(1) The Public Utilities Act requires the Public Utilities Commission to develop a program for residential and commercial customer air-conditioning load control with the goal of contributing to the adequacy of electricity supply and helping customers reduce their electric bills in a cost-effective manner. The act authorizes the Public Utilities Commission to establish rates for public utilities regulated by the commission, including electrical corporations. The act authorizes the commission to approve contracts between an electrical corporation and its heavy industrial customers, as determined by the electrical corporation, of not more than 10 years’ duration, in which the electrical corporation buys from the heavy industrial customer the right to interrupt the customer’s service on short notice, as determined by the commission,
through a payment mechanism providing for a discounted rate for service. Under those provisions, the commission has adopted, by decision, electrical corporation programs for the interruption of power in exchange for reduced rates.
The act requires electrical corporations to continue the availability to qualified heavy industrial customers of optional interruptible or curtailable service, and requires the effective rate for interruptible or curtailable service to qualifying customers to reflect a pricing incentive for electing to operate under the interruptible or curtailable service option. The act further requires the commission to continue the availability of optional interruptible or curtailable service at least until March 31, 2002, and prohibits, until March 31, 2002, the alteration of the level of the pricing incentive for interruptible or curtailable service from the levels in effect on June 10, 1996.
This bill would
require electrical corporations to offer optional interruptible or curtailable service programs using pricing incentives that are cost effective and that may reflect the full range of costs avoided by the reductions in demand created by these programs, as specified. The bill would also delete the provisions requiring the commission to continue the availability of optional interruptible or curtailable service at least until March 31, 2002, and the provision prohibiting the alteration of the level of the pricing incentive in effect on June 10, 1996. These provisions would be repealed on January 1, 2015.
Because a violation of the act is a crime, this bill, by imposing new requirements on electrical corporations, would create a new crime, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program.
(2) The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.