(a) A local governing board shall use funding received pursuant to this chapter to ensure that each pupil is provided with a standards-aligned textbook or basic instructional materials, as adopted by the state board subsequent to the adoption of content standards pursuant to Section 60605 for kindergarten and grades 1 to 8, inclusive, or as adopted by the local governing board pursuant to Sections 60400 and 60411, for grades 9 to 12, inclusive. Pupils shall be provided with standards-aligned textbooks or basic instructional materials by the beginning of the first school term that commences no later than 24 months after those materials were adopted by the state board.(b) It is the intent of the Legislature that school districts be provided with as many standards-aligned instructional material options as possible, so that educators may have many rigorous options in choosing the best materials that meet the needs of all pupils, including English learners and pupils with disabilities, and that ensure that their pupils are able to master the academic content standards.
(c) Once a governing board certifies compliance with subdivision (a) with regard to standards-aligned instructional materials in the core curriculum areas of reading/language arts, mathematics, science, and history/social sciences, and if the governing board of a school district has met the eligibility requirements of Section 60119, the remaining funds may only be used consistent with subdivision (a) of Section 60242 and pursuant to Section 60242.5.
(d) The state board may grant the school district additional time to meet the purchasing requirements of subdivision (a) if the governing board of the school district demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the state board, that all of the following criteria apply to the district:
(1) The school district has implemented a well-designed, standards-aligned basic instructional materials program.
(2) The school district, at the time of its request for additional time pursuant to this subdivision, has sufficient textbooks or basic instructional materials for use by each pupil.
(3) The school district has adopted a plan for the purchase of standards-aligned instructional materials in accordance with subdivision (a), but that plan indicated an alternative date for compliance that is declared in the request for additional time.