April 18, 2006 |
March 27, 2006 |
Introduced by
Kehoe |
February 23, 2006 |
Under existing law, the Public Utilities Commission (commission) has regulatory authority over public utilities and is authorized to establish its own procedures, subject to statutory limitations or directions and constitutional requirements. The existing Public Utilities Act provides compensation for reasonable advocate’s fees, reasonable expert witness fees, and other reasonable costs to public utility customers for participation or intervention in any proceeding of the commission based, in part, upon whether the intervenor would experience significant financial hardship.
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature that the commission and the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (Energy Commission)
consider allocating existing funds to reimburse the San Diego Association of Governments Energy Working Group, or the coalition, as defined, or both, for certain costs incurred by these entities in participating in specified proceedings of the commission, the Energy Commission, and the working group, and certain other energy-related activities. The bill would make related legislative findings and declarations. The bill would require the commission and the Energy Commission to enable and facilitate the review and analysis by regional stakeholders through the San Diego Association of
Governments Energy Working Group, or the coalition, or both in any proceeding of the commission or the Energy Commission.
(2)“Energy Commission” means the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission.
(3)“SANDAG” means the San Diego Association of Governments Energy Working Group.
(4)“SDG&E” means the San Diego Gas and Electric Company.
(5)“SDREO” means the San Diego Regional Energy Office.
(b)The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(1)The purpose of this section is to encourage the commission and the Energy Commission to enable and facilitate the review and analysis by regional stakeholders through SANDAG, or the coalition, or both SANDAG and the coalition in any proceeding of the commission or the Energy Commission.
(2)The involvement of SANDAG, or the coalition, or both SANDAG and the coalition in commission or Energy Commission processes should be promoted and encouraged where that review and analysis by regional stakeholders substantially contributes to orders and decisions of the commission or the Energy Commission, and that involvement is in the public interest.
(3)The Legislature encourages the review and analysis by regional stakeholders through SANDAG, or the coalition, or both SANDAG and the coalition in state policymaking processes.
(1)The commission, the Energy Commission, and other state agencies should consider allocating existing funds to SANDAG, or the coalition, or both SANDAG and the coalition to be actively involved in, but not limited to, all of the following:
(A)The Integrated Energy Policy Report of the Energy Commission pursuant to Section 25302 of the Public Resources Code.
(B)The state Energy Action Plan II.
(C)The improvement of energy security and resource enhancement through in-region distributed generation.
(D)The SDG&E Long Term Resources Plan proceeding of the commission.
(2)The commission and the Energy Commission should consider allocating existing funds to support regional
(3)The commission and Energy Commission should consider allocating existing funds to SANDAG, or the coalition, or both SANDAG and the coalition for the use of subject matter experts, including, but not limited to, SDREO or other experts deemed necessary to provide assistance and education to SANDAG in development and implementation of energy
commission and the Energy Commission shall enable and facilitate the review and analysis by regional stakeholders through SANDAG, or the coalition, or both SANDAG and the coalition in any proceeding of the commission or the Energy Commission.