Existing law authorizes the Trustees of the California State University, notwithstanding the Property Acquisition Law and the general authority of the Director of General Services over state real property, to perform specified functions without prior approval of any other state department or agency, when necessary to carry out the purposes of the California State University.
This bill would include the authority to sell, exchange, and otherwise dispose of real property acquired from revenue generated by the parking and housing programs in the California State University among the functions that the Trustees of the California State University, to a recognized auxiliary organization of the California State University, may perform without prior approval of any other state department or agency, when necessary to carry out the purposes of the California State University.
Existing law permits a joint powers agency, the members of which may conduct various types of fairs and exhibitions, to establish and administer risk pooling arrangements for the payment of general liability losses incurred by nonprofit corporations conducting or benefiting from these fairs and exhibitions, and by nonprofit corporations or auxiliary organizations operating facilities, programs, or events at public schools, the California Community Colleges, the California State University, or the University of California.
This bill would, in addition, permit a joint powers agency, the members of which may conduct educational programs and activities, to establish and administer risk pooling arrangements for the payment of general liability losses incurred by nonprofit corporations or auxiliary organizations operating facilities, programs, or events at public schools, the California Community Colleges, the California State University, or the University of California.
Existing law, the California State University Contract Law, establishes procedures for the letting of contracts by the Trustees of the California State University, subject to specified exceptions. Existing law authorizes a public agency, subject to specified conditions, to enter into an energy service contract and a facility ground lease, or facility financing contract and a facility ground lease, or an energy sale contract. This provision does not apply to the California State University.
This bill would authorize the Trustees of the California State University to enter into an energy conservation construction contract on the terms it determines are in the best interests of the California State University, as specified. This bill would require energy conservation construction contracts to be let by competitive means.