The existing restructuring of the electrical services industry provides for the authorization of direct transactions between electricity suppliers and end use customers and for the establishment of an Independent System Operator and a Power Exchange. An Electricity Oversight Board is also established to oversee the Independent System Operator and the Power Exchange. Under existing law, the Oversight Board has the exclusive right to decline to confirm the appointments of members of the governing board of the Independent System Operator. Under existing law, the existing Independent System Operator governing board is required to be replaced, within a specified period of time, by a 5-member independent governing board of directors appointed by the Governor for one-year terms. Existing law requires that a member of the independent governing board of the Independent System Operator not be affiliated with any actual or potential market participant administered by the Independent System Operator.
This bill would authorize the Electricity Oversight Board to investigate any matter related to the wholesale market for electricity. This bill would delete the Electricity Oversight Board’s exclusive right to decline to confirm the appointments of members of the governing board of the Independent System Operator. This bill would require the Independent System Operator governing board appointed by the Governor to be confirmed by the Senate. The bill would require these appointments to be for 3-year terms, with initial appointments of one member for a one-year term, 2 members for a 2-year term, and 2 members for a 3-year term.
The bill would make a conforming change in existing law.