Code Section Group

Business and Professions Code - BPC


  ( Heading of Division 3 added by Stats. 1939, Ch. 30. )

CHAPTER 2. Advertisers [5200 - 5486]

  ( Chapter 2 repealed and added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991. )

ARTICLE 7. Regulations [5400 - 5419]
  ( Article 7 added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991. )


No advertising structure may be maintained unless the name of the person owning or maintaining it, is plainly displayed thereon.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


No advertising structure shall be placed unless it is built to withstand a wind pressure of 20 pounds per square foot of exposed surface. Any advertising structure not conforming to this section shall be removed as provided in Section 5463.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


No person shall display or cause or permit to be displayed upon any advertising structure or sign, any statements or words of an obscene, indecent or immoral character, or any picture or illustration of any human figure in such detail as to offend public morals or decency, or any other matter or thing of an obscene, indecent or immoral character.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


No advertising display shall be placed or maintained in any of the following locations or positions or under any of the following conditions or if the advertising structure or sign is of the following nature:

(a) If within the right-of-way of any highway.

(b) If visible from any highway and simulating or imitating any directional, warning, danger or information sign permitted under the provisions of this chapter, or if likely to be mistaken for any permitted sign, or if intended or likely to be construed as giving warning to traffic, by, for example, the use of the words “stop” or “slow down.”

(c) If within any stream or drainage channel or below the floodwater level of any stream or drainage channel where the advertising display might be deluged by flood waters and swept under any highway structure crossing the stream or drainage channel or against the supports of the highway structure.

(d) If not maintained in safe condition.

(e) If visible from any highway and displaying any red or blinking or intermittent light likely to be mistaken for a warning or danger signal.

(f) If visible from any highway which is a part of the interstate or primary systems, and which is placed upon trees, or painted or drawn upon rocks or other natural features.

(g) If any illumination shall impair the vision of travelers on adjacent highways. Illuminations shall be considered vision impairing when its brilliance exceeds the values set forth in Section 21466.5 of the Vehicle Code.

(h) If visible from a state regulated highway displaying any flashing, intermittent, or moving light or lights.

(i) If, in order to enhance the display’s visibility, the owner of the display or anyone acting on the owner’s behalf removes, cuts, cuts down, injures, or destroys any tree, shrub, plant, or flower growing on property owned by the department that is visible from the highway without a permit issued pursuant to Section 670 of the Streets and Highways Code.

(Amended by Stats. 2001, Ch. 284, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2002.)


No advertising display shall be placed outside of any business district as defined in the Vehicle Code or outside of any unincorporated city, town or village, or outside of any area that is subdivided into parcels of not more than 20,000 square feet each in area in any of the following locations or positions, or under any of the following conditions, or if the advertising display is of the following nature:

(a) If within a distance of 300 feet from the point of intersection of highway or of highway and railroad right-of-way lines, except that this does not prevent the placing of advertising display on that side of an intercepted highway that is opposite the point of interception. But in case any permanent building, structure or other object prevents any traveler on any such highway from obtaining a clear view of approaching vehicles for a distance of 300 feet, then advertising displays may be placed on such buildings, structure or other object if such displays will not further obstruct the vision of those approaching the intersection or interception, or if any such display does not project more than one foot therefrom.

(b) If placed in such a manner as to prevent any traveler on any highway from obtaining a clear view of approaching vehicles for a distance of 500 feet along the highway.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no advertising display shall be placed or maintained within 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of, and the copy of which is visible from, any interstate or primary highway, other than any of the following:

(a) Directional or other official signs or notices that are required or authorized by law, including, but not limited to, signs pertaining to natural wonders and scenic and historical attractions, and which comply with regulations adopted by the director relative to their lighting, size, number, spacing, and any other requirements as may be appropriate to implement this chapter which are consistent with national standards adopted by the United States Secretary of Transportation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code.

(b) Advertising displays advertising the sale or lease of the property upon which they are located, if all advertising displays within 660 feet of the edge of the right-of-way of a bonus segment comply with the regulations adopted under Sections 5251 and 5415.

(c) Advertising displays which advertise the business conducted, services rendered, or goods produced or sold upon the property upon which the advertising display is placed, if the display is upon the same side of the highway as the advertised activity; and if all advertising displays within 660 feet of the right-of-way of a bonus segment comply with the regulations adopted under Sections 5251, 5403, and 5415; and except that no advertising display shall be placed after January 1, 1971, if it contains flashing, intermittent, or moving lights (other than that part necessary to give public service information, including, but not limited to, the time, date, temperature, weather, or similar information, or a message center display as defined in subdivision (d)).

(d) (1) Message center displays that comply with all requirements of this chapter. The illumination or the appearance of illumination resulting in a message change of a message center display is not the use of flashing, intermittent, or moving light for purposes of subdivision (b) of Section 5408, except that no message center display may include any illumination or message change that is in motion or appears to be in motion or that changes in intensity or exposes its message for less than four seconds. No message center display may be placed within 1,000 feet of another message center display on the same side of the highway. No message center display may be placed in violation of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code.

(2) Any message center display located beyond 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway and permitted by a city, county, or city and county on or before December 31, 1988, is in compliance with Article 6 (commencing with Section 5350) and Article 7 (commencing with Section 5400) for purposes of this section.

(3) Any message center display legally placed on or before December 31, 1996, which does not conform with this section may continue to be maintained under its existing criteria if it advertises only the business conducted, services rendered, or goods produced or sold upon the property upon which the display is placed.

(4) This subdivision does not prohibit the adoption by a city, county, or city and county of restrictions or prohibitions affecting off-premises message center displays which are equal to or greater than those imposed by this subdivision, if that ordinance or regulation does not restrict or prohibit on-premises advertising displays, as defined in Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 5490).

(e) Advertising displays erected or maintained pursuant to regulations of the director, not inconsistent with the national policy set forth in subdivision (f) of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code and the standards promulgated thereunder by the Secretary of Transportation, and designed to give information in the specific interest of the traveling public.

(Amended by Stats. 2000, Ch. 787, Sec. 10. Effective January 1, 2001.)


Nothing in this chapter, including, but not limited to, Section 5405, shall prohibit the placing of temporary political signs, unless a federal agency determines that such placement would violate federal regulations. However, no such sign shall be placed within the right-of-way of any highway or within 660 feet of the edge of and visible from the right-of-way of a landscaped freeway.

A temporary political sign is a sign which:

(a) Encourages a particular vote in a scheduled election.

(b) Is placed not sooner than 90 days prior to the scheduled election and is removed within 10 days after that election.

(c) Is no larger than 32 square feet.

(d) Has had a statement of responsibility filed with the department certifying a person who will be responsible for removing the temporary political sign and who will reimburse the department for any cost incurred to remove it.

(Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 1054.)


In addition to those displays permitted pursuant to Section 5405, displays erected and maintained pursuant to regulations of the director, which will not be in violation of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code, and which identify the location of a farm produce outlet where farmers sell directly to the public only those farm or ranch products they have produced themselves, may be placed or maintained within 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way so that the copy of the display is visible from a highway.

The advertising displays shall indicate the location of the farm products but not the price of any product and shall not be larger than 150 square feet.

(Added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 517, Sec. 1.)


Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no outdoor advertising display that exceeds 10 feet in either length or width, shall be built on any land or right-of-way owned by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, including any of its rights-of-way, unless the authority complies with any applicable provisions of this chapter, the federal Highway Beautification Act of 1965 (23 U.S.C.A. Sec. 131), and any local regulatory agency’s rules or policies concerning outdoor advertising displays. The authority shall not disregard or preempt any law, ordinance, or regulation of any city, county, or other local agency involving any outdoor advertising display.

(Added by Stats. 2001, Ch. 928, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2002.)


The provisions of Sections 5226 and 5405 shall not apply to bonus segments which traverse and abut on commercial or industrial zones within the boundaries of incorporated municipalities, as such boundaries existed on September 21, 1959, wherein the use of real property adjacent to and abutting on the national system of interstate and defense highways is subject to municipal regulation or control, or which traverse and abut on other business areas where the land use, as of September 21, 1959, was clearly established by state laws as industrial or commercial, provided that advertising displays within 660 feet of the edge of the right-of-way of such bonus segments shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5408.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


The provisions of Sections 5226 and 5405 shall not apply to penalty segments which are located, or which are to be located, in business areas and which comply with Section 5408, except that Sections 5226 and 5405 shall apply to unzoned commercial or industrial areas in which the commercial or industrial activity ceases and is removed or permanently converted to other than a commercial or industrial activity, and displays in such areas shall be removed not later than five years following the cessation, removal, or conversion of the commercial or industrial activity.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


In addition to the advertising displays permitted by Section 5405 to be placed within 660 feet of the edge of the right-of-way of interstate or primary highways, advertising displays conforming to the following standards, and not in violation of any other provision of this chapter, may be placed in those locations if placed in business areas:

(a) Advertising displays may not be placed that exceed 1,200 square feet in area with a maximum height of 25 feet and a maximum length of 60 feet, including border and trim, and excluding base or apron supports and other structural members. This subdivision shall apply to each facing of an advertising display. The area shall be measured by the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle, or combination thereof, which will encompass the entire advertisement. Two advertising displays not exceeding 350 square feet each may be erected in a facing. Any advertising display lawfully in existence on August 1, 1967, that exceeds 1,200 square feet in area, and that is permitted by city or county ordinance, may be maintained in existence.

(b) Advertising displays may not be placed that are so illuminated that they interfere with the effectiveness of, or obscure any official traffic sign, device, or signal; nor shall any advertising display include or be illuminated by flashing, intermittent, or moving lights (except that part necessary to give public service information such as time, date, temperature, weather, or similar information); nor shall any advertising display cause beams or rays of light to be directed at the traveled ways if the light is of an intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or to impair the vision of any driver, or to interfere with any driver’s operation of a motor vehicle.

(c) Advertising displays may not be placed to obstruct, or otherwise physically interfere with, an official traffic sign, signal, or device or to obstruct, or physically interfere with, the vision of drivers in approaching, merging, or intersecting traffic.

(d) No advertising display shall be placed within 500 feet from another advertising display on the same side of any portion of an interstate highway or a primary highway that is a freeway. No advertising display shall be placed within 500 feet of an interchange, or an intersection at grade, or a safety roadside rest area on any portion of an interstate highway or a primary highway that is a freeway and if the interstate or primary highway is located outside the limits of an incorporated city and outside the limits of an urban area. No advertising display shall be placed within 300 feet from another advertising display on the same side of any portion of a primary highway that is not a freeway if that portion of the primary highway is located outside the limits of an incorporated city and outside the limits of an urban area. No advertising display shall be placed within 100 feet from another advertising display on the same side of any portion of a primary highway that is not a freeway if that portion of the primary highway is located inside the limits of an incorporated city or inside the limits of an urban area.

(e) Subdivision (d) does not apply to any of the following:

(1) Advertising displays that are separated by a building or other obstruction in a manner that only one display located within the minimum spacing distances set forth herein is visible from the highway at any one time.

(2) Double-faced, back-to-back, or V-type advertising display, with a maximum of two signs per facing, as permitted in subdivision (a).

(3) Advertising displays permitted by subdivisions (a) to (c), inclusive, of Section 5405. The minimum distance between signs shall be measured along the nearest edge of the pavement between points directly opposite the signs along each side of the highway.

(4) Any advertising display lawfully in existence on August 1, 1967, which does not conform to this subdivision but that is permitted by city or county ordinances.

(f) “Urban area,” as used in subdivision (d), shall be determined in accordance with Section 101(a) of Title 23 of the United States Code.

(Amended by Stats. 2000, Ch. 787, Sec. 11. Effective January 1, 2001.)


(a) No advertising display shall be placed or maintained beyond 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway if such advertising display is located outside of an urban area or within that portion of an urban area that is not a business area, is visible from the main traveled way of such highway, and is placed with the purpose of its message being read from such main traveled way, unless such advertising display is included within one of the classes of displays permitted by Section 5405 to be placed within 660 feet from the edge of such highway. Such display may be placed or maintained within the portion of an urban area that is also a business area if such display conforms to the criteria for size, spacing and lighting set forth in Section 5408.

(b) Any advertising display which was lawfully in existence on the effective date of the enactment of this section, but which does not conform to the provisions of this section, shall not be required to be removed until January 1, 1980. If federal law requires the state to pay just compensation for the removal of any such display, it may remain in place after January 1, 1980, and until just compensation is paid for its removal pursuant to Section 5412.

(c) For purposes of this section, an urban area means an area so designated in accordance with the provisions of Section 101 of Title 23 of the United States Code.

(Added by Stats. 1975, Ch. 1074.)


Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an advertising display is a lawfully erected advertising display and, upon application and payment of the application fee, the director shall issue a permit for the display if it meets all of the following conditions:

(a) The display was erected on property adjacent to State Highway Route 10 (Interstate 10) in the unincorporated area of the County of Los Angeles in order to replace a display which was required to be removed because the property on which it was located was acquired by the State of California to facilitate construction of the busway on Route 10 in the County of Los Angeles.

(b) Upon proper application, the display could have qualified for a permit at the time it was erected, except for Sections 5351 and 5408 and Article 5 (commencing with Section 5320) as in effect at the time.

(c) The display conforms to Section 5408 as in effect on January 1, 1984.

(d) The display was in existence on January 1, 1984.

(Added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1003, Sec. 2. Effective September 11, 1984.)


Notwithstanding Section 5408, a city or a county with land use jurisdiction over the property may adopt an ordinance that establishes standards for the spacing and sizes of advertising displays that are more restrictive than those imposed by the state.

(Added by Stats. 2002, Ch. 972, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2003.)


In addition to the advertising displays permitted by Sections 5405 and 5408, advertising displays located on bus passenger shelters or benches and conforming to the following standards may be placed on or adjacent to a highway:

(a) The advertising display may not be within 660 feet of and visible from any federal-aid interstate or primary rural highway, and any advertising display within 660 feet of and visible from any urban highway shall be consistent with federal law and regulations.

(b) The advertising display shall meet traffic safety standards of the public entity having operational authority over the highway. These standards may include provisions requiring a finding and certification by an appropriate official that the proposed advertising display does not constitute a hazard to traffic.

(c) Bus passenger shelters or benches with advertising displays may only be placed at approved passenger loading areas.

(d) Bus passenger shelters or benches with advertising displays may only be placed in accordance with a permit or agreement with the public entity having operational authority over the highway adjacent to where, or upon which, the advertising display is to be placed.

(e) Any advertising display on bus passenger shelters or benches may not extend beyond the exterior limits of the shelter or bench.

(f) There may not be more than two advertising displays on any bus passenger shelter.

(g) Advertising displays placed on bus passenger shelters or benches pursuant to a permit or agreement with a local public entity shall not be subject to the state permit requirements specified in Article 6 (commencing with Section 5350).

(Amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 452, Sec. 1.)


(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that this section shall not serve as a precedent for other changes to the law regarding outdoor advertising displays on, or adjacent to, highways. The Legislature recognizes that the streets in the City and County of San Francisco that are designated as state or federal highways are unique in that they are also streets with street lights, sidewalks, and many of the other features of busy urban streets. At the same time, these streets double as a way, and often the only way, for people to move through the city and county from one boundary to another. The Legislature recognizes the particular topography of the City and County of San Francisco, the popularity of the area as a tourist destination, the high level of foot traffic, and the unique design of its highways.

(b) For purposes of this section, “street furniture” is any kiosk, trash receptacle, bench, public toilet, news rack, or public telephone placed on, or adjacent to, a street designated as a state or federal highway.

(c) In addition to the advertising displays permitted by Sections 5405, 5408, and 5408.5, advertising displays located on street furniture may be placed on, or adjacent to, any street designated as a state or federal highway within the jurisdiction of a city and county, subject to all of the following conditions:

(1) The advertising display meets the traffic safety standards of the city and county. These standards may include provisions requiring a finding and certification by an appropriate official of the city and county that the proposed advertising display does not constitute a hazard to traffic.

(2) Any advertising display that is within 660 feet of, and visible from, any street designated as a state or federal highway shall be consistent with federal law and regulations.

(3) Advertising displays on street furniture shall be placed in accordance with a permit or agreement with the city and county.

(4) Advertising displays on street furniture shall not extend beyond the exterior limits of the street furniture.

(d) Advertising displays placed on street furniture pursuant to a permit or agreement with the city and county shall not be subject to the state permit requirements of Article 6 (commencing with Section 5350). This subdivision does not affect the authority of the state to enforce compliance with federal law and regulations, as required by paragraph (2) of subdivision (c).

(e) (1) The city and county shall, upon written notice of any suit or claim of liability against the state for any injury arising out of the placement of an advertising display approved by the city and county pursuant to subdivision (c), defend the state against the claim and provide indemnity to the state against any liability on the suit or claim.

(2) For the purposes of this subdivision, “indemnity” has the same meaning as defined in Section 2772 of the Civil Code.

(f) (1) This section shall become inoperative not later than 60 days from the date the director receives notice from the United States Secretary of Transportation that future operation of this section will result in a reduction of the state’s share of federal highway funds pursuant to Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code.

(2) Upon receipt of the notice described in paragraph (1), the director shall notify in writing the Secretary of State and the City and County of San Francisco of that receipt.

(3) This section shall be repealed on January 1 immediately following the date the Secretary of State receives the notice required under paragraph (2).

(Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 320, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2000. Conditionally inoperative as provided in subd. (f). Repealed as of date prescribed in subd. (f).)


Any advertising display located within 660 feet of the edge of the right-of-way of, and the copy of which is visible from, any penalty segment, or any bonus segment described in Section 5406 which display was lawfully maintained in existence on the effective date of this section but which was not on that date in conformity with the provisions of this article, may be maintained, and shall not be required to be removed until July 1, 1970. Any other sign which is lawful when erected, but which does not on January 1, 1968, or any time thereafter, conform to the provisions of this article, may be maintained, and shall not be required to be removed, until the end of the fifth year after it becomes nonconforming; provided that this section shall not apply to advertising displays adjacent to a landscaped freeway.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no advertising display which was lawfully erected anywhere within this state shall be compelled to be removed, nor shall its customary maintenance or use be limited, whether or not the removal or limitation is pursuant to or because of this chapter or any other law, ordinance, or regulation of any governmental entity, without payment of compensation, as defined in the Eminent Domain Law (Title 7 (commencing with Section 1230.010) of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure), except as provided in Sections 5412.1, 5412.2, and 5412.3. The compensation shall be paid to the owner or owners of the advertising display and the owner or owners of the land upon which the display is located.

This section applies to all displays which were lawfully erected in compliance with state laws and local ordinances in effect when the displays were erected if the displays were in existence on November 6, 1978, or lawfully erected after November 6, 1978, regardless of whether the displays have become nonconforming or have been provided an amortization period. This section does not apply to on-premise displays as specified in Section 5272 or to displays which are relocated by mutual agreement between the display owner and the local entity.

“Relocation,” as used in this section, includes removal of a display and construction of a new display to substitute for the display removed.

It is a policy of this state to encourage local entities and display owners to enter into relocation agreements which allow local entities to continue development in a planned manner without expenditure of public funds while allowing the continued maintenance of private investment and a medium of public communication. Cities, counties, cities and counties, and all other local entities are specifically empowered to enter into relocation agreements on whatever terms are agreeable to the display owner and the city, county, city and county, or other local entity, and to adopt ordinances or resolutions providing for relocation of displays.

(Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 554, Sec. 1.)


A city, county, or city and county, whose ordinances or regulations are otherwise in full compliance with Section 5412, is not in violation of that section if the entity elects to require the removal without compensation of any display which meets all the following requirements:

(a) The display is located within an area shown as residential on a local general plan as of either the date an ordinance or regulation is enacted or becomes applicable to the area which incorporates the provisions of this section.

(b) The display is located within an area zoned for residential use either on the date on which the removal requirement is adopted or becomes applicable to the area.

(c) The display is not located within 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway with its copy visible from the highway, nor is placed or maintained beyond 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway with the purpose of its message being read from the main traveled way.

(d) The display is not required to be removed because of an overlay zone, combining zone, or any other special zoning district whose primary purpose is the removal or control of signs.

(e) The display is allowed to remain in existence for the period of time set forth below after the enactment or amendment after January 1, 1983, of any ordinance or regulation necessary to bring the entity requiring removal into compliance with Section 5412, and after giving notice of the removal requirement:

Fair Market Value on Date of Notice

Minimum Years

of Removal Requirement


   Under $1,999 ........................


 $2,000 to $3,999 ........................


 $4,000 to $5,999 ........................


 $6,000 to $7,999 ........................


 $8,000 to $9,999 ........................


$10,000 and over ........................


The amounts provided in this section shall be adjusted each January 1 after January 1, 1983, in accordance with the changes in building costs, as indicated in the United States Department of Commerce Composite Cost Index for Construction Costs.

(Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 494, Sec. 5.)


A city or city and county, whose ordinances or regulations are otherwise in full compliance with Section 5412, is not in violation of that section if the entity elects to require the removal without compensation of any display which meets all the following requirements:

(a) The display is located within an incorporated area shown as agricultural on a local general plan as of either the date an ordinance or regulation is enacted or becomes applicable to the area which incorporates the provisions of this section.

(b) The display is located within an area zoned for agricultural use either on the date on which the removal requirement is adopted or becomes applicable to the area.

(c) The display is not located within 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway with its copy visible from the highway, nor is placed or maintained beyond 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway with the purpose of its message being read from the main traveled way.

(d) The display is not required to be removed because of an overlay zone, combining zone, or any other special zoning district whose primary purpose is the removal or control of signs.

(e) The display is allowed to remain in existence for the period of time set forth below after the enactment or amendment after January 1, 1983, of any ordinance or regulation necessary to bring the entity requiring removal into compliance with Section 5412, and after giving notice of the removal requirement:

Fair Market Value on Date of Notice

Minimum Years

of Removal Requirement


   Under $1,999 ........................


 $2,000 to $3,999 ........................


 $4,000 to $5,999 ........................


 $6,000 to $7,999 ........................


 $8,000 to $9,999 ........................


$10,000 and over ........................


The amounts provided in this section shall be adjusted each January 1 after January 1, 1983, in accordance with the changes in building costs as indicated in the United States Department of Commerce Composite Cost Index for Construction Costs.

(Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 494, Sec. 6.)


A county whose ordinances or regulations are otherwise in full compliance with Section 5412, is not in violation of that section if the county elects to require the removal without compensation of any display which meets all the following requirements:

(a) The display is located within an unincorporated area shown as agricultural on a local general plan as of either the date an ordinance or regulation is enacted or becomes applicable to the area which incorporates the provisions of this section.

(b) The display is located within an area zoned for agricultural use either on the date on which the removal requirement is adopted or becomes applicable to the area.

(c) The display is not located within 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway with its copy visible from the highway, nor is placed or maintained beyond 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway with the purpose of its message being read from the main traveled way.

(d) The display is not required to be removed because of an overlay zone, combining zone, or any other special zoning district whose primary purpose is the removal or control of signs.

(e) The display is allowed to remain in existence for the period of time set forth below after the adoption or amendment after January 1, 1983, of any ordinance or regulation necessary to bring the entity requiring removal into compliance with Section 5412, and after giving notice of the removal requirement:

Fair Market Value on Date of Notice

Minimum Years

of Removal Requirement


   Under $1,999 ........................


 $2,000 to $3,999 ........................


 $4,000 to $5,999 ........................


 $6,000 to $7,999 ........................


 $8,000 to $9,999 ........................


$10,000 and over ........................


The amounts provided in this section shall be adjusted each January 1 after January 1, 1983, in accordance with the changes in building costs, as indicated in the United States Department of Commerce Composite Cost Index for Construction Costs.

(Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 494, Sec. 7.)


Section 5412 shall not be applied in any judicial proceeding which was filed and served by any city, county, or city and county prior to January 1, 1982, except that Section 5412 shall be applied in litigation to prohibit the removal without compensation of any advertising display located within 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway with its copy visible from the highway, or any advertising display placed or maintained beyond 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate or primary highway that is placed with the purpose of its message being read from the main traveled way of the highway.

(Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 494, Sec. 8.)


The requirement by a governmental entity that a lawfully erected display be removed as a condition or prerequisite for the issuance or continued effectiveness of a permit, license, or other approval for any use, structure, development, or activity other than a display constitutes a compelled removal requiring compensation under Section 5412, unless the permit, license, or approval is requested for the construction of a building or structure which cannot be built without physically removing the display.

(Added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 439, Sec. 1.)


Prior to commencing judicial proceedings to compel the removal of an advertising display, the director may elect to negotiate with the person entitled to compensation in order to arrive at an agreement as to the amount of compensation to be paid. If the negotiations are unsuccessful, or if the director elects not to engage in negotiations, a civil proceeding may be instituted as set forth in Section 5414.

To facilitate the negotiations, the Department of Transportation shall prepare a valuation schedule for each of the various types of advertising displays based on all applicable data. The schedule shall be updated at least once every two years. The schedule shall be made available to any public entity requesting a copy.

(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 653, Sec. 17.)


Proceedings to compel the removal of displays and to determine the compensation required by this chapter shall be conducted pursuant to Title 7 (commencing with Section 1230.010) of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

(Amended by Stats. 1980, Ch. 1278, Sec. 5.)


The director shall prescribe and enforce regulations for the erection and maintenance of advertising displays permitted by Sections 5226, 5405, and 5408 consistent with Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code and the national standards promulgated thereunder by the Secretary of Transportation; provided, that the director shall not prescribe regulations imposing stricter requirements for the size, spacing or lighting of advertising displays than are prescribed by Section 5408 and provided that the director shall not prescribe regulations to conform to changes in federal law or regulations made after November 8, 1967, without prior legislative approval.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, no outdoor advertising shall be placed or maintained adjacent to any interstate highway or primary highway in violation of the national standards promulgated pursuant to subsections (c) and (f) of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code, as such standards existed on November 8, 1967.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


The director shall seek, and may enter into, agreements with the Secretary of Transportation of the United States and shall take such steps as may be necessary from time to time to obtain, and may accept, any allotment of funds as provided by subdivision (j) of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code, as amended from time to time, and such steps as may be necessary from time to time to obtain funds allotted pursuant to Section 131 for the purpose of paying the 75 percent federal share of the compensation required by subdivision (g) of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)


From state funds appropriated by the Legislature for such purposes and from federal funds made available for such purposes, the California Transportation Commission may allocate funds to the director for payment of compensation authorized by this chapter.

(Amended by Stats. 1980, Ch. 1278, Sec. 6.)


The California Transportation Commission is authorized to allocate sufficient funds from the State Highway Account in the State Transportation Fund that are available for capital outlay purposes to match federal funds made available for the removal of outdoor advertising displays.

(Amended by Stats. 1977, Ch. 1106.)


When allocating funds pursuant to Section 5418, the commission shall consider, and may designate for expenditure, all or any part of such funds in accordance with the following order of priorities for removal of those outdoor advertising displays for which compensation is provided pursuant to Section 5412:

(a) Hardship situations involving outdoor advertising displays located adjacent to highways which are included within the state scenic highway system, including those nonconforming outdoor advertising displays which are offered for immediate removal by the owners thereof.

(b) Hardship situations involving outdoor advertising displays located adjacent to other highways, including those nonconforming outdoor advertising displays which are offered for removal by the owners thereof.

(c) Nonconforming outdoor advertising displays located adjacent to highways which are included within the state scenic highway system.

(d) Nonconforming outdoor advertising displays which are generally used for product advertising, and which are located in unincorporated areas.

(e) Nonconforming outdoor advertising displays which are generally used for product advertising located within incorporated areas.

(f) Nonconforming outdoor advertising displays which are generally used for non-motorist-oriented directional advertising.

(g) Nonconforming outdoor advertising displays which are generally used for motorist-related directional advertising.

(Added by Stats. 1971, Ch. 1782.)


(a) The director shall seek agreement with the Secretary of Transportation of the United States, or his successor, under provisions of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code, to provide for effective control of outdoor advertising substantially as set forth herein, provided that such agreement can vary and change the definition of “unzoned commercial or industrial area” as set forth in Section 5222 and the definition of “business area” as set forth in Section 5223, or other sections related thereto, and provided further that if such agreement does vary from such sections it shall not be effective until the Legislature by statute amends the sections to conform with the terms of the agreement. If agreement is reached on these terms, the director shall execute the agreement on behalf of the state.

(b) In the event an agreement cannot be achieved under subdivision (a), the director shall promptly institute proceedings of the kind provided for in subdivision (l) of Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code, in order to obtain a judicial determination as to whether this chapter and the regulations promulgated thereunder provide effective control of outdoor advertising as set forth therein. In such action the director shall request that the court declare rights, status, and other legal relations and declare whether the standards, criteria, and definitions contained in the agreement proposed by the director are consistent with customary use. If such agreement is held by the court in a final judgment to be invalid in whole or in part as inconsistent with customary use or as otherwise in conflict with Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code, the director shall promptly negotiate with the Secretary of Transportation, or his successor, a new agreement or agreements which shall conform to this chapter, as interpreted by the court in such action.

(Added by Stats. 1970, Ch. 991.)

BPCBusiness and Professions Code - BPC7.