Existing law, the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993, requires each state to designate as voter registration agencies all offices in the state that provide public assistance or that provide state-funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to persons with disabilities. Existing state law implements the provisions of the federal act and defines voter registration agency to include a department, division, or office of state or local government, or a program supported by state funds, that is designated as a voter registration agency by executive order of the Governor or pursuant to the federal act. In Executive Order W-98-94, this state designated the Franchise Tax Board, among other agencies, as a voter registration agency. Existing law requires voter registration agencies to provide a voter registration card to an applicant for service or assistance, and with
each recertification, renewal or change of address form relating to the service or assistance, among other requirements.
This bill would require the Franchise Tax Board to also send a voter registration card to a notify an individual taxpayer whose annual income tax return indicates a change of address from the prior year that he or she may register to vote or update his or her voter registration information through an online voter registration system.