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ACR-25 National Engineers Week.(2003-2004)

Bill Status
Nation (A)
Aanestad (S) , Ackerman (S) , Aghazarian (A) , Alarcon (S) , Alpert (S) , Ashburn (S) , Bates (A) , Battin (S) , Benoit (A) , Berg (A) , Bermudez (A) , Bogh (A) , Bowen (S) , Brulte (S) , Burton (S) , Campbell (A) , Canciamilla (A) , Cedillo (S) , Chan (A) , Chavez (A) , Chesbro (S) , Chu (A) , Cogdill (A) , Cohn (A) , Corbett (A) , Cox (A) , Daucher (A) , Denham (S) , Diaz (A) , Ducheny (S) , Dunn (S) , Dutra (A) , Dutton (A) , Dymally (A) , Escutia (S) , Figueroa (S) , Firebaugh (A) , Florez (S) , Frommer (A) , Garcia (A) , Goldberg (A) , Hancock (A) , Harman (A) , Hollingsworth (S) , Jerome Horton (A) , Houston (A) , Jackson (A) , Karnette (S) , Knight (S) , Kuehl (S) , La Malfa (A) , Laird (A) , Leno (A) , Leslie (A) , Levine (A) , Lieber (A) , Longville (A) , Lowenthal (A) , Machado (S) , Maddox (A) , Maldonado (A) , Margett (S) , Matthews (A) , Maze (A) , McClintock (S) , McPherson (S) , Morrow (S) , Mountjoy (A) , Mullin (A) , Murray (S) , Nakanishi (A) , Nakano (A) , Negrete McLeod (A) , Nunez (A) , Oller (S) , Ortiz (S) , Pacheco (A) , Parra (A) , Pavley (A) , Perata (S) , Plescia (A) , Poochigian (S) , Reyes (A) , Richman (A) , Ridley-Thomas (A) , Romero (S) , Runner (A) , Salinas (A) , Sher (S) , Simitian (A) , Soto (S) , Speier (S) , Spitzer (A) , Steinberg (A) , Strickland (A) , Torlakson (S) , Vargas (A) , Vasconcellos (S) , Vincent (S) , Wiggins (A) , Wolk (A) , Yee (A)
National Engineers Week.
Relative to National Engineers Week.

Type of Measure
Active Bill -
Last 5 History Actions
Date Action
03/04/03 Enrolled and filed with the Secretary of State at 10:30 a.m.
03/04/03 Chaptered by Secretary of State - Res. Chapter 8, Statutes of 2003.
02/27/03 Senate amendments concurred in. To enrollment. (Ayes 76. Noes 0. Page 541.)
02/24/03 Withdrawn from committee. Amended, adopted, and to Assembly. (Ayes 38. Noes 0. Page 216.)
02/24/03 In Assembly. Concurrence in Senate amendments pending.