ARTICLE 1. General Provisions [89500 - 89528]
( Article 1 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )
(a) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the trustees shall provide by rule for the government of their appointees and employees, pursuant to this chapter and other applicable provisions of law, including, but not limited to: appointment; classification; terms; duties; pay and overtime pay; uniform and equipment allowances; travel expenses and allowances; rates for housing and lodging; moving expenses; leave of absence; tenure; vacation; holidays; layoff; dismissal; demotion; suspension; sick leave; reinstatement; and employer’s contribution to employees’, annuitants’, and survivors’ health benefits plans.
(2) The rules adopted by the trustees relating to tenure, layoff, dismissal, demotion, suspension, and reinstatement of academic and administrative employees shall be adopted on or before February 1, 1962, and become effective on July 1, 1962, with respect to employees who are academic teaching and administrative employees as defined in subdivision (1)(e) of Section 24301, as it read on June 30, 1961, as enacted by Chapter 2 of the Statutes of 1959.
(b) The adoption of these rules and regulations shall not be subject to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code.
(c) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1996, Ch. 938, Sec. 5. Effective January 1, 1997.)
(a) The trustees shall offer, on at least a semiannual basis, to each of the university’s filers, an orientation course on the relevant ethics statutes and regulations that govern the official conduct of university officials.
(b) As used in this section, “filer” means each member, officer, or designated employee of the California State University, including a trustee, who, because of his or her affiliation with the university or any subdivision or campus thereof, is required to file a Statement of Economic Interests in accordance with Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 87100) of Title 9 of the Government Code.
(c) The
trustees shall maintain records indicating the specific attendees, each attendee’s job title, and dates of their attendance for each orientation course offered pursuant to this section. These records shall be maintained for a period of at least five years after each course is offered. These records shall be public records subject to inspection and copying in accordance with Section 81008 of the Government Code and any other public records disclosure laws that are applicable to the university.
(d) Except as provided in subdivision (e), each filer shall attend the orientation course established pursuant to subdivision (a) in accordance with both of the following:
(1) For a person who, as of January 1, 2005, is a filer, as defined in subdivision (b), not later than December 31, 2005, and thereafter, at least once during each consecutive period of two calendar years commencing on
January 1, 2007.
(2) For a person who becomes a filer, as defined in subdivision (b), after January 1, 2005, within six months after he or she becomes a filer, and at least once during each consecutive period of two calendar years commencing on January 1 of the first odd-numbered year thereafter.
(e) The requirements of subdivision (d) do not apply to a filer, as defined in subdivision (b), who has taken an ethics orientation course through another state agency or the Legislature within the periods set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (d) if, in the determination of the trustees, that course covered substantially the same material as the course the university would offer to the filer pursuant to this section.
(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 303, Sec. 136. (AB 731) Effective January 1, 2016.)
(a) For the purpose of facilitating the recruitment of professional and technically trained persons to fill positions for which there is a shortage of qualified applicants, the trustees may authorize payment of all or a part of the travel expense of applicants who are called for interview and all or a part of the travel and moving expense of persons who change their place of residence to accept employment with the state. These payments shall be made only upon the certification of the trustees that the expenditure is necessary in order to recruit qualified persons needed by the California State University.
If, for reasons that do not meet the approval of the trustees, the employee or applicant for employment does not accept or continue the employment for a period of two years, he or she shall reimburse the trustees for the moving and travel expenses for the full or proportionate amount.
For the purposes of this section, satisfactory reasons for not completing two years of employment shall be death, prolonged illness, disability, unacceptability of the applicant or employee to the trustees, and similar eventualities beyond the control of the applicant or employee.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Added by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1040, Sec. 3.)
(a) It is the policy of the state that the workweek of the employees of the California State University shall be 40 hours, and the workday of such employees eight hours, except that workweeks and workdays of a different number of hours may be established in order to meet the varying needs of the different campuses and facilities. It is the policy of the state to avoid the necessity for overtime work whenever possible.
This policy does not restrict the extension of regular working-hour schedules on an overtime basis when the action is necessary to carry on the business of the California State University properly during a manpower shortage.
The trustees may provide for the payment of overtime in designated classes for work performed after the normal scheduled workday or normal scheduled workweek, when the designation is appropriate to the designated class.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 143, Sec. 124.)
(a) The trustees may authorize payments into a private fund to provide health and welfare benefits to nonpermanent employees of the class specified in Section 19830 of the Government Code employed by the trustees, upon a finding by the trustees as to any position that the criteria stated in subdivision (a) of Section 19831 of the Government Code are satisfied.
(b) Payments made by the state pursuant to this section to any fund on behalf of any employees shall be in lieu of benefits such as vacation allowance, sick leave, and retirement that may be granted directly by the state in accordance with law.
(c) The trustees may determine the equitable application of this section to ensure that the employees receive benefits comparable to, but not in excess of, those provided in comparable private employment.
(d) The payments authorized by this section shall be a proper charge against any funds available for the support of the California State University.
(e) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that, if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 538, Sec. 141. Effective January 1, 2007.)
(a) Upon separation from service without fault on his or her part, an employee is entitled to a lump-sum payment as of the time of separation for any unused or accumulated vacation or for any time off to which the employee is entitled by reason of previous overtime work where compensating time off for overtime work is provided for by the trustees. This sum shall be computed by projecting the accumulated time on a calendar basis so that the lump sum will equal the amount which the employee would have been paid had the employee taken the time off but not separated from the service.
(b) Employees separated from service through fault of their own are entitled to a lump-sum payment for compensating time off for overtime work, and in addition, the portion, if any, of unused vacation as the trustees may determine. The computation of this sum shall be based on actual accumulated time without projection as provided in subdivision (a).
(c) Lump-sum payment for vacation shall not be made to a person who separates from a position for the purpose of accepting another position in the state service, except either of the following:
(1) Upon movement to a position in which vacation credits are neither accrued nor used.
(2) Upon reassignment of an employee, subsequent to January 1, 1965, from a position other than an academic year position, to an academic year position.
However, a lump-sum payment shall not be made to a person who returns to a position in the same class within 15 working days of the date of the person’s resignation.
(d) Except for payment authorized or excluded under subdivision (c), an employee who returns to state service during the period through which his or her lump-sum payment was computed may refund the amount of lump-sum payment which exceeds his or her break in service and have the balance of credits restored as though he or she had remained in state service and taken the time off.
(e) If subdivisions (a) to (d), inclusive, are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(f) Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the trustees may provide for lump-sum payment for vacation for nonrepresented employees of the California State University.
(Amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 227, Sec. 1.)
The trustees, subject to such conditions as they may establish, may purchase annuity contracts for any of their employees, and shall reduce the salary of any such employee for whom such contract is purchased in the amount of the cost thereof; provided that each of the following conditions are met:
(a) The annuity contract is under an annuity plan which meets the requirements of Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 of the United States as amended by the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-406).
(b) The employee makes application to the trustees for such purchase and reduction of salary.
(c) All provisions of the Insurance Code applicable to the purchase of such annuities are satisfied.
If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
(a) Officers and employees of the California State University may participate in the deferred compensation plan established pursuant to Section 19993 of the Government Code upon compliance with the statutory prerequisites for participation in the plan.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Added by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1040, Sec. 5.)
(a) The trustees, subject to such conditions as they may establish, may enter into contracts of group life insurance and contracts of group disability insurance or protection with respect to any class of their employees they may designate or with respect to all such employees, with any insurer, medical service plan, or nonprofit hospital service plan corporation they may select; provided, that all applicable provisions of state law relating to any such coverage, or to the qualifications of the provider of coverage, are satisfied.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
(a) The trustees, subject to any conditions which the trustees may impose, may establish programs of insurance with respect to any class of employees of the trustees which the trustees may designate or with respect to all of the employees of the trustees, with any insurer or insurers, insurance broker or brokers, or insurance agent or agents, the trustees may select, provided that all applicable provisions of the Insurance Code relating to the insurance, or to the qualifications of the insurer, broker, or agent, are satisfied. The premiums of the programs of insurance shall be borne by the employees, employer, or employees and employer participating therein.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1986, Ch. 1054, Sec. 2.)
(a) Each person holding a four-year term appointment under Section 80507 on June 30, 1961, regardless of when the term commenced, shall on that date be entitled to all personnel benefits and rights under the law which would have attached to the person’s position if he or she had been appointed and had served throughout his or her state university employment under the provisions of law applicable to persons serving under appointments made pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 89530).
On and after July 1, 1961, the person shall be entitled to all personnel benefits and rights conferred by Section 66609 upon state employees appointed pursuant to Article 2 and transferred to the Trustees of the California State University by that section.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 143, Sec. 126.)
(a) The trustees may grant a leave of absence without compensation to any nonacademic employee.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
(a) (1) The California State University shall grant to any employee, upon a request that provides at least 30 days notice before commencement, a leave of absence without loss of compensation for the purpose of enabling the employee to serve as an elected officer of any California State University campus public employee organization or any statewide or national public employee organization with which the university campus organization is affiliated.
(2) When possible, the employee shall provide the request described in paragraph (1) at least 30 days before the start of the academic term during which the leave will occur.
(b) The leave shall include, but is not limited to, absence for purposes of attendance by the employee at periodic, stated, special, or regular meetings of the body of the organization on which the employee serves as an officer. Compensation during the leave shall include retirement fund contributions required of the university or a campus of the university as employer. Required retirement contributions shall include the amount necessary to pay any unfunded liability cost for the retirement plan. The employee shall earn full service credit during the leave of absence and shall pay member contributions as prescribed by Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 20671) of Part 3 of Division 5 of Title 2 of the Government Code. The maximum amount of the service credit earned shall not exceed 12 calendar years. Any employee who serves as a full-time
officer of a public employee organization shall not be eligible for disability benefits under the Public Employees’ Retirement System while on the leave of absence.
(c) Following the university’s or campus of the university’s payment of the employee for the leave of absence, the university or campus of the university shall be reimbursed by the employee organization of which the employee is an elected officer for all compensation paid the employee on account of the leave. Reimbursement by the employee organization shall be made within 10 days after its receipt of the certification of payment of compensation to the employee.
(d) The leave of absence without loss of compensation provided for by this section is in addition to the released time without loss of compensation granted to
representatives of an exclusive representative by Section 3569 of the Government Code.
(Added by Stats. 2016, Ch. 569, Sec. 1. (AB 2294) Effective January 1, 2017.)
(a) Upon the expiration of the leave of absence granted pursuant to Section 89510 or 89511, the employee to whom the leave of absence was granted is entitled to reinstatement in the position the employee held at the time the leave of absence was granted, if the position is still in
existence, or to any other comparable existing vacant position for which the employee is qualified.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 2016, Ch. 569, Sec. 2. (AB 2294) Effective January 1, 2017.)
(a) Every employee who has entered or who hereafter enters the active military service of the United States of America or of the State of California, including active service in any uniformed auxiliary of, or to, any branch of such military service created or authorized as such auxiliary by the Congress of the United States of America or by the Legislature of the State of California, or in the full-time paid service of the American Red Cross, during any period of national emergency declared by the President of the United States of America or during any war in which the United States of America is engaged, shall be deemed to have been entitled or shall be entitled to absent himself from his duties.
Within six months after such employee honorably leaves such service or has been placed on inactive duty he shall be entitled to return to the position held by him at the time of his entrance into such military service, at the salary to which he would have been entitled had he not absented himself from his duties.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
(a) The time during which an employee of the trustees is on leave of absence without compensation shall not be credited toward retirement under any retirement system of the state. If such employee receives compensation during such leave of absence the time for which he receives such compensation shall be credited toward retirement. The period of any leave of absence shall not be construed as a break in the continuity of service required toward retirement.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
The trustees shall eliminate all policies which detrimentally and unreasonably affect the employment status of females hired by the California State University. To accomplish this purpose, the trustees shall do all of the following:
(a) Review hiring, wages, job classifications, and advancement practices as applied to female employees and take corrective measures where inequities exist.
(b) Review selection procedures utilized for employment of female employees to determine disparate selection practices.
(c) Assure opportunity of advancement for qualified female employees to executive positions within departments and divisions.
If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 143, Sec. 127.)
The trustees may establish rules and regulations which allow academic teaching employees, librarians, counselors, and student affairs officers to reduce their workload from full-time to part-time duties.
Such regulations shall include but shall not be limited to the following if such employees wish to reduce their workload and maintain retirement benefits pursuant to Section 20815 of the Government Code:
(a) The employee must have reached the age of 55 prior to reduction in workload.
(b) The employee must have been employed full-time as an academic employee for at least 10 years of which the immediately preceding five years were full-time employment. For purposes of this subdivision, sabbatical and other approved leaves shall not constitute a break in service. However, time spent on sabbatical or on other approved leaves shall not be used in satisfying the five-year full-time employment requirement.
(c) The option of part-time employment must be exercised at the request of the employee and can be revoked only with the mutual consent of the employer and the employee.
(d) The employee shall be paid a salary which is the pro rata share of the salary the employee would be earning had the employee not elected to exercise the option of part-time employment but shall retain all other rights and benefits for which the employee makes the payments that would be required if the employee remained in full-time employment.
The employee shall receive health benefits in the same manner as a full-time employee.
This section shall only be applicable to academic teaching employees, librarians, counselors, and student affairs officers who receive no higher salary than the maximum paid to a department chairman.
If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
Whenever possible:
(a) Part-time faculty should be informed of assignments at least six weeks in advance.
(b) Part-time faculty should be paid for the first week of an assignment when class is canceled less than two weeks before the beginning of a semester. If a class meets more than once per week, part-time faculty should be paid for all classes that were scheduled for that week.
(c) The names of part-time faculty, once they are assigned to a course, should be listed in the schedule of classes rather than just described as “staff” or “faculty.”
(d) The names of part-time faculty, once they are assigned to a course, should be listed in the course schedule provided to students, faculty, and staff, rather than just described as “staff” or “faculty.”
(e) Part-time faculty should be considered to be an integral part of their departments and given all the rights normally afforded to full-time faculty in the areas of book selection, participation in department
activities, and the use of college resources, including, but not limited to, telephones, copy machines, supplies, office space, mailboxes, clerical staff, library, and professional development.
(Added by Stats. 2024, Ch. 418, Sec. 2. (AB 2834) Effective January 1, 2025.)
(a) The minimum and maximum salary limits for laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed on an hourly or per diem basis need not be uniform throughout the state, but the trustees shall ascertain, as to each such position, the general prevailing rate of such wages in the various localities of the state.
In fixing such minimum and maximum salary limits within the various localities of the state, the trustees shall take into account the prevailing rates of wages in the localities in which the employee is to work and other relevant factors, and shall not fix the minimum salary limits below the general prevailing rate so ascertained for the various localities.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
(a) Any librarian employed by the trustees on a 12-month basis in a fiscal year has the right to elect to be employed for one or more fiscal years on a 10-month basis. The compensation of any librarian making the election shall be reduced for any such fiscal year in the same proportion as the compensation of instructional academic employees whose fiscal year employment basis is changed from a 12-month basis to a 10-month basis.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
(a) The trustees shall grant a leave of absence without pay for the purposes of the pregnancy, childbirth or the recovery therefrom of a female employee, for a period as determined by the employee not exceeding one year to any permanent employee under the jurisdiction of the trustees. When the employee has notified the trustees as to the period of the leave of absence required, any change in the length of the period of leave shall not be effective unless approved by the trustees.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if such provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1072.)
(a) Subject to subdivision (c), the trustees shall grant to an employee, who has exhausted all available sick leave, the following leaves of absence with pay:
(1) A leave of absence, not exceeding 30 days in a one-year period, to an employee who is an organ donor, for the purpose of donating the employee’s organ to another person.
(2) A leave of absence, not exceeding five days in a one-year period, to an employee who is a bone marrow donor, for the purpose of donating the employee’s bone marrow to another person.
(b) Subject to subdivision (c), the trustees shall grant an additional unpaid leave
of absence, not exceeding 30 business days in a one-year period, to an employee who has exhausted all available sick leave and is an organ donor, for the purpose of donating the employee’s organ to another person.
(c) To receive a leave of absence pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b), an employee shall provide written verification to the trustees that the employee is an organ or bone marrow donor and that there is a medical necessity for the donation of the organ or bone marrow.
(d) Any period of time during which an employee is required to be absent from the employee’s position by reason of being an organ or bone marrow donor is not a break in the employee’s continuous service for the purpose of the employee’s right to salary adjustments, sick leave, vacation, annual leave, or seniority.
(e) If an employee is unable
to return to work beyond the time or period that the employee is granted leave pursuant to this section, the employee shall be paid any vacation balance, annual leave balance, or accumulated compensable overtime. The payment shall be computed by projecting the accumulated time on a calendar basis as though the employee was taking time off. If, during the period of projection, the employee is able to return to work, the employee shall be returned to the employee’s former position.
(f) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that, if those provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the
Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 316, Sec. 1. (AB 1223) Effective January 1, 2020.)
(a) The provisions of Article 4.5 (commencing with Section 19400) of Chapter 7 of Part 2 of Division 5 of the Government Code, relating to upward mobility, shall be applicable to the California State University System. The trustees shall administer the program for its employees and shall have the powers and duties with respect to employees of the California State University System, as are given to the State Personnel Board in Article 4.5 (commencing with Section 19400) of Chapter 7 of Part 2 of Division 5 of the Government Code, with respect to state civil service employees. In the event of conflict between the provisions of Article 4.5 (commencing with Section 19400) of Chapter 7 of Part 2 of Division 5 of the Government Code and the antidiscrimination and affirmative action requirements of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended; Executive Order Number 11246, as amended, and the rules and regulations adopted under each of these, the federal law shall prevail.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 143, Sec. 128.)
(a) The trustees shall, as part of the hiring process for an appointment to an academic, athletic, or administrative position with the California State University, do all of the following:
(1) (A) Require an applicant to disclose any final administrative decision or final judicial decision issued within the last seven years from the date of submission of the application determining that the applicant committed sexual harassment.
(B) Permit applicants to disclose if they have filed an appeal with the previous employer or, if applicable, with the United States Department of Education.
(2) Require an applicant to sign a release form that authorizes, in the event the applicant reaches the final stages of the application process, the release of information by the applicant’s previous employers to the campus of the California State University concerning any substantiated allegations of misconduct in order to permit the campus to evaluate the released information with respect to the criteria for a potential job placement.
(3) If an applicant reaches the final stages of the application process for the intended academic, athletic, or administrative position, require campuses of the California State University to use the release form signed pursuant to paragraph (2) to engage in a reasonable attempt to obtain information from the previous employer concerning any
substantiated allegations of misconduct.
(b) The California State University shall not ask an applicant to disclose, orally or in writing, information concerning any final administrative decision or final judicial decision described in subdivision (a), including any inquiry about an applicable decision on any employment application, until the California State University has determined that the applicant meets the minimum employment qualifications stated in the notice issued for the position.
(c) For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) “Applicant” means a person who submits an employment application for an academic, athletic, or administrative position, but does not include
a person who is a current employee and is hired or rehired for a different position with the same campus.
(2) “Final administrative decision” means the written determination of whether or not sexual harassment occurred as determined by the decisionmaker following the final investigative report and the subsequent hearing.
(3) “Final judicial decision” means a final determination of a matter submitted to a court that is recorded in a judgment or order of that court.
(4) “Misconduct” means any violation of the policies governing employee conduct at the applicant’s previous place of employment, including, but not limited to, violations of policies prohibiting sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other forms of harassment or
discrimination, as defined by the employer.
(5) “Sexual harassment” has the same meaning as described in subdivision (a) of Section 66262.5 or, if applicable, as defined in Section 106.30 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
(6) “Substantiated allegation” means an allegation that has been sustained based upon a burden of proof of at least a preponderance of the evidence.
(Amended (as added by Stats. 2023, Ch. 415, Sec. 2) by Stats. 2024, Ch. 673, Sec. 5. (AB 810) Effective January 1, 2025.)
All applications for appointment to academic, administrative and nonacademic positions shall include a place for listing volunteer experience and such experience shall be considered if it is relevant to the position being applied for.
(Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 544.)
(a) Any employee who, immediately prior to becoming an employee, was an employee of an auxiliary organization as provided in Section 89900, and whose functions and employment were, subsequent to January 1, 1969, transferred to and assumed by a state university or college, shall be entitled to accumulate credit for vacation at the rate to which he or she would have been entitled if his or her employment by the auxiliary organization had been employment by a state university or college.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Added by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1040, Sec. 6.)
(a) Any employee who, immediately prior to becoming an employee, was an employee of an auxiliary organization as provided in Section 89900, and whose functions and employment were, subsequent to January 1, 1969, transferred to and assumed by a state university or college, shall be entitled to retain accumulated sick leave, and to accumulate sick leave credit as if his or her employment by the auxiliary organization had been employment by a state university or college.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Added by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1040, Sec. 7.)
When an employee uses sick leave or vacation, or both, because of an injury compensable under the Labor Code, and the California State University is reimbursed by a third person for its damages by reason of this use, there shall be granted, for credit to the employee’s sick leave or vacation account, sick leave or vacation equivalent to the amount so used or proportionately if reimbursement is only in part. If the California State University does not collect from the third person the full amount of the compensation paid and other damages for which it is liable to the employee, and if the amount collected is not itemized so that there may be ascertained the amount collected in reimbursement for the sick leave or vacation used, the sick leave or vacation to be credited shall be in the same ratio to the sick leave or vacation used as the total amount collected bears to the total amount of the California State University’s damages. “Sick leave” or “vacation,” as used in this rule, includes sick leave or vacation credit used to augment disability indemnity.
(Added by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1040, Sec. 8.)
(a) An officer or employee who is or may be entitled to temporary disability indemnity under Division 4 (commencing with Section 3200) or Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 6100) of the Labor Code shall receive any accumulated sick leave, or accumulated compensable overtime, or accumulated vacation for the absence. The trustees shall decrease the charge of sick leave, or compensable overtime, or vacation in the amount of temporary disability payment received so that the officer or employee shall not receive payment in excess of full salary or wage.
If an officer or employee does not wish to use his or her accumulated sick leave, or accumulated compensable overtime, or accumulated vacation, he or she shall notify his or her appointing power within 15 days after the injury is reported to the appointing power. After the 15 days his or her accumulations shall be used until the date he or she notifies the appointing power in writing that he or she no longer wishes to use the accumulations. When computing sick leave, or overtime, or vacation under this section the employee shall be given credit for any holidays that occur during the period of absence hereunder.
He or she is, nevertheless, entitled to medical, surgical, and hospital treatment as provided in the Labor Code. When his or her accumulated sick leave, or overtime, or vacation, or all, are exhausted, he or she is still entitled to receive disability indemnity.
(b) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Added by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1040, Sec. 10.)
(a) In order to improve the recruitment and retention of faculty in specified academic disciplines, the trustees shall establish a supplemental salary program.
Each fiscal year, the trustees shall identify both of the following:
(1) Those academic disciplines for which recruiting and retaining competent faculty has been a problem because the faculty salaries generally applicable are not competitive with salaries offered by industry or by other educational institutions.
(2) Those faculty members in the academic disciplines identified pursuant to paragraph (1) who shall qualify for participation in the supplemental salary program.
The memorandum of understanding between the trustees and the appropriate faculty bargaining unit shall specify the implementation plan for the supplemental salary program.
(b) This section shall be operative only for those years in which the Budget Act appropriates funds specifically for the supplemental salary program pursuant to this section.
(c) If this section is in conflict with a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds, the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
(Added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1304, Sec. 2.)