Other Resources

California State SenateCalifornia State Assembly
Visit the State Senate and Assembly websites to find more information regarding California State Legislators, Committee Membership, Committee Hearing Schedules, and the Legislative calendars.

Legislative Analyst's Office
The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) provides independent, nonpartisan analysis, research, and advice to the Legislature on fiscal and policy issues.

Bureau of State Audits
The State's independent external auditor provides independent, nonpartisan, accurate, and timely assessments of California government's financial and operational activities in compliance with generally accepted government auditing standards.

California Department of Finance
Department of Finance offers information on the current Governor's budget, as well as budget information from past years.

California State Library
The State Library is the central reference and research library for state government, Legislature, and the public, offering research and archives.

California Research Bureau
The California Research Bureau (CRB) within the California State Library provides nonpartisan, confidential research to the Governor's Office, members of both houses of the Legislature, and other state constitutional officers.

California State Archives
The California State Archives collects, catalogs, preserves, and provides access to the State's most extensive collection of legislative records, and is frequently used by public, state and local government, as well as the Legislature, courts, and legal community.

State Law Library
Questions related to Legislative Research and information on legislation prior to the 1993-1994 session years can be obtained by contacting the California State Law Library at 916-323-9839 or csllaw@library.ca.gov.