The Dental Practice Act provides for the licensure and regulation of persons engaged in the practice of dentistry by the Dental Board of California, which is within the Department of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a licensee to register his or her place of practice with the board, as specified, and authorizes the board to inspect the books, records, and premises of any dentist licensed under the act in response to a complaint that a licensee has violated any law or regulation that constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the board. Existing law, the Administrative Procedure Act, governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. That act authorizes state agencies to adopt emergency regulations if certain procedures are followed, including making
a finding of emergency and the need for immediate action.
This bill would require the board to amend regulations on the minimum standards for infection control to require water or other methods used for irrigation to be sterile or contain recognized disinfecting or antibacterial properties when performing dental procedures that expose dental pulp. The bill, until December 31, 2018, would deem the adoption and readoption of the regulation an emergency and would exempt the board from describing facts showing the need for immediate action and from review by the Office of Administrative Law. The bill would require the board to adopt final regulations on or before December 31, 2018.
The bill would also state the intent of the Legislature.