Code Section

Health and Safety Code - HSC

DIVISION 5. SANITATION [4600 - 6127]

  ( Division 5 enacted by Stats. 1939, Ch. 60. )


  ( Heading of Part 3 amended by Stats. 1970, Ch. 420. )

CHAPTER 6. General Provisions with Respect to Sewers [5400 - 5474.10]

  ( Chapter 6 enacted by Stats. 1939, Ch. 60. )

ARTICLE 2. Sewage and Other Waste [5410 - 5416]
  ( Heading of Article 2 amended by Stats. 1967, Ch. 1447. )


(a)  There shall be not less than one water closet for each 20 employees or fractional part thereof working at a construction job site.

(b)  The water closet shall consist of a patented chemical type privy, or a pit privy; provided, however, that a pit privy shall consist of a pit at least four feet deep with a well-constructed shelter, the openings of which shall be flyproofed, and with respect to which adequate sanitary and safe flooring shall be provided. With the approval of the local health officer other types of toilet facilities or modifications of those specified may be allowed.

(c)  For the purpose of this section the term construction site shall mean the location on which actual construction of a building is in progress.

(d)  A violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor.

(Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 433.)