WHEREAS, The Legislature is proud to proclaim March 2020 as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month in this state; and
WHEREAS, Hemophilia is a rare genetic condition affecting at least 4,000 people in California, and von Willebrand disease impacts at least 360,000 people in California; and
WHEREAS, Without treatment, people with hemophilia and other related bleeding disorders face frequent, spontaneous bleeding episodes in their joints, causing swelling in the joints, muscles, internal organs, and brain. Repeated bleeding episodes in the joints result in chronic degenerative arthritic conditions, which often lead to frequent hospitalizations, permanent disability, and chronic pain. Bleeding episodes involving internal organs and the brain can cause permanent damage, disability, and even death; and
WHEREAS, Many individuals with
hemophilia became infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C in the 1980s due to the contamination of the blood supply and blood products; and
WHEREAS, With proper care and access to comprehensive medical resources, persons with hemophilia and other related bleeding disorders can control bleeding episodes and can lead productive lives; and
WHEREAS, Visits to federally recognized hemophilia treatment centers reduce morbidity and mortality significantly; and
WHEREAS, The State of California is committed to proper care and treatment of children and adults with hemophilia and other related bleeding disorders through previously enacted legislation; and
WHEREAS, This awareness month will generate greater understanding of not only hemophilia but all inheritable bleeding disorders; and
WHEREAS, This awareness month will foster a greater
sense of community and shared purpose among all individuals with inheritable bleeding disorders; and
WHEREAS, This awareness month will elevate the awareness of, and engagement in, the inheritable bleeding disorders journey beyond this community to the general public, enabling the prevention of illness, unnecessary procedures, and disability; now, therefore, be it