Code Section Group

Penal Code - PEN


  ( Part 4 added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 1385. )


  ( Title 1 added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 1385. )

CHAPTER 1. Investigation, Identification, and Information Responsibilities of the Department of Justice [11006 - 11144]

  ( Heading of Chapter 1 amended by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1377. )

ARTICLE 3.5. Fingerprints and Photographs [11112.1 - 11112.7]
  ( Heading of Article 3.5 amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 1270, Sec. 5. )


As used in this article:

(a) “California Identification System” or “Cal-ID” means the automated system maintained by the Department of Justice for retaining fingerprint files and identifying latent fingerprints.

(b) “Remote Access Network” or “RAN” means a uniform statewide network of equipment and procedures allowing local law enforcement agencies direct access to the California Identification System.

(c) “Department” means the Department of Justice.

(d) “Cal-ID Telecommunications System” means a statewide telecommunications network dedicated to the transmission of fingerprint identification data in conjunction with Cal-ID for use by law enforcement agencies.

(Added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 1234, Sec. 3.)


The department shall develop a master plan recommending the type, number, and location of equipment necessary to implement RAN. The department shall also develop policy guidelines and administrative procedures to facilitate the implementation and use of RAN. The RAN master plan shall include reasonable interface specifications to access Cal-ID and shall be provided to any supplier of automated fingerprint identification systems interested in bidding on RAN by May 15, 1986.

The master plan shall provide for the use of facsimile and direct image “live read” fingerprint equipment under RAN, including point-of-booking terminals.

The department shall amend the master plan to include additional processing, matching, and communications equipment at the Department of Justice, and to recommend the type, number, and location of equipment necessary to implement facsimile and direct image “live read” fingerprint equipment as part of RAN, including point-of-booking terminals. Funding shall be on a shared basis between the state and a region pursuant to Section 11112.5.

(Amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 1263, Sec. 1.)


(a) The Attorney General shall appoint a RAN Advisory Committee to review the master plan, policy guidelines, and administrative procedures prepared by the department and advise the Attorney General of any modifications the committee deems necessary. Final approval and acceptance of the RAN Advisory Committee proposals shall be made by the Attorney General.

(b) The RAN Advisory Committee shall be composed of one representative from each of the following: The League of California Cities, California Peace Officers’ Association, California District Attorneys’ Association, California Police Chiefs’ Association, California State Sheriffs’ Association, County Supervisors’ Association of California, Department of General Services, Office of Information Technology, and the Department of Justice. The members of the committee shall select a chairperson. The members shall serve without compensation, but reasonable and necessary travel and per diem expenses incurred by committee members shall be reimbursed by the department. The RAN Advisory Committee shall terminate January 1, 1989, unless extended by legislation enacted prior thereto.

(Added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 1234, Sec. 3.)


(a) Within each county or group of counties eligible to receive funding under the department’s master plan for equipment, that elects to participate in the Remote Access Network, a local RAN board shall be established. Where a single county is eligible to receive funding, that county’s RAN board shall be the local RAN board. Where a group of counties is eligible for funding, the local RAN board shall consist of a regional board. The RAN board shall determine the placement of RAN equipment within the county or counties, and coordinate acceptance, delivery, and installation of RAN equipment. The board shall also develop any procedures necessary to regulate the ongoing use and maintenance of that equipment, adhering to the policy guidelines and procedures adopted by the department. The local board shall consider placement of equipment on the basis of the following criteria:

(1) The crime rate of the jurisdiction or jurisdictions served by the agency.

(2) The number of criminal offenses reported by the agency or agencies to the department.

(3) The potential number of fingerprint cards and latent fingerprints processed.

(4) The number of sworn personnel of the agency or agencies.

(b) Except as provided in subdivision (c), each RAN board shall be composed of seven members, as follows: a member of the board of supervisors, the sheriff, the district attorney, the chief of police of the Cal-ID member department having the largest number of sworn personnel within the county, a second chief selected by all other police chiefs within the county, a mayor elected by the city selection committee established pursuant to Section 50270 of the Government Code, and a member-at-large chosen by the other members. In any county lacking two chiefs of police, a substitute member shall be selected by the other members on the board. Groups of counties forming a region shall establish a seven-member board with each county having equal representation on the board and at least one member-at-large. If the number of participating counties precludes equal representation on a seven-member board, the size of the board shall be expanded so that each county has at least two representatives and there is a single member-at-large.

(c) In any county with a population of 5,000,000 or more, each local board shall be composed of seven members, as follows: a member of the board of supervisors, the sheriff, the district attorney, the chief of police of the Cal-ID member department having the largest number of sworn personnel within the county, a second chief selected by all other police chiefs within the county, the mayor of the city with the greatest population within the county that has a Cal-ID member police department, and a member-at-large chosen by the other members. In any county lacking two chiefs of police, a substitute member shall be selected by the other members of the board.

(d) A county which is a part of a regional board may form a local RAN advisory board. The purpose of the local RAN advisory board shall be to provide advice and recommendations to the county’s representatives on the regional RAN board. The local RAN advisory board may appoint alternate members to the regional RAN board from the local RAN advisory board to serve and work in the place of a regional RAN board member who is absent or who disqualifies himself or herself from participation in a meeting of the regional RAN board.

If a vacancy occurs in the office of a regional RAN board in a county which has established a local RAN advisory board, an alternate member selected by the local RAN advisory board may serve and vote in place of the former regional RAN board member until the appointment of a regional RAN board member is made to fill the vacancy.

(Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 73, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2005.)


(a) Costs for equipment purchases based upon the master plan approved by the Attorney General, including state sales tax, freight, insurance, and installation, shall be prorated between the state and local governmental entity. The state’s share shall be 70 percent. The local government’s share shall be 30 percent, paid in legal tender. Purchases may be made under the existing Cal-ID contract through the Department of General Services.

(b) Alternatively, at the discretion of the local board, an independent competitive procurement may be initiated under the following conditions:

(1) Prior to submitting a bid in an independent procurement, any prospective bidder must demonstrate the ability to meet or exceed performance levels established in the existing Cal-ID contract and demonstrate the ability to interface with Cal-ID and meet or exceed performance levels established in the existing Cal-ID contract without degrading the performance of the Cal-ID system.

(2) Both qualifying benchmarks will be at the prospective bidder’s expense and will be conducted by the Department of Justice.

(3) In the event that no vendor other than the existing contract vendor qualifies to bid, purchases shall be made by the Department of General Services on behalf of local agencies pursuant to the existing Cal-ID contract.

(c) Competitive local procurements must adhere to the following guidelines:

(1) Administrative requirements contained within Section 5200 of the State Administrative Manual shall be met.

(2) Local procurements shall not increase the costs the state would otherwise be obligated to pay.

(3) Final bids submitted in an independent procurement shall contain a signed contract that represents an irrevocable offer that does not materially deviate from the terms and conditions of the existing Cal-ID contract.

(4) The selected vendor shall post a performance bond in an amount equal to 25 percent of the local equipment costs. The bond shall remain in effect until the local acceptance test has been successfully completed.

(5) Requests for tender, including contract language, shall be approved by the Department of General Services prior to release. The Department of General Services and the Department of Justice shall be represented on the evaluation and selection team.

(d) The local government agency shall be responsible for all costs related to conducting a local bid, site preparation, equipment maintenance, ongoing operational costs, file conversion over and above those records that are available on magnetic media from the Department of Justice, and equipment enhancements or systems design which exceed the basic design specifications of the Department of Justice. The state shall provide sufficient circuitry to each county, or group of counties to handle all fingerprint data traffic. The state shall provide for annual maintenance of that line.

(Amended by Stats. 2008, Ch. 699, Sec. 16. Effective January 1, 2009.)


(a) The Cal-ID Telecommunications System shall be under the direction of the Attorney General and shall be used exclusively for the official business of the state, and the official business of any city, county, city and county, or other public agency.

(b) The Cal-ID Telecommunications System shall provide telecommunication lines to one location in every participating county.

(c) The Cal-ID Telecommunications System shall be maintained at all times by the department with equipment and facilities adequate to meet the needs of law enforcement. The system shall be designed to accommodate present and future data transmission equipment.

(Added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 1234, Sec. 3.)


The Attorney General shall provide an annual status report to the Legislature beginning January 1, 1987, with the final report due January 1, 1990. The report shall include the status of the project to date, funds expended, and need, if any, for revision to the master plan.

(Amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 1263, Sec. 3.)

PENPenal Code - PEN3.5.