Existing law regulates the sale, offer for sale, or advertisement for sale, at retail to the general public of petroleum products, including liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas for use only as a motor vehicle fuel, as specified.
This bill would require compressed natural gas sold at retail to the public for use as a motor vehicle fuel to be sold in a gasoline gallon equivalent that is equal to 126.67 cubic feet, or 5.66 pounds, of compressed natural gas, measured at the standard pressure and temperature, as specified, and would require liquefied natural gas to be sold in a diesel gallon equivalent that is equal to 6.06 pounds of liquefied natural gas. This bill would prohibit a person from selling at retail any compressed natural gas or liquid natural gas for use as motor fuel from any place of business in this state unless there is
displayed and labeled on the dispensing apparatus in a conspicuous place “Gasoline gallon equivalent” or “Diesel gallon equivalent,” respectively.
The Use Fuel Tax Law imposes an excise tax upon natural gas at the rate of $0.07 for each 100 cubic feet, or 5.66 pounds, of compressed natural gas used, measured at standard pressure and temperature, and at a rate of $0.06 for each gallon of liquid natural gas used, as provided.
This bill would, on and after January 1, 2015, instead of using only a cubic foot measurement, impose an excise upon natural gas at the rate of $0.0887 for each 126.67 cubic feet, or 5.66 pounds, of compressed natural gas used, measured at standard pressure and temperature, and instead of using a gallon measurement, at a rate of $0.1017 for each 6.06 pounds of liquid natural gas used.