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AB-1000 Water conveyance: use of facility with unused capacity.(2017-2018)

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Date Published: 07/03/2017 02:00 PM

Amended  IN  Senate  July 03, 2017
Amended  IN  Assembly  May 30, 2017


Assembly Bill
No. 1000

Introduced by Assembly Member Friedman

February 16, 2017

An act to add Section 25402.14 to the Public Resources 1815 to the Water Code, relating to water conservation. water.


AB 1000, as amended, Friedman. Water conservation: performance standards for water meters. conveyance: use of facility with unused capacity.
Existing law prohibits the state or a regional or local public agency from denying a bona fide transferor of water from using a water conveyance facility that has unused capacity for the period of time for which that capacity is available, if fair compensation is paid for that use and other requirements are met.
This bill would, notwithstanding that provision, prohibit a transferor of water from using a water conveyance facility that has unused capacity to transfer water from a groundwater basin underlying desert lands, as defined, that is in the vicinity of specified federal lands or state lands to outside of the groundwater basin unless the State Lands Commission, in consultation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife, finds that the transfer of the water will not adversely affect the natural or cultural resources of those federal and state lands.

Existing law requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to establish design and construction standards and energy and water conservation design standards that increase efficiency in the use of energy and water for new residential and new nonresidential buildings to reduce the wasteful, uneconomic, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy. Existing law requires the commission to establish minimum levels of operating efficiency to promote the use of energy and water efficient appliances. The Water Measurement Law requires every water purveyor to require, as a condition of new water service, the installation of a water meter to measure water service. That law also requires urban water suppliers to install water meters on specified service connections, and to charge water users based on the actual volume of deliveries as measured by those water meters in accordance with a certain timetable.

This bill would authorize the commission to adopt regulations establishing performance standards for water meters installed in residential and nonresidential buildings, including water meters installed pursuant to the Water Measurement Law.

Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 1815 is added to the Water Code, to read:

 (a) Notwithstanding Section 1810, a transferor of water shall not use a water conveyance facility that has unused capacity to transfer water from a groundwater basin underlying desert lands that is in the vicinity of a national monument, a national preserve, a national park, a state or federal wilderness area, or state lands to outside of the groundwater basin unless the State Lands Commission, in consultation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife, finds that the transfer of the water will not adversely affect the natural or cultural resources, including groundwater resources or habitat, of those federal and state lands.
(b) For purposes of this section, “desert lands” means the portion of California located south of Interstate 15, east of State Highway 247, north of State Highway 62, west of Interstate 95, and west of the Nevada state line between Interstate 95 and Interstate 15.

SECTION 1.Section 25402.14 is added to the Public Resources Code, to read:

The commission may adopt regulations to establish performance standards for water meters installed in residential and nonresidential buildings, including water meters required to be installed pursuant to Article 3.5 (commencing with Section 525) of Chapter 8 of Division 1 of the Water Code.