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AB-231 Food stamps: CalWORKs: benefits.(2003-2004)

Bill Status
Steinberg (A) , Lieber (A)
Chan (A) , Chu (A) , Dutra (A) , Hancock (A) , Koretz (A) , Kuehl (S) , Laird (A) , Longville (A) , Ortiz (S) , Romero (S) , Simitian (A) , Vasconcellos (S) , Wolk (A) , Yee (A)
Food stamps: CalWORKs: benefits.
An act to amend Sections 11155 and 18901.6 of, and to add Sections 18901.9 and 18901.10 to, the Welfare and Institutions Code, relating to public social services.

Type of Measure
Active Bill -
Last 5 History Actions
Date Action
10/10/03 Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 743, Statutes of 2003.
10/09/03 Approved by the Governor.
09/24/03 Enrolled and to the Governor at 2 p.m.
09/10/03 Assembly Rule 77 suspended. (Ayes 46. Noes 30. Page 3717.) Senate amendments concurred in. To enrollment. (Ayes 48. Noes 29. Page 3729.)
09/09/03 Read third time, passed, and to Assembly. (Ayes 25. Noes 12. Page 2426.)