Existing law, the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, administered by the California Integrated Waste Management Board, requires every rigid plastic packaging container, as defined, sold or offered for sale in this state, to generally meet one of specified criteria.
Existing law prohibits a person from selling a plastic bag that is labeled as “biodegradable,” “compostable,” “degradable,” or as otherwise specified, unless, at the time of the sale, the plastic bag meets a current American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard specification for the term used on the label. Existing law requires a manufacturer or supplier, as defined, upon the request of a member of the public, to submit to that
member, within 90 days of the request, information and documentation demonstrating compliance with these labeling requirements.
This bill would impose similar requirements, with regard to plastic food or beverage containers, as defined, for purposes of prohibiting a person from selling a plastic food or beverage container that is labeled as “biodegradable,” “compostable,” “degradable,” or as otherwise specified, unless, at the time of the sale, the container meets
the ASTM standard specification for compostable plastics, as specified, for the term used on the label.