the extent practicable, reporting from colleges utilize data gathered for federal reporting requirements
at the state and local level. Further, it is intended that the office of the chancellor compile the information for annual
reports to the Legislature, the Governor, the Legislative Analyst, the Department of Finance, and the State Department of
Social Services by February 15 of
each year.
First priority for expenditures of any funds appropriated in Schedule (8) shall be in support of current CalWORKs recipients.
However, if caseloads are insufficient to fully utilize all of the funding in this schedule in a cost-beneficial way, it is
intended that up to $5,000,000 of the funds subject to local matching requirements may be allocated for providing postemployment
services to former CalWORKs recipients who have been off of cash assistance for no longer than two years to assist them in
upgrading skills, job retention, and advancement. Allowable services include direct instruction that cannot be funded under
available growth funding, child care to support attendance in these classes consistent with this provision, job development
and placement services, and career counseling and assessment
activities that cannot be funded through other programs. Child care services may only be provided for periods commensurate
with a student’s need for postemployment training within the two-year transitional period.
Prior to allocation of funds for postemployment services, the chancellor shall first secure the approval of the Department
of Finance for the allocations, complete a cumulative report on the outcomes, activities, and cost-effectiveness of the program
no later than February 15 of each year in compliance with the Budget Acts of 1998 (Ch. 324, Stats. 1998) and 1999 (Ch. 50,
Stats. 1999) and this act, and shall provide the rationale and justification for the proposed allocation of postemployment
services to districts for transitional students.
If a district is unable to fully expend its share of child care funds, it may request that the Office of the Chancellor approve
a reallocation to other CalWORKs purposes authorized by this provision, subject to all pertinent limitations and district
match required for these purposes under this provision.
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (8) for the Special Services for CalWORKs Recipients Program, no less than $4,900,000
is to provide direct workstudy wage reimbursement for students served under this program, and $613,000 is available for campus
job development and placement services.
23. |
Funds appropriated in Schedule (8) for the Special Services for CalWORKs Recipients Program have been budgeted to meet the
state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families maintenance-of-effort requirement pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibility
and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and may not be expended in any way that would cause their disqualification
as a federally allowable maintenance-of-effort expenditure.
24. |
(a) |
Funds provided in Schedule (9) for the Foster Care Education Program shall be allocated to provide foster and relative/kinship
care education and training. Districts shall ensure that education and training required by Sections 1529.1 and 1529.2 of
the Health and
Safety Code and Section 16003 of the Welfare and Institutions Code receive priority. Districts may use any remaining funds
for additional parenting skills training.
(b) |
Funds provided in Schedule (9) shall be used for foster parent and relative/kinship care provider education training services
consistent with the following criteria:
(1) |
The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall use these funds exclusively for foster parent and relative/kinship
care provider education and training, as specified by the chancellor in consultation with an advisory committee that
includes foster parents, representatives of statewide foster parent organizations, parent and relative/kinship care providers,
and representatives from the State Department of Social Services.
(2) |
Acceptance of funds under this program shall constitute agreement by the district to comply with such reporting requirements,
guidelines, and other conditions for receipt of funding as the chancellor may establish.
(3) |
Each college plan for foster and relative/kinship care education programs shall include the provision of training to facilitate
development of foster family homes, small family homes, and relative/kinship homes to care for no more than six children
who have special mental, emotional, developmental, or physical needs.
(4) |
The State Department of Social Services shall facilitate the participation of county welfare departments in the foster and
relative/kinship care education program.
25. |
(a) |
Funds appropriated in Schedule (10) for the Matriculation Program are for the purpose of student matriculation pursuant to
Article 1 (commencing with Section 78210) of Chapter 2 of Part 48 of Division 7 of Title
3 of the Education Code.
(b) |
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (10), $9,381,000 shall be allocated to community college districts on a one-to-one
matching funds basis to provide matriculation services, including, but not limited to, orientation, assessment, and counseling,
for students enrolled in designated noncredit classes and programs who may benefit most, as determined by the Chancellor of
the California Community Colleges pursuant to Sections 78216 and 78218 of the Education Code.
(c) |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (10), up to $14,000,000 may be used by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges
for the
purpose of procuring or developing E-Transcript, E-Planning, and common assessment tools. Prior to the expenditure of
these funds, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall submit a proposed expenditure plan to the Department
of Finance and to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
26. |
The funds in Schedule (14) for the Part-time Faculty Compensation Program shall be allocated solely to increase compensation
for part-time faculty from the amounts previously authorized. Funds shall be distributed to districts based on the total actual
full-time equivalent students served in the previous fiscal year and include a small district factor as determined by the
Chancellor of the California Community Colleges. These funds are to be used to assist districts in making part-time faculty
salaries more comparable to
full-time salaries for similar work, as determined through each district’s local collective bargaining process. These
funds shall not supplant the amount of resources each district used to compensate part-time faculty or be used to exceed parity
of each part-time faculty employed by each district with regular full-time faculty at the same district, as certified by the
chancellor. If a district achieves parity, its allocation may be used for any other educational purpose.
27. |
(a) |
$14,651,000 of the funds provided in Schedule (16) for the Telecommunications and Technology Services Program shall be for
the purpose of supporting technical and application innovations and for coordination of activities that serve to maximize
the utility of the technology investments of the community college system towards
improving learning outcomes. Allocations shall be made by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, based on
criteria and guidelines as developed by the chancellor, on a competitive basis through the RFA/RFP application process for
the following purposes:
(1) |
Provision of access to statewide multimedia hosting and delivery services for state colleges and districts.
(2) |
Provision of systemwide Internet, audio bridging, and telephony.
(3) |
Technical assistance and planning, cooperative purchase agreements, and faculty and staff development in a manner consistent
with paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Provision 17 of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 1996 (Ch. 162, Stats. 1996).
(4) |
Ongoing support for the California Virtual Campus Distance Education Program.
(5) |
Ongoing support for programs designed to use technology in assisting
accreditation and the alignment of curricula across K–20 segments in California.
(6) |
Support for technology pilots and ongoing technology programs and applications that serve to maximize the utility and economy
of scale of the technology investments of the community college system towards improving learning outcomes.
(7) |
Support for the Student Friendly Services Program. |
In addition, a portion of the funds provided in this subdivision shall be available for allocations to districts. It is the
intent of the Legislature that these funds be used by colleges to maintain the technology capabilities specified in subdivision
(a) of Provision 21 of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003 (Ch. 157, Stats. 2003). These funds shall not supplant
existing funds used for those purposes, and colleges shall match maintenance and ongoing costs with other funds as provided
by subdivision (a) of Provision 21 of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003 (Ch. 157, Stats. 2003).
(b) |
The Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall develop the reporting criteria for all programs funded
by this item and shall submit
that for review along with an annual progress report on program implementation to the Legislative Analyst and the Department
of Finance no later than December 1 of each year. Reporting shall include summaries of allocations and expenditures by program
and by district, where applicable.
(c) |
Of the funds provided in Schedule (16), $1,139,000 is for ongoing support and expansion of the California Partnership for
Achieving Student Success (Cal-PASS) program. As a condition of receipt of these funds, the grantee shall submit to the office
of the chancellor, by October 15 of each year, all of the following: (1) a report that includes the numbers and percentages
of institutions and school districts that have signed agreements and the number and percentage that have actively submitted
data in the current year and
(2) an annual financial audit, as prescribed by the chancellor, that includes an accounting of all funding sources and
all uses of funds by funding source. The report and audit also shall be submitted to the Legislative Analyst, the Department
of Finance, and the appropriate budget subcommittees of the budget committees of each house of the Legislature. It is the
intent of the Legislature that all reporting requirements contained in this subdivision shall be completed using funds provided
to the grantee.
28. |
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (17) for the Economic and Workforce Development Program, pursuant to Part 52.2 (commencing
with Section 88600) of Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code, the following shall apply:
(a) |
Up to 10 percent may be allocated for state level technical assistance activities in support of the intent of Chapter 361
of the Statutes of 2012, including statewide network leadership, organizational development, coordination, information and
support services, or other program purposes. Any augmentation to state level activities funding is subject to approval of
the Department of Finance, not sooner than 30 days after the notification in writing to the chairpersons of the fiscal committees
of each house of the Legislature and the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
(b) |
All remaining funds shall be allocated for programming that target investment at priority and emergent sectors, including
statewide and/or regional
centers, hubs, collaborative communities, advisory bodies, and short-term grants. Short-term grants can include industry-driven
regional education and training, Responsive Incumbent Worker Training, and Job Development Incentive Training.
(c) |
Prior to the expenditure of these funds, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall submit a proposed expenditure
plan and the rationale therefore, to the Department of Finance for approval. The expenditure plan shall include the following:
(1) |
A statewide and regional delivery system. |
(2) |
A targeting of investments to competitive and emergent sectors important to regional economies as well as use of short-term
grants to meet employer-driven training needs.
(3) |
Program support to increase the impact of college career technical education (CTE) programs (including contextualized CTE
programs) on regional economies; statewide accountability data collection and performance evaluation; statewide training,
development, and coordination; labor market research; and continuous program improvements.
(d) |
The following provisions apply to the expenditures of these funds: |
(1) |
Funds applied to performance-based training shall be matched by a minimum of $1 of private business and industry funding for
each $1 of state funds. The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall consider the level of involvement and financial
commitments of business and industry in making awards for performance-based training.
(2) |
Funds allocated by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges under
this program may not be used by community college districts to supplant existing contract education offerings. The chancellor
shall ensure that funds are spent only for expanded services and shall implement accountability reporting for districts receiving
these funds to ensure that training, credit, and noncredit programs remain relevant to business needs.
(3) |
Any funds that become available due to savings, discontinuance, or reduction of amounts shall be evaluated against labor market
needs and regional economies for reallocation within the economic and workforce development program.
(e) |
Fiscal agents of
program funds intended to serve statewide or regional functions do not have authority to flex program funds. The chancellor’s
office may adjust allocations, as necessary, to preclude this action.
29. |
(a) |
The funds appropriated in Schedule (18) for the Transfer Education and Articulation Program are available to support transfer
and articulation projects and common course numbering projects.
(b) |
Funding provided to community college districts from Schedule (18) is provided to directly offset any mandated costs claimed
by community college districts pursuant to Chapter 737 of the Statutes of
30. |
(a) |
One-half of any funds appropriated in Schedule (19) are available for the following purposes:
(1) |
Scheduled maintenance and special repairs of facilities. The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall allocate
funds to districts on the basis of actual reported full-time equivalent students (FTES), and may establish a minimum allocation
per district. As a condition for receiving and expending these funds for maintenance or special repairs, a district shall
certify that it will increase its operations and maintenance spending from the 1995–96 fiscal
year by the amount it allocates from this appropriation for maintenance and special repairs, plus an equal amount to be
provided from district discretionary funds. The chancellor may waive all or a portion of the matching requirement based upon
a review of a district’s financial condition. The question of whether a district has complied with its resolution shall be
reviewed under the annual audit of that district. For every $1 a district expends from any funds provided in this appropriation
for scheduled maintenance and special repairs, the recipient district shall provide $1 in matching funds.
(2) |
Hazardous substances abatement, cleanup, and repairs.
(3) |
Architectural barrier removal projects that meet the requirements of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42
U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.) and seismic retrofit projects limited to $400,000. Districts that receive funds for architectural
barrier removal projects shall provide a $1 match for every $1 provided by the state.
(b) |
One-half of any funds appropriated in Schedule (19) are available for replacement of instructional equipment and library materials.
For every $3 a district expends from any moneys provided in this appropriation for replacement of instructional equipment
or library materials, the recipient district shall provide $1 in matching funds. The chancellor may waive
all or a portion of the matching requirement based upon a review of a district’s financial condition. The funds provided
for instructional equipment and library materials shall not be used for personal services costs or operating expenses. The
chancellor shall allocate funds to districts on the basis of actual reported FTES and may establish a minimum allocation per
district. The question of whether a district has complied with its resolution shall be reviewed under the annual audit of
that district.
(c) |
Any funds appropriated in Schedule (19) shall be available for expenditure until June 30, 2015.
31. |
Of the funds appropriated in
Schedule (20) for Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Special Services, $64,273,000 is for Extended Opportunity
Programs and Services (EOPS) in accordance with Article 8 (commencing with Section 69640) of Chapter 2 of Part 42 of Division
5 of Title 3 of the Education Code. Funds provided in this item for EOPS shall be available to students on all campuses within
the California Community Colleges system, including those students on new campuses or in new districts. In addition, $9,332,000
is for funding, at all colleges, the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program in accordance with Article
4 (commencing with Section 79150) of Chapter 9 of Part 48 of Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code. The Board of Governors
of the California Community Colleges shall allocate funds on a priority basis to local programs on the basis of need for student
32. |
Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (20) for the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Special Services, no less
than $4,972,000 shall be available to support additional textbook assistance grants to community college students as an allowable
expenditure consistent with paragraph (10) of subdivision (b) of Section 69648 of the Education Code. In addition, these funds
shall not supplant the amount of resources used for textbook grants in the 2001–02 fiscal year.
33. |
The funds appropriated in Schedule (21) for the Fund for Student Success are for additional targeted student services, to
be expended as follows:
(a) |
$1,183,000 is for the Puente Project to support up to 75 colleges. These funds are available if matched by $200,000 of private
funds and the participating community colleges and University of California campuses maintain their 1995–96 fiscal year support
level for the Puente Project. All funding shall be allocated directly to participating districts in accordance with their
participation agreement.
(b) |
Up to $1,515,000 is for the Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA) program. For each $1 allocated, the recipient
district shall provide $1 in matching funds.
(c) |
No less than $1,094,000 is for the Middle College High School Program. With the exception of fully compliant special part-time
students at the community colleges pursuant to Sections 48802 and 76001 of the Education Code, student workload based on participation
in the Middle College High School Program shall not be eligible for community college state apportionment. Further, no community
college state apportionment shall be made available for physical education classes, noncredit classes, nor other courses specified
in Provision 8.
34. |
Pursuant to Sections 69648.5, 78216, and 84850, and subdivision (b) of Section 87108, of the Education Code, the Board of
Governors of the California Community Colleges may allocate funds appropriated in Schedules (7), (10), (12), and (20) by grant
or contract, or
through the apportionment process, to one or more districts for the purpose of providing program evaluation, accountability,
monitoring, or program development services, as appropriate under the applicable statute.
35. |
(a) |
All funds appropriated in Schedule (22) for the Career Technical Education Program are for the purpose of aligning career
technical education curriculum between K–12 and community colleges in targeted industry-driven programs offered through the
Economic and Workforce Development Program. Prior to the allocation of these funds, the Chancellor of the California Community
Colleges, in conjunction with the State Department of Education, shall submit a proposed expenditure plan for the funds contained
in this item, and the rationale therefor, to the Department of Finance by August 1 of
each year for approval.
(b) |
If funds are appropriated in Schedule (22) for the Career Technical Education Program, no more than $2,500,000 is available
for the development and enhancement of health-related career pathway programs in grades 7 to 12, inclusive, and for the articulation
and alignment of health-related curriculum between schools with pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and
the California Community Colleges.
36. |
The funds appropriated in Schedule (23) for the Campus Child Care Tax Bailout shall be allocated by the Chancellor of the
California Community Colleges to community college districts that levied
child care permissive override taxes in the 1977–78 fiscal year pursuant to Sections 8329 and 8330 of the Education Code
in an amount proportional to the property tax revenues, tax relief subventions, and state aid required to be made available
by the district to its child care and development program for the 1979–80 fiscal year pursuant to Section 30 of Chapter 1035
of the Statutes of 1979, increased or decreased by any cost-of-living adjustment granted in subsequent fiscal years. These
funds shall be used only for the purpose of community college child care and development programs.
37. |
With regard to the funds appropriated in Schedule (24), Nursing Program Support, all of the following shall apply:
(a) |
$8,475,000 shall be used to provide support for nursing program enrollment and equipment needs consistent with paragraph (2)
of subdivision (a) of Section 2 of Chapter 514 of the Statutes of 2001. Funding for nursing enrollment shall provide a marginal
increase in funding in addition to the amount provided for each full-time equivalent student for regular growth in apportionments.
(b) |
$4,903,000 shall be used to provide diagnostic and support services, preentry coursework, alternative program delivery model
development, and other services to reduce the incidence of student attrition in nursing programs.
(c) |
Funds shall be allocated according to the following criteria:
(1) |
The degree to which the funds provided would be used to increase student enrollment in nursing programs beyond the level of
full-time equivalent students served in the 2011–12 academic year.
(2) |
The district’s level of attrition from nursing programs and the suitability of planned expenditures to address attrition levels.
(3) |
The degree to which funds provided would be used to support infrastructure or equipment needs with the intent of building
capacity and increasing the number of nursing students served.
(4) |
For districts with attrition rates of 15 percent or more, new funding shall focus on attrition reduction. For districts with
attrition rates below 15 percent, new funding shall focus on enrollment expansion.
(d) |
On or before March 1 of each year, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall provide the Legislature and the
Department of Finance with a report on the allocation of funding. For each district receiving funding under this item, the
report shall include all of the following: (1) the amount of funding received, (2) the number of nursing full-time equivalent
students served in the 2006–07 academic year, and the additional number of nursing full-time equivalent students served with
funding provided in this item in each subsequent year, (3) the district’s attrition and completion rates in the 2006–07 academic
year and subsequent years, (4) any equipment or infrastructure-related items acquired with the funds appropriated in this
item, and (5) the number of new and existing faculty receiving annual stipend awards.
38. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall allocate categorical
funds as specified in legislation enacted in 2009 and as amended in 2010. Pursuant to the conditions specified in that legislation,
districts may utilize funds allocated from Schedules (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (17), (18), (19), and (23) as further specified
in that legislation. Notwithstanding this provision and subdivision (b) of Section 84043 of the Education Code, the chancellor
may adjust allocations, as necessary, for funding provided pursuant to Schedules (11), (17), and (18) in support of statewide
or regional functions.
39. |
Funding provided to community college districts in Schedule (1) is provided to directly offset any mandated costs claimed
by community college districts
for the Minimum Conditions for State Aid (02-TC-25 and 02-TC-31) mandated program as determined by the Commission on State
40. |
With regard to the funds appropriated in Schedule (3.5) for Apprenticeship Training and Instruction, all of the following
shall apply:
(a) |
Notwithstanding Section 8154 of the Education Code, or any other provision of law, the funds appropriated in Schedule (3.5)
shall be the only funds available for and allocated by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges for the apprenticeship
programs operated by community college districts.
(b) |
Notwithstanding Section 8152 of the Education Code, each 60-minute hour of teaching time devoted to each indentured apprentice
enrolled in and attending classes of related and supplemental instruction as provided under Section 3074 of the Labor Code
shall be reimbursed at the rate of $5.04 per hour. For purposes of this provision, each hour of teaching time may include
up to 10 minutes for passing time and breaks.
(c) |
No community college district shall use funds allocated pursuant to Schedule (3.5) to offer any new or expanded apprenticeship
program unless the program has been approved by the Chancellor of the California
Community Colleges.
(d) |
The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall report to the Department of Finance and the Legislature not later
than February 1 of each year on the amount of funds expended for, and the hours of related and supplemental instruction offered
in, the apprenticeship program during the prior fiscal year, with information to be provided by the community college district,
program sponsor, and trade. Expenditure information shall distinguish between direct and indirect costs, including administrative
costs funded for the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. In addition, the report shall identify the hours
of related and supplemental instruction proposed for the prior and current fiscal years by the community college district,
program sponsor, and trade. As a
condition of receiving funds for the apprenticeship programs, community college districts and regional occupational centers
and programs shall report to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges the information necessary for the completion
of this report.
(e) |
Notwithstanding Article 8 (commencing with Section 8150) of Chapter 1 of Part 6 of Division 1 of Title 1 of the Education
Code, or any other provision of law, the total number of hours eligible for state reimbursement in apprenticeship programs
operated by community college districts shall be limited to an amount equal to the amount of the total appropriation made
in this item divided by the hourly rate specified in subdivision (b). The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges
shall have the authority to determine which apprenticeship
programs and which hours offered in those programs are eligible for reimbursement.
41. |
The amount appropriated in Schedule (25) shall be allocated by the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges
as two-year planning and implement grants to regional consortia of community college districts and school districts jointly
selected by the office of the chancellor and the State Department of Education for the purpose of developing applications
of the Adult Education Partnership Program as described in Article 3 of Part 50 of Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education
Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the funds appropriated in this provision are available for encumbrance until
June 30, 2015.
42. |
(a) |
The amount appropriated in Schedule (26) for Expanding the Delivery of Courses through Technology shall be allocated to the
Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and used to increase the number of courses available to matriculated undergraduates,
and, to the extent possible, high school students seeking college credits, through the use of technology and to provide alternative
methods for students to earn college credit. For online-only courses, the chancellor shall ensure, to the extent possible,
that the courses selected for this purpose can be articulated across all community college districts and shall additionally
ensure that students enrolling and successfully completing these courses are granted degree-applicable cross-campus transfer
credit. The chancellor shall also ensure that these online-only courses are made available to students systemwide, regardless
of the campus where they are enrolled. The Legislature’s intent
is to maximize the development of online courses available across campuses to alleviate shortages of certain core courses
at certain campuses.
(b) |
These funds shall be used for those courses that have the highest demand, fill quickly, and are prerequisites for many different
degrees. By March 1, 2014, the chancellor shall submit a report to the Department of Finance and the Joint Legislative Budget
Committee detailing the use of these funds and any outcomes that may be attributed to their use. The report shall include
the proposed use of these funds in the 2014–15 fiscal year.
43. |
The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall report annually to both
the Department of Finance and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, no later than September 30, on the status of recouping
funds owed to the state from the Desert Community College District.
44. |
Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (19), $30,000,000 shall be for one-time use in the 2014–15 fiscal year. |
8885-295-0001—For local assistance for reimbursement, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California
Constitution or Section 17561 of the Government Code, of the costs of any new program or increased level of service of an
existing program mandated by statute or Executive order, for disbursement by the Controller for claims for costs incurred
during the specified periods
48,359,000 |
(1) |
For payment of the following mandate claims for costs incurred in the 2004–05 through 2011–12 fiscal years
48,359,000 |
(a) |
Allocation of Property Tax Revenues (Ch. 697, Stats. 1992) (CSM-4448)
520,000 |
(b) |
Crime Victims’ Domestic Violence Incident Reports (Ch. 1022, Stats.1999) (99-TC-08)
175,000 |
(c) |
Custody of Minors-Child Abduction and Recovery (Ch. 1399, Stats. 1976; Ch. 162, Stats. 1992; and Ch. 988, Stats. 1996) (CSM-4237)
11,977,000 |
(d) |
Domestic Violence Arrest Policies (Ch. 246, Stats. 1995) (CSM-96-362-02)
7,334,000 |
(e) |
Domestic Violence Arrests and Victims Assistance (Chs. 698 and 702, Stats. 1998) (98-TC-14)
1,438,000 |
(f) |
Domestic Violence Treatment Services (Ch. 183, Stats. 1992) (CSM-96-281-01)
2,041,000 |
(g) |
Health Benefits for Survivors of Peace Officers and Firefighters (Ch. 1120, Stats. 1996) (97-TC-25)
1,780,000 |
(h) |
Medi-Cal Beneficiary Death Notices (Chs. 102 and 1163, Stats. 1981) (CSM-4032)
10,000 |
(i) |
Peace Officer Personnel Records: Unfounded Complaints and Discovery (Ch. 630, Stats. 1978; Ch. 741, Stats. 1994) (00-TC-24)
690,000 |
(j) |
Rape Victim Counseling (Ch. 999, Stats. 1991) (CSM-4426)
344,000 |
(k) |
Sexually Violent Predators (Chs. 762 and 763, Stats. 1995) (CSM-4509)
21,792,000 |
(l) |
Threats Against Peace Officers (Ch. 1249, Stats. 1992; Ch. 666, Stats. 1995) (CSM-96-365-02)
3,000 |
(m) |
Unitary Countywide Tax Rates (Ch. 921, Stats. 1987) (CSM-4317 and CSM-4355)
255,000 |
(2) |
For payment of
mandate claims for the 2005–06 through 2011–12 fiscal years for the Peace Officers’ Procedural Bill of Rights Act (Ch.
675, Stats. 1990) (CSM-4499)
0 |
(2.5) |
For payment of mandate claims for the 2001–02 through 2011–12 fiscal years for the Local Government Employment Relations Mandate
(Ch. 901, Stats. 2000) (01-TC-30)
0 |
(3) |
Pursuant to the
provisions of Section 17581 of the Government Code, the mandates identified in the following schedule are specifically
identified by the Legislature for suspension during the 2013–14 fiscal year
0 |
(a) |
Absentee Ballots (Ch. 77, Stats. 1978 and Ch. 1032, Stats. 2002) (CSM-3713)
(b) |
Absentee Ballots-Tabulation by Precinct (Ch. 697, Stats. 1999) (00-TC-08)
(c) |
Adult Felony Restitution (Ch. 1123, Stats. 1977) (04-LM-08)
(d) |
AIDS/Search Warrant (Ch. 1088, Stats. 1988) (CSM-4392)
(e) |
Airport Land Use Commission/Plans (Ch. 644, Stats. 1994) (CSM-4507)
(f) |
Animal Adoption (Ch. 752, Stats. 1998 and Ch. 313, Stats. 2004) (04-PGA-01, 98-TC-11)
(g) |
Brendon Maguire Act (Ch. 391, Stats. 1988) (CSM-4357)
(i) |
Conservatorship: Developmentally Disabled Adults (Ch. 1304, Stats. 1980) (04-LM-13)
(j) |
Coroners’ Costs (Ch. 498, Stats. 1977) (04-LM-07)
(k) |
Crime Statistics Reports for the Department of Justice (Ch. 1172, Stats.
1989; Ch. 1338, Stats. 1992; Ch. 1230, Stats. 1993; Ch. 933, Stats. 1998; Ch. 571, Stats. 1999; and Ch. 626, Stats. 2000)
(02-TC-04 and 02-TC-11) and Crime Statistics Reports for the Department of Justice Amended (Ch. 700, Stats. 2004) (07-TC-10)
(l) |
Crime Victims’ Domestic Violence Incident Reports II (Ch. 483, Stats. 2001; Ch. 833, Stats. 2002) (02-TC-18)
(m) |
Deaf Teletype Equipment (Ch. 1032, Stats. 1980) (04-LM-11)
(n) |
Developmentally Disabled Attorneys’ Services (Ch. 694, Stats. 1975) (04-LM-03)
(o) |
DNA Database & Amendments to Postmortem Examinations: Unidentified Bodies (Ch. 822, Stats. 2000; Ch. 467, Stats. 2001) (00-TC-27
and 02-TC-39)
(p) |
Domestic Violence Background Checks (Ch. 713, Stats. 2001) (01-TC-29)
(q) |
Domestic Violence Information (Ch. 1609, Stats. 1984 and
Ch. 668, Stats. 1985) (CSM-4222)
(r) |
Elder Abuse, Law Enforcement Training (Ch. 444, Stats. 1997) (98-TC-12)
(s) |
Extended Commitment, Youth Authority (Ch. 267, Stats. 1998 and Ch. 546, Stats. 1984) (98-TC-13)
(t) |
False Reports of Police Misconduct (Ch. 590, Stats. 1995 and Ch. 289, Stats. 2000) (00-TC-26)
(u) |
Fifteen-Day Close of Voter Registration (Ch. 899, Stats. 2000) (01-TC-15)
(v) |
Firearm Hearings for Discharged Inpatients (Ch. 578, Stats. 1999) (99-TC-11)
(w) |
Grand Jury Proceedings (Ch. 1170, Stats. 1996; Ch. 443, Stats. 1997; and Ch. 230, Stats. 1998) (98-TC-27)
(x) |
Handicapped Voter
Access Information (Ch. 494, Stats. 1979) (CSM-4363)
(y) |
Identity Theft (Ch. 956, Stats. 2000) (03-TC-08)
(z) |
In-Home Supportive Services II (Ch. 445, Stats. 2000 and Ch. 90, Stats. 1999) (00-TC-23)
(aa) |
Inmate AIDS Testing (Ch. 1579, Stats. 1988 and Ch. 768, Stats. 1991) (CSM-4369 and CSM-4429)
(cc) |
Judiciary Proceedings (Ch. 644, Stats. 1980) (CSM-4366)
(dd) |
Law Enforcement Sexual Harassment Training (Ch. 126, Stats. 1993) (97-TC-07)
(ff) |
Local Coastal Plans (Ch. 1330, Stats. 1976) (CSM-4431)
(gg) |
Mandate Reimbursement Process (Ch. 486, Stats. 1975 and Ch. 1459, Stats. 1984)
(CSM-4204 and CSM-4485)
(hh) |
Mandate Reimbursement Process II (Ch. 890, Stats. 2004) (05-TC-05) (Suspension of Mandate Reimbursement Process and Mandate
Reimbursement Process II includes suspension of the Consolidation of Mandate Reimbursement Process I and II)
(ii) |
Mentally Disordered Offenders: Treatment as a Condition of Parole (Ch. 228, Stats. 1989 and Ch. 706, Stats. 1994) (00-TC-28,
(jj) |
Mentally Disordered Offenders’ Extended Commitments Proceedings (Ch. 435, Stats. 1991; Ch. 1418, Stats. 1985; Ch. 858, Stats.
1986; Ch. 687, Stats. 1987; Chs. 657 and 658, Stats. 1988; Ch. 228, Stats. 1989; and Ch. 324, Stats. 2000) (98-TC-09)
(kk) |
Mentally Disordered Sex Offenders’ Recommitments (Ch. 1036, Stats. 1978) (04-LM-09)
(ll) |
Mentally Retarded Defendants Representation (Ch. 1253, Stats. 1980) (04-LM-12)
(mm) |
Missing Persons Report (Ch. 1456, Stats. 1988 and Ch. 59, Stats. 1993) (CSM-4255, CSM-4368, and CSM-4484)
(nn) |
Modified Primary Election (Ch. 898, Stats. 2000) (01-TC-13)
(oo) |
Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (Ch. 1114, Stats. 1979 and Ch. 650, Stats. 1982) (CSM-2753) (05-PGA-35)
(pp) |
Open Meetings Act/Brown Act Reform (Ch. 641, Stats. 1986
and Chs. 1136, 1137, and 1138, Stats. 1993) (CSM-4257 and CSM-4469)
(qq) |
Pacific Beach Safety: Water Quality and Closures (Ch. 961, Stats. 1992) (CSM-4432)
(rr) |
Perinatal Services (Ch. 1603, Stats. 1990) (CSM-4397) (05-PGA-38)
(ss) |
Permanent Absent Voters II (Ch. 922, Stats. 2001, Ch. 664, Stats. 2002, and Ch. 347, Stats. 2003) (03-TC-11)
(tt) |
Personal Safety Alarm Devices (8 Cal. Code Regs. 3401 (c)) (CSM-4087)
(uu) |
Photographic Record of Evidence (Ch. 875, Stats. 1985; Ch. 734, Stats. 1986; and Ch. 382, Stats. 1990) (98-TC-07)
(vv) |
Pocket Masks (Ch. 1334, Stats. 1987) (CSM-4291)
(ww) |
Post Conviction: DNA Court Proceedings (Ch. 943, Stats. 2001 and Ch. 821, Stats. 2000) (00-TC-21 and 01-TC-08)
(xx) |
Postmortem Examinations: Unidentified Bodies, Human Remains (Ch. 284, Stats. 2000) (00-TC-18)
(yy) |
Prisoner Parental Rights (Ch. 820, Stats. 1991) (CSM-4427)
(zz) |
Senior Citizens Property Tax Postponement (Ch. 1242, Stats. 1977 and Ch. 43, Stats. 1978)
(aaa) |
Sex Crime Confidentiality (Ch. 502, Stats. 1992; Ch. 36, 1993–94 1st Ex. Sess.; and Ch. 555, Stats. 1993) (98-TC-21)
(bbb) |
Sex Offenders: Disclosure by Law Enforcement Officers (Chs. 908 and 909, Stats. 1996; Chs. 17, 80, 817, 818, 819, 820, and
822, Stats. 1997; and Chs. 485, 550, 927, 928, 929, and 930, Stats. 1998) (97-TC-15)
(ccc) |
SIDS Autopsies (Ch. 955, Stats. 1989)
(ddd) |
SIDS Contacts by Local Health Officers (Ch. 268, Stats. 1991) (CSM-4424)
(eee) |
SIDS Training for Firefighters (Ch. 1111, Stats. 1989) (CSM-4412)
(fff) |
Stolen Vehicle Notification (Ch. 337, Stats. 1990) (CSM-4403)
(hhh) |
Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (Ch. 1188, Stats. 1992; Ch. 843, Stats. 1994; and Ch. 333, Stats. 1995) (97-TC-13)
(iii) |
Victims’ Statements-Minors (Ch. 332, Stats. 1981) (04-LM-14)
(jjj) |
Voter Identification Procedures (Ch. 260, Stats. 2000) (03-TC-23)
(kkk) |
Voter Registration Procedures (Ch. 704, Stats. 1975) (04-LM-04)
(lll) |
Structural and Wildland Firefighter Safety Clothing and Equipment (8 Cal. Code Regs., 3401 to 3410, incl.) (CSM-4261-4281) |
1. |
Allocations of funds provided in this item to the appropriate local entities shall be made by the Controller in accordance
with the provisions of each statute or executive order that mandates the reimbursement of the costs, and shall be audited
to verify the actual amount of the mandated costs in accordance with subdivision (d) of Section 17561 of
the Government Code. Audit adjustments to prior-year claims may be paid from this item. The funds appropriated in this
item shall be allocated only for the payment of claims as required by Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 17550) of Part 7
of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code, and that payment shall be made pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section
17615) of that chapter. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, interest shall be paid from funds appropriated in this
item only to the extent, and in the amount, authorized by Section 17561.5 of the Government Code.
2. |
The Controller shall offset payments made from the appropriation in this item to recoup the amount of any unallowable mandate
claim costs determined by desk or field audits.
3. |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, accounts receivable for recoveries that result in savings as described in this
item shall have no effect upon the positive balance of the General Fund. The savings may be used to pay claims for costs incurred
to carry out the cited state mandates in this item.