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SB-735 Education.(2001-2002)

Bill Status
Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review (S) - ()
Alquist (A) , Horton (A) , Leach (A) , Ortiz (S) , Robert Pacheco (A) , Scott (S)
Aanestad (A) , Ackerman (S) , Alarcon (S) , Alpert (S) , Aroner (A) , Ashburn (A) , Bates (A) , Battin (S) , Bogh (A) , Bowen (S) , Briggs (A) , Brulte (S) , Burton (S) , Calderon (A) , Bill Campbell (A) , John Campbell (A) , Canciamilla (A) , Cardenas (A) , Cardoza (A) , Cedillo (A) , Chan (A) , Chavez (A) , Chesbro (S) , Chu (A) , Cogdill (A) , Cohn (A) , Corbett (A) , Correa (A) , Costa (S) , Cox (A) , Daucher (A) , Diaz (A) , Dickerson (A) , Dunn (S) , Dutra (A) , Escutia (S) , Figueroa (S) , Firebaugh (A) , Florez (A) , Frommer (A) , Goldberg (A) , Harman (A) , Havice (A) , Hertzberg (A) , Hollingsworth (A) , Jackson (A) , Johannessen (S) , Karnette (S) , Keeley (A) , Kehoe (A) , Kelley (A) , Koretz (A) , Kuehl (S) , La Suer (A) , Leonard (A) , Leslie (A) , Liu (A) , Longville (A) , Lowenthal (A) , Machado (S) , Maddox (A) , Maldonado (A) , Margett (S) , Matthews (A) , McPherson (S) , Migden (A) , Morrow (S) , Mountjoy (A) , Murray (S) , Nakano (A) , Nation (A) , Negrete McLeod (A) , O'Connell (S) , Oller (S) , Oropeza (A) , Rod Pacheco (A) , Papan (A) , Pavley (A) , Perata (S) , Pescetti (A) , Polanco (S) , Poochigian (S) , Reyes (A) , Richman (A) , Romero (S) , Runner (A) , Salinas (A) , Shelley (A) , Sher (S) , Simitian (A) , Soto (S) , Speier (S) , Steinberg (A) , Strickland (A) , Strom-Martin (A) , Thomson (A) , Torlakson (S) , Vargas (A) , Vasconcellos (S) , Vincent (S) , Washington (A) , Wayne (A) , Wesson (A) , Wiggins (A) , Wright (A) , Wyland (A) , Wyman (A) , Zettel (A) , Montieth (S)
An act to amend Sections 10554, 41203.1, 45023.1, 52057, 60810, 87885, 92900, and 92901 of, to add Sections 42238.146, 56836.095, 56836.158, and 56836.159 to, to add Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 54200) to Part 29 of, and to repeal Sections 42243.6, 42243.8, 42243.9, 42246, 42247, 42247.1, 42247.2, 42247.3, 42247.4, 42247.5, 42249, 42249.2, 42249.4, 42249.6, 42249.65, and 42249.8 of, the Education Code, to amend Item 6110-132-0001 of, and to add Item 6110-128-0001 to, Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2001, relating to education, making an appropriation therefor, declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately.

Type of Measure
Active Bill -
Non-Tax levy
Last 5 History Actions
Date Action
01/16/02 Stricken from Senate file. Item veto sustained.
10/15/01 In Senate. To unfinished business. (Item veto)
10/14/01 Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 891, Statutes of 2001.
10/13/01 Approved by Governor. (Item veto)
09/21/01 Enrolled. To Governor at 1 p.m.