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SJR-49 Railroad retirement benefits.(1989-1990)

Bill Status
Bergeson (S) , Craven (S) , Leroy Greene (S) , Robbins (S) , Deddeh (S) , Doolittle (S) , Cecil Green (S) , Kopp (S) , Hart (S) , Maddy (S) , Montoya (S) , Presley (S) , Watson (S) , Rogers (S) , Mello (S) , Nielsen (S) , Petris (S) , Russell (S) , Boatwright (S) , Morgan (S) , Rosenthal (S) , Vuich (S) , Roberti (S) , Alquist (S) , Garamendi (S) , Marks (S) , Keene (S) , Davis (S) , Leonard (S) , Torres (S) , Dills (S) , Lockyer (S) , Stirling (S) , Ayala (S) , McCorquodale (S) , Seymour (S) , Campbell (S) , Beverly (S)
Railroad retirement benefits.
Relative to retirement.

Type of Measure
Active Bill -
Last 5 History Actions
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