(a) (1) (A) No later than January 1, 1998, the State Board of Education shall adopt statewide academically rigorous content standards, pursuant to the recommendations of the Commission for the Establishment of Academic Content and Performance Standards, in the core curriculum areas of reading, writing, and mathematics to serve as the basis for assessing the academic achievement of individual pupils and of schools, school districts, and the California education system. No later than November 1, 1998, the State Board of Education shall adopt these standards in the core curriculum areas of history/social science and science. The performance standards and the assessments described in subdivision (c) may be developed concurrently, and shall be based on the content standards adopted by the board pursuant to this section.(B) No later than July 15, 1999, the board shall adopt statewide performance standards in the core curriculum areas of reading, writing, and mathematics based on the recommendations made by a contractor or contractors. No later than December 31, 1999, the board shall complete the adoption of the portion of pupil assessments described in subdivision (c) in the core curriculum areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. No later than March 31, 2000, the board shall adopt statewide performance standards in the core curriculum areas of history/social science and science based on the recommendations made by a contractor or contractors. No later than December 31, 2000, the board shall complete the adoption of that portion of pupil assessments described in subdivision (c) in the core curriculum areas of history/social science and science.
(C) In specifying timeframes for deliverables in the request for proposal developed pursuant to subdivision (i), the State Board of Education shall require the contractor or contractors to submit performance standards to the board not later than a specified date that allows sufficient opportunity for the board to conduct regional hearings prior to the adoption of the performance standards by the dates specified in subparagraph (B).
(2) (A) The State Board of Education may modify any proposed content standards or performance standards prior to adoption and may adopt content and performance standards in individual core curriculum areas as those standards are submitted to the board by the commission or the contractor. The performance standards shall be established against specific grade level benchmarks of academic achievement for each subject area tested and shall be based on the knowledge and skills that pupils will need in order to succeed in the information-based, global economy of the 21st century. These skills shall not include personal behavioral standards or skills, including, but not limited to, honesty, sociability, ethics, or self-esteem. The standards adopted pursuant to this section shall be for the purpose of guiding state decisions regarding the development, adoption, and approval of assessment instruments pursuant to this chapter and shall not be construed to mandate any actions or activities by school districts.
(B) Because these standards are models, the adoption of these standards is not subject to the Administrative Procedure Act. This subparagraph is declaratory of existing law.
(3) Before adopting academic content and performance standards, the board shall hold regional hearings for the purpose of giving parents and other members of the public the opportunity to comment on the proposed standards.
(b) (1) The State Board of Education shall require the State Department of Education to notify publishers of the opportunity to submit, for consideration by the State Board of Education pursuant to Section 60642, tests of achievement that include all of the basic academic skills identified in subdivision (c) of Section 60603 in grades 1 to 8, inclusive, and the core curriculum areas identified in subdivision (e) of Section 60603 in grades 9 to 11, inclusive.
(2) On or before October 31, 1997, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall recommend to the State Board of Education which achievement test to adopt pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 60642.
(c) (1) The State Board of Education shall adopt an assessment instrument that meets the objectives of Section 60602 and that yields valid, reliable estimates of school performance, school district performance, and statewide performance of pupils that, in grades 4, 5, 8, and 10, assess basic academic skills and incorporate the use of direct writing assessment and other assessments of applied academic skills.
(2) The State Board of Education shall annually require that each school district administer the statewide assessment pursuant to this subdivision to all pupils in grades 4, 5, 8, and 10. The core curriculum areas shall be addressed by that assessment. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the assessment provided for under this subdivision shall address, in grade 4, only reading, written expression, and mathematics, and, in grade 5, only history/social science and science. Pupils in a given school shall be administered a portion of all subjects of the assessment that will be representative of all the assessment objectives, goals, and categories of items on the entire assessment in a manner that will produce results that are valid and reliable at the school and school district level. The State Department of Education may provide assistance to school districts in the implementation of the assessment established pursuant to this subdivision.
(3) Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to prevent the State Board of Education from developing or adopting an assessment instrument that also contains assessments of basic academic skills.
(d) The State Board of Education shall adopt assessments pursuant to subdivision (c) that are aligned with the statewide content and performance standards adopted pursuant to subdivision (a). The State Board of Education shall not adopt an assessment pursuant to subdivision (c) for any core curriculum area until the statewide content standards for that core curriculum area have been adopted by the board pursuant to subdivision (a). The State Board of Education shall not award contracts for the development of performance standards and assessments pursuant to subdivision (c) for any core curriculum area until after adoption of statewide content standards for that core curriculum area.
(e) After the adoption of the statewide content standards, the State Board of Education shall review the achievement test designated pursuant to Section 60642 for conformance with these statewide standards.
(f) After the adoption of the statewide content and performance standards, the State Board of Education shall review the existing curriculum frameworks for conformity with the new statewide standards and shall modify the curriculum frameworks where appropriate to bring them into alignment with the standards.
(g) The State Board of Education shall adopt regulations for the conduct and administration of the testing and assessment program.
(h) The State Board of Education shall adopt a regulation for minimum security procedures that test and assessment publishers and school districts must follow to ensure the security and integrity of test and assessment questions and materials.
(i) Following consideration of recommendations of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Board of Education shall award a contract or contracts to develop performance standards pursuant to subdivision (a) and instruments to be used for the purposes of subdivision (c), according to competitive bidding procedures.
(1) As part of this process, the board may convene an advisory panel composed of nationally recognized experts in pupil assessment. Two members of the panel shall be selected from a list of at least 10 nominees of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. This panel, if convened, shall assist the board in the preparation of the request or requests for proposals to develop performance standards and instruments for use as assessments of applied academic skills and in the review and rating of proposals that are submitted. The panel shall also assist the board in determining methods of ensuring that the achievement test designated pursuant to Section 60642 meets the requirements of Section 60644. The State Department of Education shall provide any necessary staff support for the work of the advisory committee.
(2) Any contractor to whom a contract is awarded pursuant to this subdivision shall assure that parents, classroom teachers, administrators, school district governing board members, and the general public are actively involved in the development of any assessment instruments.
(3) For the purposes of making the computations required by Section 8 of Article XVI of the California Constitution, appropriations made for the payment of contracts awarded pursuant to this subdivision shall be deemed to be “General Fund revenues appropriated for school districts,” as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 41202, for the applicable fiscal year, and included within the “total allocations to school districts and community college districts from General Fund proceeds of taxes appropriated pursuant to Article XIII B,” as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 41202, for that fiscal year.
(j) (1) Not less than 60 days before adoption of the statewide pupil assessment pursuant to subdivision (c), the State Board of Education shall make the proposed assessment available for inspection by the public. The board shall adopt any proposed amendments or modifications to the assessment before this public inspection period so that the materials available for inspection are the same materials that the board shall consider for final adoption. This provision applies to subsequent amendments or modifications of the examination in addition to the initial adoption. The proposed assessment shall be available for inspection by the public for a reasonable period of time.
(2) The assessment adopted pursuant to subdivision (c) shall be available for inspection at each county superintendent of schools’ office and within each school district at a centrally located site selected by the governing board of each school district. The governing board may also make the assessment available for public inspection at other locations within the school district. No assessment may be copied or taken from the inspection site.