(a)(1)The commission shall require each utility to fund the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program by allocating their energy efficiency budgets for program years 2021, 2022, and 2023, in both of the following amounts:
(A)An amount equal to the applicable percentage of the difference between the budget contained in each utility’s 2020 annual budget advice letter approved as of July 1, 2020, and the annual portfolio funding limitation for program year 2020 as set forth in the 2018–2025 business plan of each utility as approved and modified in ordering paragraph 45 of the commission’s Decision 18-05-041 (May 31,
2019), Decision Addressing Energy Efficiency Business Plans, as modified by Decision 20-02-029 (February 6, 2020), Order Modifying Decision (D.) 18-05-041 and Denying Rehearing of Decision, as Modified. The applicable percentage is 80 percent for program year 2021, 70 percent for program year 2022, and 60 percent for program year 2023.
(B)Any carryover amount from unspent and uncommitted energy efficiency funds for program year 2020, 2021, or 2022 to the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program for the following year’s budget.
(2)Funding allocations required by this subdivision shall only apply to program years 2021, 2022, and 2023.
(3)Any funds allocated towards the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program pursuant to this section that remain unspent by the end of each program year may be carried over and contribute to the next year’s budget for the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program until the end of the 2023 energy efficiency program year.
(b)(1)This section does not authorize the levy of a charge or any increase in the amount collected pursuant to an existing charge beyond the amounts authorized by the commission in Decision 18-05-041, or as modified by Decision 20-02-029, nor does it add to, or detract from, any existing authority of the commission to levy or increase charges.
(2)This subdivision does not change the commission’s authority to determine revenue allocation and rate design, including its ability to
prioritize customers participating in the California Alternative Rates for Energy or Family Electric Rate Assistance programs when considering appropriate revenue allocation for energy efficiency programs.
(c)The Energy Commission shall ensure that moneys from each utility for the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program are used for projects located in the service territory of that utility from which the moneys are received.
(d)The Energy Commission may use no more than 5 percent, not to exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000) per year, of the SRVEVR Program and the SNPFA Program funds for administrating the programs, including providing technical support to program participants. The commission shall ensure that funds allocated to the Energy Commission pursuant to this section are transferred to an account specified by the Energy Commission within 60 days after the completion
of the prior energy efficiency program year.
(e)(1)The School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Fund was administratively established for the Energy Commission to receive funds allocated pursuant to this chapter.
(2)Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, the moneys in the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Fund are hereby continuously appropriated to the Energy Commission without regard to fiscal years for the purposes of the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program established pursuant to this chapter, including, but not limited to, paying the costs of program administration.
(f)All funds allocated in subdivision (a) shall be spent or returned to each utility by December 1,
(g)The Energy Commission may set application and encumbrance deadlines to ensure that the reversion of funds as required by subdivision (f) occurs by December 1,
(h)The Energy Commission shall take steps, consistent with Section 25230 of the Public Resources Code, to ensure that a diverse group of contractors are aware of funding opportunities available through the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program.