(a) (1) Each patient who has blood drawn at a primary care clinic and who has consented to the HIV test pursuant to Section 120990 shall be offered an HIV test. The primary care clinician shall offer an HIV test consistent with the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendation for screening HIV infection. This subdivision shall not apply if the primary care clinic has tested the patient for HIV or if the patient has been offered the HIV test and declined the test within the previous 12 months. Any subsequent testing of a patient who has been tested by the primary care clinic shall be consistent with the most recent guidelines issued by the United States Preventive Services Task
Force.(2) Each patient who is 12 years of age or older and has blood drawn at a hospital emergency department shall be offered an HIV test. test, consistent with the most recent guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and those issued by the United States Preventive Services Task Force. The patient shall have the option to decline the test. An emergency department may use rapid HIV testing or, alternatively, may furnish a patient with a home HIV test kit. With the exception of subdivision (g), Section 120990 shall not apply to hospital emergency
(b) HIV testing of minors 12 years of age or older shall comply with Section 6926 of the Family Code.
(c) This section shall not prohibit a primary care clinic or emergency department from charging a patient to cover the cost of HIV testing. The primary care clinic or emergency department shall be deemed to have complied with this section if an HIV test is offered.
(d) (1) A primary care clinic shall attempt to provide test results to the patient before the patient leaves the facility. If that is not possible, the facility may inform the patient who tests negative for HIV by letter or by telephone, and shall inform a patient with a positive test result in a manner consistent with state
law. However, in any case, the primary care clinic shall comply with subdivision (g) of Section 120990.
(2) (A) To the extent feasible as determined by the hospital, the hospital emergency department shall attempt to provide test results to the patient before the patient leaves the facility. If that is not possible, the emergency department may inform the patient who tests negative for HIV by letter or telephone.
(B) The emergency department may refer any patient with a positive test result to a county local health department or other third party that is qualified to provide post-HIV
testing counseling.
(C) A patient who leaves the emergency department prior to receiving a test result shall be referred to a county local health department or to a qualified third party provided it has a business associate agreement with the hospital. For purposes of this paragraph, “business associate agreement” refers to a contract between a HIPAA-covered entity and a third-party health care entity, in accordance with Section 164.502 of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
(D) Each patient shall be provided a standard form, to be prepared
by the State Department of Public Health, that includes information consistent with subdivision (h) of Section 120990 as well as contact information for the local public health department and any third party that is qualified to provide post-HIV testing counseling.
(E) In any case, the emergency department shall comply with subdivision (g) of Section 120990.
(e) A hospital emergency department shall not be required to comply with this section in the following situations:
(1) If medical personnel in the emergency department determine that the person is being treated for a life-threatening
(2) If they determine that the person lacks the capacity to consent to an HIV test.
(3) If the person was a patient of the hospital emergency department within the previous 12 months, was offered an HIV test, and consented to the test.
(4) If the person is pregnant and was tested pursuant to Section 125085.
(f) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Primary care clinic” means a primary care clinic as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1204 or subdivision (g), (h), or (j) of Section 1206.
(2) “Hospital” means a general acute care hospital as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1250.