Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of health facilities by the State Department of Public Health, and defines various types of health facilities for those purposes. Existing law regulates the operation of mobile units, as defined, to provide medical, diagnostic, and treatment services, as specified.
Existing law, the Emergency Medical Services System and the Prehospital Emergency Medical Care Personnel Act (act), establishes the Emergency Medical Services Authority, which is responsible for the coordination of various state activities concerning emergency medical services (EMS), including development of planning and implementation
guidelines for EMS systems. The act authorizes a county to develop an EMS program by designating a local EMS agency.
This bill would define, under the act, “mobile stroke unit” to mean a multijurisdictional mobile facility that serves as an emergency response critical care ambulance under the direction and approval of a local EMS agency, and as a diagnostic, evaluation, and treatment unit, providing radiographic imaging, laboratory testing, and medical treatment under the supervision of a physician in person or by telehealth,
for patients with symptoms of a stroke, to the extent consistent with any federal definition of a mobile stroke unit, as specified.