Code Section Group

Government Code - GOV


  ( Title 2 enacted by Stats. 1943, Ch. 134. )


  ( Division 3 added by Stats. 1945, Ch. 111. )


  ( Heading of Part 5 amended by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1253. )

CHAPTER 1. General [14000 - 14089]

  ( Chapter 1 repealed and added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1253. )

ARTICLE 1. Legislative Intent [14000 - 14000.6]
  ( Article 1 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1253. )


The Legislature hereby finds and declares as follows:

(a) Continued growth in transport demand resulting from population growth, concentration of population in urban areas, and increasing mobility requirements indicate a need for innovative, as well as improved, systems to accommodate increased demand.

(b) The diversity of conditions in California is such as to require a variety of solutions to transportation problems within various areas of the state. Differences in population levels and densities, living patterns, social conditions, topography, climate, environmental circumstances, and other factors should be recognized in determining appropriate solutions to transportation problems in the various areas. Particular attention must be given to differences among the metropolitan, the less urbanized, and the more rural areas of the state. In some cases, future demands, particularly in urban corridors, may prove to be beyond the practical capabilities of a highway solution; while in other cases, environmental conditions may rule out a highway solution. In still other cases, heavy reliance upon highway transportation may prove to be satisfactory for the foreseeable future. Clearly, the appropriate mix of transportation modes throughout California to provide economical and efficient transportation service consistent with desires for mobility, will vary markedly from time to time and from area to area within the state.

In all cases, regional and local expressions of transportation goals, objectives, and policies which reflect the unique characteristics and aspirations of various areas of the state shall be recognized in transportation planning tempered, however, by consideration of statewide interests.

(c) A goal of the state is to provide adequate, safe, and efficient transportation facilities and services for the movement of people and goods at reasonable cost. The provision of adequate transportation services for persons not now adequately served by any transportation mode, particularly the disadvantaged, the elderly, the handicapped, and the young, should be an integral element of the planning process. Stimulation of the provision of transportation not only for speed and efficiency of travel, but also for convenience and enjoyment in shopping, school, cultural, and business pursuits, leisure time travel, and pedestrian travel, is also a state aim. It is the desire of the state to provide a transportation system that significantly reduces hazards to human life, pollution of the atmosphere, generation of noise, disruption of community organization, and adverse impacts on the natural environment. The desirability of utilizing corridors for multimodal transportation, where possible to improve efficiency and economy in land use, is recognized. The coastal zone should be provided with optimal transportation services consistent with local and regional goals and plans, with the objective of conserving the coastal resource.

(d) The responsibilities for decisionmaking for California’s transportation systems are highly fragmented. This has hampered effective integration of transportation planning and intermodal coordination. A comprehensive multimodal transportation planning process should be established which involves all levels of government and the private sector in a cooperative process to develop coordinated transportation plans.

(e) Accelerating change and increasing transportation problems require that California take timely action to maintain viable transportation systems. As long lead times are necessary to develop transportation systems, the planning and development of transportation in California should be coordinated by a Department of Transportation. A multimodal transportation department in state government is in keeping with the necessities of contemporary problems and the thrust of federal involvement. However, there is no intent to diminish or preempt the existing authorities and responsibilities of regional, local, and district transportation agencies in their handling of transportation matters which are local or regional in nature.

(f) The stimulation, continuance, and improvement of statewide, regional, and local transportation planning and development are a matter of state concern, and the state should, for this reason, provide a portion of the financial resources and assistance necessary to aid in preparing transportation plans, developing effective transportation decisionmaking processes, and carrying out implementation programs.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1253.)


The Legislature further finds and declares that the role of the state in transportation shall be to:

(a) Encourage and stimulate the development of urban mass transportation and interregional high-speed transportation where found appropriate as a means of carrying out the policy of providing balanced transportation in the state.

(b) Implement and maintain a state highway system which supports the goals and priorities determined through the transportation planning process, which is in conformity with comprehensive statewide and regional transportation plans, and which is compatible with statewide and regional socioeconomic and environmental goals, priorities and available resources.

(c) Assist in the development of an air transportation system that is consistent with the needs and desires of the public, and in which airports are compatible in location with, and provide services meeting, statewide and regional goals and objectives.

(d) Develop a rail passenger network consistent with the needs and desires of the public, and in which the location of rail corridors and their service characteristics are compatible with statewide and regional goals and objectives, except that nothing in this section shall be construed to discourage the development of passenger rail service by privately owned carriers.

(e) Encourage research and development of technological innovation in all modes of transportation in cooperation with public agencies and the private sector.

(Amended by Stats. 1981, Ch. 1183, Sec. 1.)


The Legislature further finds and declares all of the following:

(a) California has established a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit to be achieved by 2020 pursuant to the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Division 25.5 (commencing with Section 38500) of the Health and Safety Code), which is equivalent to 1990 greenhouse gas emissions in the state. Senate Bill 32 (Chapter 249 of the Statutes of 2016) extended the statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.

(b) Emissions from the transportation sector account for a significant portion of California’s greenhouse gas emissions.

(c) In June 2016, the state released its transportation plan called California Transportation Plan 2040, which represented an important step toward integrating statewide long-range modal plans, key programs, and analysis tools that build on regional transportation plans, sustainable communities strategies, and rural land use visions. Yet more must be done to meet objectives of mobility and congestion management consistent with the state’s greenhouse gas emission limit and air pollution standards.

(d) The Legislature intends that subsequent transportation plans improve transparency, interagency coordination, and the impact of California’s transportation investments and planning to meet the objectives set forth in this section.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 605, Sec. 1. (AB 285) Effective January 1, 2020.)

GOVGovernment Code - GOV1.