The Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act
Existing law, the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act, requires that state agencies that serve a substantial number of non-English-speaking people employ a sufficient amount of bilingual persons in order to provide certain information and render certain services in a language other than English. The act requires each state agency to conduct a survey of its local offices every 2 years regarding their public contact positions and the provision of bilingual services, as specified. The act requires the State Personnel Board to compile the results of the survey and provide it in a report to the Legislature every 2 years.
This bill would revise and expand the duties of the State Personnel Board with regard to the surveys and implementation plans, and the report required to be submitted by the board. This bill would require state agencies to use specified criteria in determining the to determine whether the state agency serves a substantial number of non-English-speaking people for purposes of the act.