The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedures for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. Existing law requires each state agency to prepare a standardized regulatory impact analysis, as specified, with respect to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a major regulation, as defined, that is proposed on or after November 1, 2013. Existing law requires the Department of Finance and the office, from time to time, to review the standardized regulatory impact analyses for adherence to regulations adopted by the department.
This bill would instead require the Department of Finance and the office to annually review the standardized regulatory impact analyses for adherence to the regulations adopted by the department.
Existing law requires, on or before November 1, 2015, the office to submit to the Senate and Assembly Committees on Governmental Organization a report describing the extent to which submitted standardized regulatory impact analyses for proposed major regulations adhere to the regulations adopted by the department.
This bill would instead require the office to annually prepare that report for the Senate Committee on Governmental Organization and the Assembly Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review and include recommendations for actions the Legislature might consider for improving state agency performance and compliance in the creation of the standardized regulatory impact analyses. This bill would also require the office to notify the Legislature of noncompliance by a state agency and to post the report and the notice of noncompliance on the office’s Internet Web site.