ARTICLE 6. Blind Vending Operators Annuity Fund [19650 - 19652]
( Article 6 added by Stats. 1974, Ch. 951. )
It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this article to further carry out the purposes of this chapter by relieving blind vending stand operators from the distress of poverty brought about by illness or old age.
(Added by Stats. 1974, Ch. 951.)
From commissions collected in those facilities in which there are no blind vending stand operators licensed by the Department of Rehabilitation, the Department of Rehabilitation, upon a finding by the department that the vendors’ retirement program is actuarially sound and fiscally solvent, shall contribute to an annuity plan for blind vending stand operators licensed by the Department of Rehabilitation pursuant to Section 19630 of this chapter or pursuant to Section 107a of Title 20 of the United States Code.
(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1316, Sec. 15.)
(a) The Department of Rehabilitation shall:
(1) Cooperate with or arrange through private carriers for the administration of an annuity plan pursuant to Sections 19650 and 19651.
(2) In accomplishing the provisions of this subdivision the department shall establish and consult with the committee of licensed blind vendors.
(b) The blind vending operators shall be deemed a group within the definition of Section 10200.5 of the Insurance Code who may be enrolled in a franchise or wholesale life insurance plan.
(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1316, Sec. 16.)