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AB-3 California regional water quality control boards.(2009-2010)

Current Version: 10/28/09 - Introduced

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Assembly Bill
No. 3

Introduced  by  Assembly Member Jeffries

October 28, 2009

An act to amend Section 13201 of the Water Code, relating to water quality.


AB 3, as introduced, Jeffries. California regional water quality control boards.
The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act provides for the regional administration of water quality laws and, for that purpose, divides the state into 9 regions with prescribed boundaries. The act establishes a California regional water quality control board within each region whose activities are overseen by the State Water Resources Control Board.
This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in the provision establishing those regional boards.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 13201 of the Water Code is amended to read:

 (a) There is a regional board for each of the regions described in Section 13200. Each board shall consist of the following nine members appointed by the Governor, each of whom shall represent and act on behalf of all the people and shall reside or have a principal place of business within the region:
(1) One person associated with water supply, conservation, and production.
(2) One person associated with irrigated agriculture.
(3) One person associated with industrial water use.
(4) One person associated with municipal government. Upon the next vacancy occurring in this office on or after January 1, 2004, this person shall be a city council member or mayor.
(5) One person associated with county government. Upon the next vacancy occurring in this office on or after January 1, 2004, this person shall be a county supervisor.
(6) One person from a responsible nongovernmental organization associated with recreation, fish, or wildlife.
(7) Three persons not specifically associated with any of the foregoing categories, two of whom shall have special competence in areas related to water quality problems.
(b) All persons appointed to a regional board shall be subject to Senate confirmation, but shall not be required to appear before any committee of the Senate for purposes of such that confirmation unless specifically requested to appear by the Senate Committee on Rules.
(c) Insofar as practicable, appointments shall be made in such a manner as to result in representation on the board from all parts of the region.
(d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), if appointments cannot be made pursuant to paragraph (5) of subdivision (a) because of the requirements of Section 13388, those appointments may be made of persons not specifically associated with any category.