(a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:(1) The state, through the Public Utilities Commission, has taken action to promote energy storage, including setting energy storage procurement targets applicable for certain load-serving entities, totaling 1,325 megawatts, and for all other load-serving entities, to be met by 2020, with installations of the energy storage systems meeting the procurement targets by no later than the end of 2024.
(2) Ratepayer funding is currently allowed to provide incentives to customers who purchase energy storage for permanent load shifting.
(3) The Legislature reauthorized the self-generation incentive program to provide incentives to customers who achieve reductions in the emissions of greenhouse gases using technologies like energy storage.
(4) The State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission funds research and demonstration programs to further the effectiveness of energy storage as an important resource to the electric grid through the Electric Program Investment Charge.
(5) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order No. 792 directs transmission providers to define energy storage devices as generating facilities, thereby enabling these resources to take advantage of generator interconnection procedures.
(6) Industrial and commercial customers are subject to the
time-of-use tariffs of the load-serving entity providing electric services, some of which also include demand charges. Industrial and commercial customers have challenges modifying their businesses to manage their electricity consumption and costs.
(7) Section 745 of the Public Utilities Code authorizes the commission to require or authorize an electrical corporation to employ default time-of-use pricing for residential customers.
(8) Changes in customer electricity usage will modify the peak time for electricity demand and effect demand charges in rate design.
(9) Properly designed and dispatched energy storage systems will help customers manage energy costs, help reduce overall system peak energy demands, improve public health, and assist in achieving greenhouse gas emissions goals.
(10) Increased demand for energy storage technologies will drive new business opportunities and create jobs.
(11) Easing energy costs for large energy users will help keep manufacturing and industrial jobs in California.
(b) It is the policy of the state and the intent of the Legislature to encourage energy storage as a means to achieve ratepayer benefits, ambient air quality standards, and the state’s climate change goals.