Public Resources Code - PRC
DIVISION 6. PUBLIC LANDS [6001 - 8558]
( Division 6 added by Stats. 1941, Ch. 548. ) PART 3. SALE OF PUBLIC LANDS [7301 - 8106]
( Part 3 added by Stats. 1943, Ch. 609. ) CHAPTER 3. Sale of Inland Lake and Unsegregated Swamp and Overflowed Lands [7601 - 7609]
( Chapter 3 added by Stats. 1943, Ch. 609. ) 7602.
Upon the filing of such application, if the land has not been sectionized, the commission shall authorize the county surveyor of the county where the whole or the greater portion of the land lies, to survey the land. He shall make an actual survey thereof, at the expense of the applicant, etablishing four corners to each quarter-section, and connecting the survey with a United States survey. Within 30 days he shall file with the commission a copy, under oath, of his field-notes and plat, and a statement under oath, showing whether or not the land is occupied by any actual settler. If the surveyor thus authorized fails to make his return to the commission within the time specified, the commission may designate another person to make the survey.
(Added by Stats. 1943, Ch. 609.)