Code Section Group

Welfare and Institutions Code - WIC

DIVISION 2. CHILDREN [100 - 1500]

  ( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 369. )


  ( Part 1 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 369. )

CHAPTER 3. Institutions for Delinquents [1000 - 1258]

  ( Chapter 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 369. )

ARTICLE 7. Escapes [1152 - 1155]
  ( Article 7 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 369. )


(a) Any person who without the use of force or violence willfully assists any parolee of the Department of the Youth Authority whose parole has been revoked, any escapee, any ward confined to a Department of the Youth Authority institution or facility, or who is being transported to or from that institution or facility, or any person in the lawful custody of any officer or person to escape or in an attempt to escape from a Department of the Youth Authority institution or facility, or custody, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

(b) Any person who with the use of force or violence willfully assists any parolee of the Department of the Youth Authority whose parole has been revoked, any escapee, any ward confined to a Department of the Youth Authority institution or facility, or who is being transported to or from that institution or facility, or any person in the lawful custody of any officer or person to escape or in an attempt to escape from a Department of the Youth Authority institution or facility, or custody, is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for a term of 16 months, two, or three years or in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 687, Sec. 1.)


Whenever any person who has escaped from any institution or facility under the jurisdiction of the Youth Authority is returned by a sheriff or probation officer, the sheriff or probation officer shall be paid the same fees and expenses as are allowed such officers by law for the transportation of persons to institutions or facilities under the jurisdiction of the Youth Authority.

(Added by Stats. 1945, Ch. 783.)


The person in charge of any secure detention facility, including, but not limited to, a prison, a juvenile hall, a county jail, or any institution under the jurisdiction of the California Youth Authority, shall promptly notify the chief of police of the city in which the facility is located, or the sheriff of the county if the facility is located in an unincorporated area, of an escape by a person in its custody. The person in charge of any secure detention facility under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections or the Youth Authority shall release the name of, and any descriptive information about, any person who has escaped from custody to other law enforcement agencies or to other persons if the release of the information would be necessary to assist in recapturing the person or would be necessary to protect the public from substantial physical harm.

(Amended by Stats. 1986, Ch. 359, Sec. 3.)

WICWelfare and Institutions Code - WIC7.