Code Section Group

Welfare and Institutions Code - WIC

DIVISION 2. CHILDREN [100 - 1500]

  ( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 369. )


  ( Part 1 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 369. )

CHAPTER 2. Juvenile Court Law [200 - 987]

  ( Chapter 2 repealed and added by Stats. 1961, Ch. 1616. )

ARTICLE 26. Work Furloughs [925 - 930]
  ( Heading of Article 26 renumbered from Article 17 by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1068. )


The provisions of this article shall be operative in any county in which the board of supervisors by ordinance finds, on the basis of employment conditions, the state of juvenile detention facilities, and other pertinent circumstances, that the operation of this article in that county is feasible. In such ordinance the board shall prescribe whether the probation officer or any official in charge of a county juvenile detention facility shall perform the functions of the juvenile work furlough administrator. The board of supervisors may also terminate the operativeness of this article in the county if it finds by ordinance that, because of changed circumstances, the operation of this article in that county is no longer feasible.

(Added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 1070.)


When a minor is adjudged a ward of the juvenile court and committed to a county juvenile home, ranch, camp, or forestry camp, the juvenile work furlough administrator may, if he concludes that such person is a fit subject therefor, direct that such person be permitted to continue in his regular employment, if that is compatible with the requirements of Section 928, or may authorize the person to secure employment for himself in the county, unless the court at the time of commitment has ordered that such person not be granted work furloughs.

(Added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 1070.)


(a) If the juvenile work furlough administrator so directs that the minor be permitted to continue in his or her regular employment, the administrator shall arrange for a continuation of that employment when possible without interruption. If the minor does not have regular employment, and the administrator has authorized the minor to secure employment for himself or herself, the minor may do so, and the administrator may assist the minor in doing so. Any employment so secured must be suitable for the minor and must be at a wage at least as high as the prevailing wage for similar work in the area where the work is performed and in accordance with the prevailing working conditions in the area. In no event may any employment be permitted where there is a labor dispute in the establishment in which the minor is, or is to be, employed.

(b) If the minor does not have regular employment, the juvenile work furlough administrator may authorize the minor to apply for placement in a local job training program, and the administrator may assist him or her in doing so. The program may include, but shall not be limited to, job training assistance as provided through the Job Training Partnership Act (Public Law 97-300; 29 U.S.C.A. Sec. 1501 et seq.).

(Amended by Stats. 1989, Ch. 48, Sec. 2.)


Whenever the minor is not employed and between the hours or periods of employment, he shall be confined in a juvenile detention facility unless the court or administrator directs otherwise.

(Added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 1070.)


The earnings of the minor shall be collected by the juvenile work furlough administrator, and it shall be the duty of the minor’s employer to transmit such wages to the administrator at the latter’s request. Earnings levied upon pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 706.010) of Division 2 of Title 9 of Part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall not be transmitted to the administrator. If the administrator has requested transmittal of earnings prior to levy, such request shall have priority. When an employer transmits such earnings to the administrator pursuant to this section the employer shall have no liability to the minor for such earnings. From such earnings the administrator shall pay the minor’s board and personal expenses, both inside and outside the juvenile detention facility, and shall deduct so much of the costs of administration of this article as is allocable to such minor. If sufficient funds are available after making the foregoing payments, the administrator may, with the consent of the minor, pay, in whole or in part, the preexisting debts of the minor. Any balance shall be retained until the minor’s discharge and thereupon shall be paid to the minor.

(Amended by Stats. 1982, Ch. 497, Sec. 181. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 185 of Ch. 497.)


In the event the minor violates the conditions laid down for his conduct, custody, or employment, the juvenile work furlough administrator may order termination of work furloughs for such minor.

(Added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 1070.)

WICWelfare and Institutions Code - WIC26.