The amount of fees and penalties prescribed by this chapter, except as otherwise provided, is that fixed by the board according to the following schedule:
(a) (1) The fee for a pharmacy license shall be seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) and may be increased to two thousand dollars ($2,000). The fee for the issuance of a temporary pharmacy permit shall be one thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600) and may be increased to two thousand seven hundred forty dollars ($2,740).
(2) The fee for a nonresident pharmacy license shall be two thousand four hundred twenty-seven dollars ($2,427) and may be increased to three
thousand four hundred twenty-four dollars ($3,424). The fee for the issuance of a temporary nonresident pharmacy permit shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000) and may be increased to two thousand four hundred sixty-nine dollars ($2,469).
(b) (1) The fee for a pharmacy license annual renewal shall be one thousand twenty-five dollars ($1,025) and may be increased to two thousand dollars ($2,000).
(2) The fee for a nonresident pharmacy license annual renewal shall be one thousand twenty-five dollars ($1,025) and may be increased to two thousand dollars ($2,000).
(c) The fee for the pharmacist application and examination shall be two hundred sixty dollars ($260) and may be increased to two hundred
eighty-five dollars ($285).
(d) The fee for regrading an examination shall be one hundred fifteen dollars ($115) and may be increased to two hundred dollars ($200). If an error in grading is found and the applicant passes the examination, the regrading fee shall be refunded.
(e) The fee for a pharmacist license shall be one hundred ninety-five dollars ($195) and may be increased to two hundred fifteen dollars ($215). The fee for a pharmacist biennial renewal shall be four hundred fifty dollars ($450) and may be reduced to three hundred sixty dollars ($360).
(f) The fee for a wholesaler or third-party logistics provider license and annual renewal shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000) and may be increased to one thousand
four hundred eleven dollars ($1,411). A temporary license fee shall be seven hundred fifteen dollars ($715) and may be increased to one thousand nine dollars ($1,009).
(g) The fee for a hypodermic license shall be five hundred fifty dollars ($550) and may be increased to seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($775). The fee for a hypodermic license renewal shall be four hundred dollars ($400) and may be increased to five hundred sixty-one dollars ($561).
(h) (1) The fee for application, investigation, and issuance of a license as a designated representative pursuant to Section 4053, as a designated representative-3PL pursuant to Section 4053.1, or as a designated representative-reverse distributor pursuant to Section 4053.2 shall be three hundred forty-five
dollars ($345) and may be increased to four hundred eighty-five dollars ($485).
(2) The fee for the annual renewal of a license as a designated representative, designated representative-3PL, or designated representative-reverse distributor shall be three hundred eighty-eight dollars ($388) and may be increased to five hundred forty-seven dollars ($547).
(i) (1) The fee for the application, investigation, and issuance of a license as a designated representative for a veterinary food-animal drug retailer pursuant to Section 4053 shall be three hundred forty-five dollars ($345) and may be increased to four hundred eighty-five dollars ($485).
(2) The fee for the annual renewal of a license as a designated
representative for a veterinary food-animal drug retailer shall be three hundred eighty-eight dollars ($388) and may be increased to five hundred forty-seven dollars ($547).
(j) (1) The application fee for a nonresident wholesaler or third-party logistics provider license issued pursuant to Section 4161 shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000) and may be increased to one thousand four hundred eleven dollars ($1,411).
(2) A temporary license fee shall be seven hundred fifteen dollars ($715) and may be increased to one thousand nine dollars ($1,009).
(3) The annual renewal fee for a nonresident wholesaler license or third-party logistics provider license issued pursuant to Section 4161
shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000) and may be increased to one thousand four hundred eleven dollars ($1,411).
(k) The fee for evaluation of continuing education courses for accreditation shall be set by the board at an amount not to exceed forty dollars ($40) per course hour.
(l) The fee for an intern pharmacist license shall be one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) and may be increased to two hundred forty-five dollars ($245). The fee for transfer of intern hours or verification of licensure to another state shall be one hundred twenty dollars ($120) and may be increased to one hundred sixty-eight dollars ($168).
(m) The board may waive or refund the additional fee for the issuance of a license where the
license is issued less than 45 days before the next regular renewal date.
(n) The fee for the reissuance of any license, or renewal thereof, that has been lost or destroyed or reissued due to a name change shall be seventy-five dollars ($75) and may be increased to one hundred dollars ($100).
(o) (1) The fee for processing an application to change information on a premises license record shall be three hundred ninety-five dollars ($395) and may be increased to five hundred fifty-seven dollars ($557).
(2) The fee for processing an application to change a name or correct an address on a premises license record shall be two hundred six dollars ($206) and may be increased to two hundred eighty-two
dollars ($282).
(3) The fee for processing an application to change a pharmacist-in-charge, designated representative-in-charge, or responsible manager on a premises license record shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250) and may be increased to three hundred fifty-three dollars ($353).
(p) It is the intent of the Legislature that, in setting fees pursuant to this section, the board shall seek to maintain a reserve in the Pharmacy Board Contingent Fund equal to approximately one year’s operating expenditures.
(q) The fee for any applicant for a clinic license shall be six hundred twenty dollars ($620) and may be increased to eight hundred seventy-three dollars ($873). The annual fee for renewal of the license
shall be four hundred dollars ($400) and may be increased to five hundred sixty-one dollars ($561).
(r) The fee for the issuance of a pharmacy technician license shall be one hundred twenty dollars ($120) and may be increased to one hundred sixty-five dollars ($165). The fee for renewal of a pharmacy technician license shall be one hundred eighty dollars ($180) and may be reduced to one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125).
(s) The fee for a veterinary food-animal drug retailer license shall be six hundred ten dollars ($610) and may be increased to eight hundred twenty-five dollars ($825). The annual renewal fee for a veterinary food-animal drug retailer license shall be four hundred sixty dollars ($460) and may be increased to five hundred sixty-one dollars ($561). The fee for the
temporary license shall be five hundred twenty dollars ($520) and may be increased to seven hundred thirty-two dollars ($732).
(t) The fee for issuance of a retired license pursuant to Section 4200.5 shall be fifty dollars ($50) and may be increased to one hundred dollars ($100).
(u) The fee for issuance of a sterile compounding pharmacy license or a hospital satellite compounding pharmacy shall be three thousand eight hundred seventy-five dollars ($3,875) and may be increased to five thousand four hundred sixty-six dollars ($5,466). The fee for a temporary license shall be one thousand sixty-five dollars ($1,065) and may be increased to one thousand five hundred three dollars ($1,503). The annual renewal fee of the license shall be four thousand eighty-five dollars ($4,085) and
may be increased to five thousand seven hundred sixty-two dollars ($5,762).
(v) The fee for the issuance of a nonresident sterile compounding pharmacy license shall be eight thousand five hundred dollars ($8,500) and may be increased to sixteen thousand five hundred two dollars ($16,502). The annual renewal of the license shall be eight thousand five hundred dollars ($8,500) and may be increased to seventeen thousand forty dollars ($17,040). In addition to paying that application fee, the nonresident sterile compounding pharmacy shall deposit, when submitting the application, a reasonable amount, as determined by the board, necessary to cover the board’s estimated cost of performing the inspection required by Section 4127.2. If the required deposit is not submitted with the application, the application shall be deemed to be incomplete. If the
actual cost of the inspection exceeds the amount deposited, the board shall provide to the applicant a written invoice for the remaining amount and shall not take action on the application until the full amount has been paid to the board. If the amount deposited exceeds the amount of actual and necessary costs incurred, the board shall remit the difference to the applicant. The fee for a temporary license shall be one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) and may be increased to two thousand dollars ($2,000).
(w) The fee for the issuance of an outsourcing facility license shall be twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) and may be increased to thirty-five thousand two hundred fifty-six dollars ($35,256). The fee for the renewal of an outsourcing facility license shall be twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) and may be increased to
forty-one thousand three hundred sixty-six dollars ($41,366). The fee for a temporary outsourcing facility license shall be four thousand dollars ($4,000) and may be increased to five thousand six hundred forty-two dollars ($5,642).
(x) The fee for the issuance of a nonresident outsourcing facility license shall be twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($28,500) and may be increased to forty-two thousand three hundred eighteen dollars ($42,318). The fee for the renewal of a nonresident outsourcing facility license shall be twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($28,500) and may be increased to forty-six thousand three hundred fifty-three dollars ($46,353). In addition to paying that application fee, the nonresident outsourcing facility shall deposit, when submitting the application, a reasonable amount, as determined by the board,
necessary to cover the board’s estimated cost of performing the inspection required by Section 4129.2. If the required deposit is not submitted with the application, the application shall be deemed to be incomplete. If the actual cost of the inspection exceeds the amount deposited, the board shall provide to the applicant a written invoice for the remaining amount and shall not take action on the application until the full amount has been paid to the board. If the amount deposited exceeds the amount of actual and necessary costs incurred, the board shall remit the difference to the applicant. The fee for a temporary nonresident outsourcing license shall be four thousand dollars ($4,000) and may be increased to five thousand six hundred forty-two dollars ($5,642).
(y) The fee for the issuance of a centralized hospital packaging license
shall be three thousand eight hundred fifteen dollars ($3,815) and may be increased to five thousand three hundred eighteen dollars ($5,318). The annual renewal of the license shall be two thousand nine hundred twelve dollars ($2,912) and may be increased to four thousand one hundred seven dollars ($4,107).
(z) (1) The fee for the issuance of a license to a correctional clinic pursuant to Article 13.5 (commencing with Section 4187) shall be six hundred twenty dollars ($620) and may be increased to eight hundred seventy-three dollars ($873). The annual renewal fee for that correctional clinic license shall be four hundred dollars ($400) and may be increased to five hundred sixty-one dollars ($561).
(2) The fee for the issuance of an ADDS license to a correctional clinic
pursuant to Article 13.5 (commencing with Section 4187) shall be five hundred dollars ($500) and may be increased to seven hundred five dollars ($705). The annual renewal fee for the correctional clinic ADDS shall be four hundred dollars ($400) and may be increased to five hundred sixty-one dollars ($561).
(aa) The fee for an ADDS license shall be five hundred twenty-five dollars ($525) and may be increased to seven hundred forty-one dollars ($741). The fee for the annual renewal of the license shall be four hundred fifty-three dollars ($453) and may be increased to six hundred thirty-nine dollars ($639).
(ab) The application and initial license fee for a remote dispensing site pharmacy application shall be one thousand seven hundred thirty dollars ($1,730) and may be increased to two thousand
four hundred forty dollars ($2,440). The fee for the annual renewal shall be one thousand twenty-five dollars ($1,025) and may be increased to two thousand dollars ($2,000). The fee for a temporary license shall be eight hundred ninety dollars ($890) and may be increased to one thousand one hundred ninety-nine dollars ($1,199).
(ac) The application and initial license fee to operate EMSADDS shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150) and may be increased to three hundred eighty dollars ($380) per machine. The fee for the annual renewal shall be two hundred dollars ($200) and may be increased to two hundred seventy-three dollars ($273). The license fee may not be transferred to a different location if the EMSADDS is moved. The application and renewal fee for a licensed wholesaler that is also an emergency medical services provider agency shall be
eight hundred ten dollars ($810) and may be increased to one thousand one hundred forty-three dollars ($1,143).
(ad) The fee for application and issuance of an initial license as a designated paramedic shall be three hundred fifty dollars ($350) and may be increased to four hundred ninety-four dollars ($494). The fee of biennial renewal shall be two hundred dollars ($200) and may be increased to two hundred ninety-two dollars ($292).
(ae) The fee for an application for an advanced practice pharmacist license and renewal of advanced practice pharmacist license shall be three hundred dollars ($300) and may be increased to four hundred eighteen dollars ($418).
(af) This section shall become operative on January 1,
(Repealed (in Sec. 16) and added by Stats. 2023, Ch. 723, Sec. 17. (SB 816) Effective January 1, 2024. Operative January 1, 2025, by its own provisions.)