April 12, 2004 |
June 16, 2004 |
Introduced by
Assembly Member
Canciamilla |
February 09, 2004 |
Existing law, except as specified, prohibits a publicly owned utility from commencing to provide any service for, on, or to any land within a county water district (1) that is subject to the lien of a general obligation bonded indebtedness or that was the subject of a lease-purchase, revenue, or other type of debt incurred for capital improvements by or on behalf of the district incurred by the district for the purpose of providing a service similar to that which the utility proposes to provide, or (2) that is subject to a lien of an indebtedness arising under any contract between the district and the United States of America incurred or contracted by the district for the purpose of providing similar water service, if
Under this bill, for those described purposes, the service of recycled water, as defined, for any nonpotable use would not be a “service similar to” the service of potable, raw, or untreated water or a “similar water service” to the service of potable, raw, or untreated water.
(a)California is experiencing a substantial statewide water
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all regulatory functions that are performed by the commission with respect to water corporations shall be transferred to the Department of Water Resources on or before January 1, 2006.(b)The state’s population is growing by approximately 750,000 people a year, and is expected to approach 50 million by 2020.(c)This boom in population will nearly double the demand for water supply in urban areas by 2020, compounding the shortage problem.(d)The state needs to take action that will help alleviate these problems by expanding options for securing water supply.(e)The state has a tremendous capacity to use reclaimed water for a range of uses.(f)The Legislature has established a goal for water recycling in the state of reclaiming and reusing one million acre-feet annually by 2010.(g)It is the intent of the Legislature to encourage the use of recycled water for nonpotable uses as a cost-effective, reliable method of helping to meet this state’s water supply needs.
(a)No publicly owned utility shall commence to provide any service for, on, or to any land within a county water district that is subject to the lien of a general obligation bonded indebtedness or that was the subject of a lease-purchase, revenue, or other type of debt incurred for capital improvements by or on behalf of the district incurred by the district for the purpose of providing a service similar to that which the utility proposes to provide.
However, a publicly owned utility may commence to provide service, otherwise prohibited, upon either of the following conditions:
(1)If the board of directors of the county water district, by resolution, permits the service.
(2)In any portion of such a county water district proposed to be served by the publicly owned utility in which the total number of registered voters residing therein exceeds 200, if at least two-thirds of the voters voted at a special county water district election to permit the service. The election shall be called and held as an initiative measure pursuant to Section 30830.
(b)For purposes of this section, the service of recycled water, as defined in subdivision (n) of Section 13050, for any nonpotable use is not a “service similar to” the service of potable, raw, or untreated water.
(a)No publicly owned utility shall commence to provide any water service for, on, or to any land within a county water district that is subject to a lien of an indebtedness arising under any contract between the district and the United States of America incurred or contracted by the district for the purpose of providing similar water service, if two-thirds of the voters voting at an election within the district have approved the incurrence of the indebtedness and if the district has water available and is ready, able, and willing to serve that land.
However, a publicly owned utility may commence to provide service, otherwise prohibited, upon either of the following conditions:
(1)If the board of directors of such a county water district shall by resolution permit such service; or
(2)In any portion of a county water district proposed to be served by the publicly owned utility in which the total number of registered voters residing therein exceeds 200, and in which at least a majority of the voters voting on the proposition shall have voted at a special county water district election to permit that service within that portion of the district. The election shall be called and held within that portion of the district as an initiative measure pursuant to Section 30830.
(b)For purposes of this section, the service of recycled water, as defined in subdivision (n) of Section 13050, for any nonpotable use is not a “similar water service to” the service of potable, raw, or untreated water.
This act does not alter any right, remedy, or obligation that exists pursuant to Chapter 8.5 (commencing with Section 1501) of Part 1 of Division 1 of the Public Utilities Code or Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 1210) of Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 2 of the Water Code.