The Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999 requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop an Academic Performance Index (API), which measures to measure the performance of schools and the academic performance of pupils. Existing law requires the Superintendent to establish an advisory committee to advise the Superintendent and the State Board of Education on all appropriate matters relative to the creation of the API and the implementation of an accountability system. Existing law requires the Superintendent and the state board, in consultation with the advisory committee, by July 1, 2013, to make recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor on, among other things, the
establishment of a methodology for generating a measurement of group and individual academic performance growth by using individual pupil results from a longitudinally valid achievement assessment system.
This bill would require the advisory committee to consult, as appropriate, with individuals who are experts or have experience in innovation in the fields of business, science, technology, mathematics, engineering, and arts education on the development of a voluntary Creative and Innovative Education Index, to be based in part on the creative opportunities in each participating school, as specified. The bill would require the advisory committee to make recommendations by June 1, 2013 2014, to the Superintendent on the extent to which this index should be part of the state’s accountability system and methods
may be used to foster creative and innovative education in the public schools.