ARTICLE 2. Plans for Capital Construction [81820 - 81823]
( Article 2 added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 910, Sec. 2. )
The governing board of each community college district shall prepare and submit to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges a plan for capital construction for community college purposes of the district. The plan shall reflect capital construction for community college purposes of the district for the five-year period commencing with the next proposed year of funding. The five-year plan shall be subject to continuing review by the governing board and annually shall be extended one year, and there shall be submitted to the board of governors, on or before the first day of February in each succeeding year, a report outlining the required modifications or changes, if any, in the five-year plan.
(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 571.)
(a) The five-year plan for capital construction shall set out the estimated capital construction needs of the district with reference to at least both of the following elements:
(1) The current enrollment capacity of the district expressed in terms of weekly student contact hours and based upon the space and utilization standards for community college classrooms and laboratories adopted by the board of governors.
(2) District office, library, and supporting facility capacities as derived from the physical plant standards for office, library, and supporting facilities adopted by the board of governors.
(b) The five-year plan for capital construction may also set out the estimated capital construction needs of the district with reference to other elements, including, but not limited to:
(1) The plans of the district concerning its future academic and student services programs, and the effect on estimated construction needs that may arise because of particular courses of instruction or subject matter areas or student services to be emphasized.
(2) The enrollment projections for each district formulated by the Department of Finance, expressed in terms of weekly student contact hours. The enrollment projections for each individual college and educational center within a district shall be made cooperatively by the Department of Finance and the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges.
(3) An annual inventory of all facilities and land of the district using standard definitions, forms, and instructions adopted by the board of governors.
(4) An estimate of district funds that shall be made available for capital outlay matching purposes pursuant to regulations adopted by the board of governors.
(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 34, Sec. 15. (SB 860) Effective June 20, 2014.)
The board of governors shall review and evaluate the plan for capital construction submitted by the governing board of each community college district in terms of the elements of the capital construction program specified in Section 81821, and shall, on the basis of the review and evaluation, make the revision and changes therein as are appropriate, and notify the district. A similar review and evaluation of continuing five-year plans for capital construction submitted by the governing board of each community college district shall be made. The board of governors shall, promptly after review, notify the governing board of each community college district of the content of the district’s revised plan for capital construction.
(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 573.)
(a) If a community college district maintains colleges, or one college and one or more educational centers, it may additionally submit the plan required by Section 81820 on the basis of each college or educational center maintained by the district, if either of the following circumstances is present such that students will be better served by evaluating the capital outlay program for the district on that basis: (1) the isolation of students within a district in terms of the distance of students from the location of an educational program, or inadequacy of transportation, and student financial inability to meet costs of transportation to an educational program; or (2) the inability of existing colleges and educational centers in the district to meet the unique educational and cultural needs of a significant number of ethnic students.
(b) If a district elects to submit such a plan, it shall include therewith justification and documentation for so doing.
(c) When a district so elects, the evaluation of the plan pursuant to Section 81822 shall include an evaluation of both of the following:
(1) The justification and documentation for so doing, including enrollment projections for individual campuses and centers.
(2) The plan as thus submitted.
(Repealed and added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 910, Sec. 2. Effective September 17, 1980.)