Public Resources Code - PRC
( Division 20 added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1330. ) CHAPTER 3. Coastal Resources Planning and Management Policies [30200 - 30270]
( Chapter 3 added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1330. ) ARTICLE 4. Marine Environment [30230 - 30236]
( Article 4 added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1330. ) 30230.
Marine resources shall be maintained, enhanced, and, where feasible, restored. Special protection shall be given to areas and species of special biological or economic significance. Uses of the marine environment shall be carried out in a manner that will sustain the biological productivity of coastal waters and that will maintain healthy populations of all species of marine organisms adequate for long-term commercial, recreational, scientific, and educational purposes.
(Added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1330.)