Existing law requires the Employment Development Department within the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to administer various programs, including the state unemployment and disability compensation programs, and perform duties relating to income tax withholding, which require the furnishment of social security numbers of employees or other individuals.
This bill would require, if the department discovers that more than one individual is using a social security number, the department to determine which user is legally issued that number within 60 days of discovery, and to provide a notification to the individual who is determined to be legally issued that social security number that a duplicate attempt was made to use that number and a notification
containing specified information to the other users of that number within 30 days of making that determination. This bill would also require the department to keep a record of those numbers and dates of discoveries and notices, as specified, and would require the department to submit a report to the Legislature on or before January 1, 2018, and annually thereafter regarding that record, as specified.