Under existing law, the Office of Planning and Research serves the Governor and his or her Cabinet as staff for long-range planning and research, and is the comprehensive state planning agency. Existing law, the California Environmental Quality Act, requires the office to prepare, and the Secretary of Resources to certify and adopt, guidelines for use in implementing the act.
Existing law establishes the California Environmental Protection Agency, which is responsible for enhancing the state’s protection of the environment.
This bill would provide that the office is the coordinating agency in state government for environmental justice programs. The bill would require the Director of Planning and Research to consult with the secretaries of specified state agencies, and other parties to coordinate the office’s efforts and, share specified information with certain federal agencies, and review and evaluate other federal information, as provided. The bill would define “environmental justice” to mean the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and incomes with respect to the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws and policies. The bill would require the California Environmental Protection Agency to take specified actions in designing its mission for programs, policies, and standards within the agency, and to develop a model environmental justice mission statement for boards, departments, and offices within the agency, by January 1, 2001.