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SCR-84 Patricia Ann Weston Memorial Highway.(2009-2010)

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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 84

Relative to the Patricia Ann Weston Memorial Highway.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  August 04, 2010. ]


SCR 84, Aanestad. Patricia Ann Weston Memorial Highway.
This measure would designate a specified portion of State Highway Route 99 in Sutter County as the Patricia Ann Weston Memorial Highway. The measure would request the Department of Transportation to determine the cost for appropriate signs showing this designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering that cost, to erect those signs.
Fiscal Committee: YES  

WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston was born on July 19, 1951, in Mount Pleasant, Michigan; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston graduated from the Central Michigan University in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Science, Geography; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston moved to California in 1974; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston attended the University of California, Davis, from June 1976 to September 1977; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston started her career in transportation with the Sacramento Area Regional Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston began her career with the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) on January 9, 1979, in planning in the Marysville District 3 Office, transferred to the headquarters Division of Mass Transportation, and finally transferred to the headquarters Division of Transportation Planning as the Office Chief of Advance System Planning and Economics on January 4, 1993; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston was a champion and advocate for rural agencies working to ensure that rural projects were included in the State Transportation Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston changed state transportation planning by being instrumental in not only the development of the Transportation Development Act, an act that provides funding to counties and cities for transit projects, but also in assisting the State of California in securing the initial Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) grants that provided funding to private and nonprofit groups for handicap services; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston wrote the 1998 Interregional Strategic Plan, a plan that describes the framework by which the state carries out its responsibilities for the Interregional Transportation Improvement Program and identifies how the Department of Transportation works with regional agencies in gaining consensus on the prioritized improvements contained in the program; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston was instrumental in writing GoCalifornia and the Governor’s Strategic Growth Plan, which established the framework for the subsequent Proposition 1B Program; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston mentored generations of planners and engineers at both the Department of Transportation and at transportation planning agencies and private planning firms statewide, freely sharing her experiences, expertise, wisdom, and extreme professionalism with all who endeavored to become more than they were; and
WHEREAS, Patricia Ann Weston dedicated 30 years of service to the State of California and all who travel on its transportation systems, spending her life improving those systems, and making travel options more accessible, faster, and safer for the traveling public; and
WHEREAS, On September 8, 2009, Patricia Ann Weston peacefully and quietly passed away following a short illness; and
WHEREAS, It is important and fitting that the State of California pay tribute to, and commemorate the extraordinary life and memory of, Patricia Ann Weston; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature hereby designates the portion of State Highway Route 99 in Sutter County, from post mile 36 to post mile 40, inclusive, as the Patricia Ann Weston Memorial Highway; and be it further
Resolved, That the Department of Transportation is requested to determine the cost of appropriate signs, consistent with the signing requirements for the state highway system, showing this special designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover that cost, to erect those signs; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the Department of Transportation and to the author for appropriate distribution.