Existing law requires the State Board of Education to adopt a template for a local control and accountability plan (LCAP) and an annual update to the LCAP for use by school districts, county superintendents of schools, and charter schools. Existing law requires the template adopted by the state board to require the inclusion of certain information, including, among other information, a description of the annual goals to be achieved for certain state priorities, as specified, a description of the specific actions that the local educational agency will take during each year of the LCAP to achieve these goals, and an assessment of the effectiveness of the specific actions described in the existing LCAP toward achieving the goals, as provided.
This bill would require the state board, on or before June 30, 2025, to establish a workgroup, composed of
members of the K–12 education community, for purposes of developing recommendations for, and models of, alternative local control accountability plan templates for different types of local educational agencies, including, but not limited to, one for county offices of education, one for small school districts, as defined, and one for single-school districts. The bill would require the workgroup to report its recommendations and proposed models to the state board, the State Department of Education, and the Legislature on or before January 1, 2027, for consideration for adoption and potential implementation, as specified. The bill would repeal these provisions as of January 1, 2029.